Have we got a treat for you today, Pandas! With the holiday season in full swing, I’ll bet that many of you are in the mood to taste some delicious baked goods, just like I am. To get your stomachs a-rumbling and you in the mood to test out some new recipes at home, we’ve collected some of the best pics of baked goods from the warm and wholesome r/Baking subreddit.
An online community of just over 642k members, r/Baking is home to “recipes, ideas, and all things baking-related.” From cakes, cookies, pies, and tarts to muffins, scones, and all types of bread, everyone’s baking creations are welcome. As you’re scrolling down, upvote your fave pics and let us know which of these delicious concoctions you’d most like to taste.
Got your forks and spoons ready, Pandas? Let’s dive head-first into the cinnamon-scented world of baking!
Pie artist, author, and baking grandmaster Jessica Leigh Clark-Bojin was happy to talk to Bored Panda about just how engaging, joyous, and downright magical baking truly is. Not only does baking help reduce your stress levels, but it also helps you connect to others, and serves as an outlet for your creative expression. She also opened up to me about her latest projects and her book that’s hot from the oven, ‘Pies Are Awesome: the Definitive Pie Art Book.’ Scroll down for Bored Panda’s exclusive interview with Jessica.
#1 Made A Spooky Croissant
Image credits: input36
The r/Baking subreddit is an old one. It’s been around since mid-April of 2009. Since then, it’s cemented itself as one of the main places on Reddit that celebrates the wonderful world of baked goods, whatever shape, form, or taste they might take.
Baking expert Jessica was very honest with Bored Panda about her passion for baking. “For me, baking is the ultimate creative expression—it combines my love of art, science, exploration, and of learning new things.”
She added that we also can’t forget that the beauty of baking is also about the taste and her “love of eating yummy things!”
Part of the magic of baking is that everyone can have a very different approach to it. Your reasons why you love being in the kitchen so much might be entirely different from someone else’s. Or they might overlap and you might find an unexpected connection.
#2 Fish Bread. Credits To @konel_bread On Twitter
Image credits: RiverOttter
#3 Finally Perfected My Macarons, Then Took It To The Next Level! Strawberry Shaped Macarons With Chocolate Ganache And Jam Filling
Image credits: 10Blank_Canvas_Cakes
“Everyone has their own unique reasons for their love of baking,” pie artist Jessica said. “For a lot of my friends, it’s the meditative aspect that they find most appealing. Measuring out ingredients, mindful stirring, the aromatherapy… It’s a very ‘in the moment’ type of activity that requires a focus that can drive out the intrusive thoughts about our day-to-day troubles.”
Meanwhile, other people can focus entirely on the results, not the process itself. Though that doesn’t make their baking any less ‘serious.’ Quite the opposite! These people tend to love sharing their food with the people closest to them.
“For other friends, the joy of baking lies in the outcome—the sharing of sweet treats with loved ones and putting smiles on people’s faces.”
#4 Pie-Thon. I Thought I Would Share My Latest Pie. Its My First Time On Reddit. Hope I’m Doing It Right!
Image credits: devoney44
#5 I Baked A “Princess Jasmine” Apple Pie
Image credits: ThePieous
#6 My Mom Was So Sad When My Grandmother Passed Away Cause She Would Miss Her Cheesecake, So For The Last 7 Years I Have Been Making Her One Every Year For Xmas From My Grandmother’s Recipe. I’ve Never Been Able To Get One Not To Crack…until This Year!! Finally A Perfect Cheesecake!!
Image credits: skydivesre
According to Jessica, baking can have a very strong nostalgic component attached to it that lets us appeal to others’ memories. “Using old family recipes or creating dishes with special cultural significance can help us find that sometimes elusive connection to our own past, and our future,” she said.
“Whatever our reasons for wanting to bake, it’s no surprise that more people than ever before took up the pastime during the pandemic. Study after study has indicated that baking can release stress, and help make people feel closer together and more connected, even when they are physically apart,” the pie artist urged everyone to give baking a try!
#7 Daughter Wanted Kitty Cakes For Her 4th Birthday. Dad To The Rescue! I Am Not A Professional
Image credits: airwolf16
#8 My Boyfriend Forgot My 30th Birthday. I Spent The Day Alone So I Made My Own Cake. It’s Been A Rough Day…
Image credits: nat1101
#9 I Was Asked To Make A Cake Inspired By A Painting Done By The Birthday Girl’s Father. I Tried My Best!
