How To Be the Best Version of You

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While most would like to be the best versions of themselves automatically, it doesn’t always just happen that way. Often, to be the best version of yourself it requires some effort and dedication. If you’re looking for ways to improve yourself and your life, here are a few important steps you can take.

Take Steps To Improve Your Physical Health

One of the first things you should do when trying to be the best you you can be is to start looking after your physical health. This is one of the most basic things that many overlook. Your physical health can have a direct impact on how you feel, and ultimately many of the decisions that you make.

When it comes to maintaining good physical health, there are two main components to think about, what you eat, and how active you are. Eating a balanced and nutrient dense diet is an effective way to not only make sure that you feel energized throughout the day, but also to help reduce many health issues as well. To make sure that you’re eating well, you should not only include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, but lean protein and good fats as well. Additionally, if you think you will struggle to get all the nutrients you need out of your diet alone, it can be beneficial to try health boosting supplements or drinks that include things like isolate protein which can help give you the boost you need.

Along with eating a healthy diet, you also need to make sure that you’re getting enough physical activity into your day. Working out not only helps reduce fat and build lean muscle, but it also can balance your sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen, as well as boost happiness hormones like serotonin. With all of the things that exercise can do for your body and mood, it’s no wonder that it can also improve your confidence levels, too. Also, while it’s important to exercise daily, you don’t always have to spend a lot of time doing it to get good results. For many, working out as little as 15 to 20 minutes a day can bring many positive changes.

Learn To Tap Into Your Inner Self

When you’re trying to be your best version of yourself, it isn’t just your physical body that matters, it’s what’s going on with you mentally and emotionally that counts, too. Because of this, there can be a lot to gain from finding ways to look inside and get to know your inner self better. Some great ways to accomplish this are meditating, and journaling.

Meditation, also known as mindfulness, can not only be great for calming your nervous system and reducing stress levels, but it can have other benefits, too. Along with reducing stress it can also improve sleep quality and your ability to focus. Over time, it may even change the structure of your brain and improve your resilience to stress over the long term. Additionally, meditation can have emotional and spiritual benefits, too. By regularly taking time to still your mind and look inward, you can get in better touch with who you are and what you want out of life. While any amount of meditation on a regular basis will be helpful, to get the best results you should aim to meditate for about 15 to 20 minutes a day.

Journaling can be another effective way to generate and track personal growth. It can be a good way to release emotions, but also to gain a better understanding of yourself and how your thoughts and feelings effect your life. The more you journal, the more you may begin to see patterns in your life, and you can then make plans for how to change old patterns that could be harming you, while creating newer, more positive ones.

Some Final Thoughts

While some may wish that they could just be the best versions of themselves without any effort, the reality is that sometimes it’s necessary to take extra steps to make it happen. Even though it may seem like a daunting task, the reality is that with a little effort it can be possible.

The post How To Be the Best Version of You appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

from Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement

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