My 39 Comics Show What Struggles Almost Everyone Ran Into While In Quarantine (New Pics)

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Ok, this whole pandemic thing is hard, especially as we watch it run amok through the US. So I turn to my comics as a coping mechanism. I moonlight as a cartoonist and use my comics to explore what’s happening around me and my family to find some truth and hopefully connect with others through humor. I post a new comic almost every day on my website and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Check them out and let me know what resonates with your life and experiences! And follow along on social to see new cartoons! Here is Part 1 of my comics on Bored Panda.

More info: | Facebook | Instagram |

#1 Ahhh, Finally…

#2 TGIF!

#3 The Leading Cause Of Death

#4 It’s Not Fair

#5 Weather Report

#6 Schedule Priorities

#7 Didn’t See It Coming

#8 You First

#9 Need A Haircut?

#10 Selfish Independence

#11 Oh. I Forgot

#12 History Books

#13 Yep, We’re Screwed

#14 Plan B

#15 Training The Youth

#16 The Good Ol’ Days Of March

#17 It’s Important To Get The Fastpass For The ICU Or You’ll Be Waiting In A Long Line

#18 It’s Hard On The Huggers

#19 What’s The Date?

#20 Epic Beard

#21 Schooling Kids At Home

#22 The Great American Novel

#23 The Pandemic Has Cured Us

#24 Kids Don’t Know How Good They Got It

#25 Dress For Success

#26 Books Are Socially Acceptable Hoarding

#27 Socially Distant Haircut

#28 Airlines Are Eternal Optimists

#29 Lie To Myself

#30 For All Those Who Say, “2020 Can’t Get Any Worse!”

#31 Calendars Are Useless

#32 Solving Mask Problems

#33 Mask Enhancements

#34 Smiling On The Outside

#35 Jeez, Read The Room, Cookie…

#36 No More Excuses

#37 Learning From Statues

#38 Keep It Fresh

#39 Airline Miles

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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