Image credits: lilbopeachy
Jessica also revealed to Bored Panda some insights about her newest projects, both in the kitchen and at the printing press. “
“This month is all about ‘Piescrapers’ in my kitchen! Piescrapers are 3D pies that ‘go up,’ as an homage to the epic pies of the royal Medieval and Renaissance pastry chefs. I’m working on reverse-engineering some of these old old old skool pie baking techniques, as well as adding a few innovations of my own—many of which you can find on my Instagram account @thePieous, and in my new book ‘Pies Are Awesome: the Definitive Pie Art Book’ (with foreword by Duff Goldman),” she shared.
“In ‘Pies Are Awesome,’ I share all my secrets for baking epic pies, for beginners and experts alike, and provide lots of templates, step-by-step photos, and tips and tricks. I also include spotlights on other Pie Artists out there who are just killing it in the baking world, and where you can check out their work for more inspiration. The world of Pie Art has grown by leaps and bounds over the past five years, and even if you aren’t yet ready to dip your toe into the world of Pie Art baking, my book makes a great gift idea for anyone with a coffee table and a love of drool-worthy pie photos!”
#10 Avocuddle Donuts! These Are Fried Vanilla Bean Donuts With Matcha Glazing And Sugar Coated Donut Holes
Image credits: vickiee_yo
#11 I Was Thinking A Lot About My Late Cockatiel Maui Today, He Passed Away Suddenly Last Year And His Hatch-Day Was In February. Decided To Make Some Maui Macarons To Honour Him. I Miss His Dorky Little Face So Much
Image credits: lilbopeachy
#12 I Made Spring Botanical Cookies! These Are Vanilla Bean Shortbread Cookies Decorated With Royal Icing!
Image credits: yk28chan
A while back I spoke to professional but self-taught baker Jessica about her approach to baking. She revealed to Bored Panda that it can take her anywhere from 2 hours to a whopping 4 days to make one of her artistic pies.
According to Jessica, we shouldn’t start tinkering with baking recipes until we feel comfortable in the kitchen. On the flip side, experimenting with recipes can be a lot of food if you learn to embrace any mistakes that you make.
“There are certain chemical reactions that need to happen for pastry to become pastry, for cake to become cake, and if you alter certain variables (heat, time, acidity, etc.) you may get a result you aren’t thrilled with… That said, you may be pleasantly surprised!” Jessica told Bored Panda earlier.
#13 I’m Feeling Really Proud Of My First Geode Cake And Just Wanted To Share It With Someone Who “Gets It”. Everything Is Completely Vegan And Completely Made From Scratch, Including The Rock Candy
Image credits: _sparrow
#14 Fox Cake I Made For My Son’s 1st Birthday Party.
Image credits: TheKingOfThePark
#15 My 8 Year Old Daughter Wanted A Hedgehog Cake For Her Birthday. I Tried My Best
Image credits: lampworkbench
“And what better way to learn, ‘Oh! That’s what an egg does in this recipe’ or, ‘Oh! That’s why they say to chill the dough overnight first’ than by jumping in and trying it? If you’ve got the time, and are cool with learning from failure (something I do all the time), tinker away!” she said.
If you find yourself pressed for time, ingredients, or patience, you should definitely stick to tried-and-tested recipes. Deviating from them could be disastrous if you know you can’t redo things in the time that you have.
“Or take a few hours to research the chemistry involved in your recipe and what the correct ratios for substitutions are. There are lots of great books on baking chemistry out there—if you’re a tinkerer like me I highly recommend you check ‘em out!” the baker said.
#16 I Made A Beatrix Potter-Inspired Easter Pie – The Filling Is Apple And Mixed Field Berry 🙂
Image credits: ThePieous
#17 Te Feiti Cake
Image credits: gene_yus
#18 I Made Some Fall Fashion Cookies
Image credits: inspiredtotaste
Meanwhile, cake designer Darci from ‘Kake by Darci’ in Canada told Bored Panda that you can start breaking the established rules of baking once you understand why you’re breaking them and when you know by heart what each item does in a recipe.
“Baking is a science. Every ingredient has a purpose. Leaveners provide lift. Gluten/flours provide structure. Eggs [act as] binders. Liquid / oils [provide] moisture. Sugars [give] tenderness and sweetness,” Darci said.
