Never underestimate the wit of a good (law) professor. Especially when trying to outplay them on something they know the rules of all too well.
Back in 2016, the Whittier Law School professor named Patricia Leary was surprised by an unexpected letter of complaint from her students who berated her for wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt. She was scolded for making the students “subjected to indoctrination” and “extremely inflammatory” behavior when according to the letter, “to someone who is charged to teach criminal law, it should be abundantly clear that all lives matter.”
But the professor was more than glad to respond, point by point, ripping every single argument apart. In a series of her skillful refutes to the student’s premises, Prof. Leary demonstrated just how easy it is to debunk those weak arguments.
This viral letter of complaint from concerned students on their law professor resurfaced from back in 2016

Prof. Leary issued an epic response ripping their arguments apart point after point
The professor’s viral response to the students’ letter appeared on Imgur back on April 26, 2016. The Insider Higher Ed has identified the law professor as Patricia Leary, a veteran teacher with 20+ years of experience at Whittier Law School.
According to her biography, Prof. Leary is “a Distinguished Teaching Professor. She sees her life’s work as student-centered, both inside and outside of the classroom.”
It also states that she is “deeply committed to teaching students to think clearly and critically about law, to helping students to refine the art of legal reasoning and analysis,” and in what we’ve seen so far, she has clearly given us a masterclass of thinking in this.
And this is what people had to say
from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda