This Artist Recreates Famous Movie Posters With Cats And Dogs (19 Pics)

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We are here to answer the big question that has been on everyone’s minds: What if big movie actors were replaced by cats and dogs? Imagine going to see Pirates of the Caribbean and Jack Sparrow would be played by a cat, instead of Johnny Depp.

That’s exactly the thing this Brazilian artist Luís Rogério Faria Rosa wanted to see, so he created a series where he recreates 19 famous movie posters. He replaces the actors with cats and dogs and let’s just say the result is quite humorous and adorable.

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#1 The Silence Of The Cats

Image credits: luisrogeriop

The artist told Bored Panda: “We know that cats and dogs already dominate the world in time. With a lot of love and affection, they arrive quietly as part of the families.”

#2 Kittynic

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#3 Planet Of The Cats

Image credits: luisrogeriop

“Thinking about it, how about we imagine them taking over the film industry and starring in successful films in the places of humans? Traveling on this theme, I separated some film covers and replaced humans with dogs and cats and updated their names as well.”

#4 Doger

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#5 Meautrix

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#6 The Flash

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#7 Black Cat

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#8 The Tzunator

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#9 Pirates Of The Roofin

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#10 Bad Dogs For Live

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#11 The Boring

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#12 The Karate Cat

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#13 The Nasty And The Furious

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#14 Dong

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#15 Cat Of Steel

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#16 Robocat

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#17 The Return Of The Dead Cats

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#18 Meauleficent

Image credits: luisrogeriop

#19 Dog’s Play 2

Image credits: luisrogeriop

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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