#19 Had A Chicken Cookie Cutter Laying Around For Ages, Decided To Give It A Try Today
Image credits: Plebster159
#20 I Made A Picnic-Themed Birthday Cake For My Mother-In-Law. The Toppings Are All Individual Little Sugar Cookies
Image credits: inspiredtotaste
#21 My Wife Is Proud Of Her Gingerbread House And Wanted Me To Share It For Her!
Image credits: Phat_Strat
According to the cake designer, some of the main mistakes that beginners often make have to do with adding the ingredients in the wrong order. In her view, when it comes to baking, you have to be precise, patient, and careful.
“All of these small factors can make or break the cake!” Darci warned that you have to weigh your ingredients and ensure that you’re neither over-mixing nor under-mixing them.
“I prefer simple designs and simple details. I feel like you can have a beautiful cake and go overboard with too much—flowers, candy, colors, textures. It can be a fine line between too much and not enough,” the Canadian baker noted that sometimes, less is more.
#22 The Best Part Of 2020 Was My Mom Starting Her Own Macaron Business While In Quarantine. Another Batch Of Orders Ready For Pick Up
Image credits: peachynini
#23 I Work At A Bakery And Like To Jazz Up The Pies A Bit. What Do You Think?
Image credits: laurynelizabeth
#24 My Cupcakes Are Being Sold In A Certain Theme Park, And I’m Just Really Proud About It.
Image credits: ashleyschex
#25 The Other Day I Posted My Fish Cake. Here It Is Cut Open For Those Who Were Interested!
Image credits: anna-car
#26 Last Year I Made My Dad A Cookie Crust Birthday Pie, Illustrating His Childhood In Honduras. I Decided It Should Be A Tradition, So Pie-Ified Another Of His Stories This Year. This Has A Lemon And Blueberry Filling In A Cinnamon-Almond Cookie Crust.
Image credits: inspiredtotaste
#27 Stepping Up My Macaron Game With These Pineapple Shaped And Flavoured
Image credits: Casplen
#28 As Requested, Here’s My Student’s Spherical Jupiter Cake. Happy Monday Everyone!
Image credits: goldraven
#29 I Quit My Corporate Job To Open My Own Bakery! I Brought These Cookies In On My Last Day.
Image credits: animallover2472004
#30 4 Cakes In A Day. Im Tired Lol
Image credits: ayy-shane
#31 Made Snowskin Mooncakes To Cheer Family Up During This Pandemic ? ?
Image credits: hanimomo
#32 My Sister Graduated Nursing School Yesterday And Requested A “Fuck Ton Of Sprinkles”
Image credits: ayy-shane
#33 My Daughter Asked Me To Make Her A Cake Shaped Like An Axolotl For Her 9th Birthday
Image credits: corkbeverly
#34 I Made A Mirror Glaze Cake For My BF’s Birthday. I Didn’t Expect It To Turn Out So Well The First Time!
Image credits: lovethatjourney4me
#35 Today Is My Mom’s Birthday. She Passed Away At The Age Of 49 This January And I Miss Her Very Much. She Had Always Wanted A Unicorn Cake And I Made Her A Promise That I’d Bake Her One For Her Birthday This Year But Sadly She Isn’t Here With Us Any More But A Promise Is A Promise.
Image credits: loser-jem
#36 My Wife Made This Beautiful Gingerbread House For Christmas
Image credits: panache123
#37 I’m So Happy With How The Layers In My Matcha Cake Turned Out I Just Had To Share It With You Guys!
Image credits: KillerMagicBeans
#38 Melting Candle Cakes – Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Flavor
Image credits: cloudberry14
#39 I’m Currently Studying Abroad In France. Here’s My Favorite Work So Far!
Image credits: mydeadass
#40 I Hand-Painted Some Delft Blue Sugar Cookies!
Image credits: Veeeeezy
#41 Only Bakers Will Know The Satisfaction This Brings
Image credits: helloiamnat
#42 Blueberry Pie With Cinnamon Cookie Crust.
Image credits: inspiredtotaste
#43 I Never Want To See Another M&m Again In My Life.. Okay, Well, For At Least A Month
Image credits: BolognaMahoney
#44 Customer Requested A Surprise As Long As It Incorporated A Bonfire, I Hope They Like It!
Image credits: lilbopeachy
#45 Ignore My Dirty Mixing Bowl In The Background, But Look At My “Wooden” Cake!
Image credits: Avbitten
#46 What Do You Think Of My Dinosaur Fossil Reveal Cake?
Image credits: ChoppAcxc
#47 My Wife, An American, Has Been Banging On About Italian Rainbow Cookies Which She Used To Get In New York. We Live In Ireland And No Bakery’s Here Make Them. I Surprised Her Today.
Image credits: thearchitect10
#48 Vibrant Cranberry Tart For Tomorrow
Image credits: southside_jim
#49 When You’re Asked To Bring A Veggie Tray But Also Want To Party
Image credits: BombDaBananas
#50 Hey All You Cool Cats And Kittens! ?
Image credits: kellyfacee
#51 My Girlfriend Is Talented!!
Image credits: triflindrew
#52 My Wife And I Tried Our Hands At A Pumpkin Roll. We Are Novices But Super Happy With How It Turned Out!
Image credits: UnicornLasagna
#53 The The Finished Product! 2 1/2 Hours And A Cramped Hand Later! I Think My Idea Of A Christmas Sweater Came Through!
Image credits: kwarburton14
#54 I Made Winnie The Pooh Pull-Apart Bread! They’re Also Sweetened With Honey! ??
Image credits: _affogato_
#55 A “Lando Pie-Rissian” Cherry Pie I Baked Today… With Extra Sprinkles!
Image credits: ThePieous
#56 My Wife Made This Wedding Cake But She Doesn’t Post On Reddit
Image credits: PM_Me_TittiesOrBeer
#57 I Just Joined This Sub And Have Been Scrolling Through Everyone’s Beautiful Treats, I Wanted To Share This Lemon Cake I Made A Few Months Ago- Im An Artist So I Used A Palette Knife To Paint The Lemons With Buttercream And Food Colouring Gel:)
Image credits: feral_houseplant
#58 All My Wedding Cake Orders For The Year Have Been Canceled. So I Made This Bob Ross Cake With My Newfound Spare Time For Fun! Painted With Edible Paints.
Image credits: ShelbyElizabethCakes
#59 I Know A Cookie Monster That Needed A Birthday Cake! ? Swipe To See The Cookie Cake Inside
Image credits: GoddessTaylor33
#60 I Made Homemade Butterfingers (Using The Lamination Method)
Image credits: withtrialanderror
#61 Made A Pumpkin Pie And Put A Giraffe On It
Image credits: marysebakes
#62 My Aunt Doesn’t Think She Is An Artist. Here Is Her Fondant Yoda. Please Encourage Her.
Image credits: Fancythistle
#63 Sugar Cookie Charcuterie Board
Image credits: cturn3r
#64 Very Proud Of My Blackberry Lemon Tart 🙂
Image credits: madibeats
#65 I Was Ecstatic When I Got This Request!
Image credits: lemongeezy
#66 I Baked A Mulan Cherry Blossom Pie
Image credits: ThePieous
#67 Wedding Gown Cookie. It’s My Personal Favorite So Far :).
Image credits: inspiredtotaste
#68 My Dad Is Fixing To Open A Bakery. This Is One Of My Favorites He’s Made So Far. This Is All Buttercream Icing.
Image credits: jekporkins909
#69 First Commissioned Cake I Ever Made 🙂
Image credits: lilyblains
#70 [homemade] What One Year Can Do!
Image credits: sprinklebae
#71 One Of My Earth Science High School Students Is Passionate About Baking, Adamant That She’ll Become A Professional Baker. Instead Of Doing A Presentation To Summarize Her Research Projects, I Allow Her To Bake What She Researched. I Think What She Produces Is Amazing. Here’s Her Obsidian Cake.
Image credits: goldraven
#72 When Life Give You Lemons, Turn Those B*tches Into Lemon Bars.
Image credits: APrettyStranger
#73 Buttercream Moana Cake I Made For My Sons 2nd Birthday.
Image credits: DriftingInTheDarknes
#74 My Mum Made This Bee Cake For A Baby’s Birthday…yes The Cake Is Also Honey Flavoured!
Image credits: taigacatalytic
#75 Sometimes I Like To Cookiefy My Outfits (The Sweater Almost Did Me In, Though)
Image credits: inspiredtotaste
#76 Millionaire Shortbread.
Image credits: TheLastWeyoun
#77 Don’t Decorate Me Or My Son Ever Again.
Image credits: DolphinGirlLJ
#78 My Mom, Who Is Famous For Being A Horrible Baker, Wanted To Surprise Me With A Birthday Cake So She Locked Herself In The Kitchen All Day And Made Me One. Turned Out Absolutely Beautiful In My Opinion And I‘M Proud And Grateful For Her.
Image credits: balkanka03
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