This Massive Wave Crashing In A Seoul “Aquarium” Is The World’s Largest Anamorphic Illusion

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Ads and our dislike of them are somewhat of a universal phenomenon. Just take a look at all of the ad blockers available on the market and you’ll understand how much people agree on the topic.

The exception here is marketing people, who appreciate ads for what they are—a certain kind of art. Or, if an ad is the right kind of appealing, then people will at the very least not hate it and at best, they’ll love it and it’ll go viral.

And then there are times when you look up at an electronic billboard and don’t really see an ad. On the contrary, you see actual visual art in the form of a giant, hectic ocean wave bashing against the display screen, attempting to break free from its electronic confinements.

What would you do if you saw a huge ocean wave coming at you from where you used to see ads all the time?

Image credits: D’strict

Seoul is home to the largest advertising screen in South Korea, which now serves as an aquarium for a gargantuan, computer-simulated ocean wave in constant hectic motion. The spectacular waves are a part of the Public Media Series created by D’strict. Titled #1_WAVE with Anamorphic illusion, the visual seems to be the first in its series, hinting at other potential entries in the future.

D’strict is the digital media tech company behind this display of the elements. It specializes in designing, making, and delivering awe-inspiring content, striving to offer new visual space-based experiences to the world. Believe it or not, these waves aren’t making a debut here as a nearly identical visual was done by the same guys under the Nexen UniverCity Project, a piece of design to improve the location’s guest experience.

Korean digital media tech company D’strict created a 3D ocean waves which were shown in Seoul’s COEX Square

Image credits: D’strict

The company made use of a public electronic billboard in Seoul’s COEX Square. COEX is a convention and exhibition center that doubles as a gigantic mall in Seoul’s Gangnam District. The location is also sometimes referred to as K-pop Square as the screen often features K-Pop content.

The way the gargantuan water wave works is that it makes use of anamorphic illusion methods to convey the visuals you see here. It’s an effect that works from a specific vantage point (or points). Otherwise, it looks distorted and the sense of reality and depth is gone.

The visuals made it look like a hectic ocean storm, trying to break free from its digital jail inside the ad screen

Image credits: D’strict

The screen is located in Seoul’s COEX Square, which is a convention and exhibition center that doubles as a mall

Image credits: D’strict

What helps is the gigantic set of high-definition smart LED displays forming a unified and coordinated image. The screen extends 80.1 meters in length and 20.1 meters in height, amounting to a staggering 1,620 square meters of prime screen real estate. The signage was developed by Samsung and is comprised of around 31,000 LED display modules, supporting resolutions up to 7,840×1,952 pixels.

Besides the anamorphic ocean wave illusion and the Nexen UniverCity project, D’strict is also responsible for a number of other noteworthy projects within the vein of awesome visual displays, including the interactive visual experience at Cafe.Bot and the 3D bit of “digi-tainment” in the form of the Lotte World Magic Circle.

The screen itself is 80×20 meters, covering an area of 1,620m², and is comprised of 31,000 display modules

Image credits: D’strict

Watch the full video of the oceans waves in motion inside the digital ad display

Video credits: D’strict

Some call this Seoul’s version of Time Square as its gigantic LED display is more often used for advertising and K-pop rather than anything else, illuminating the night skies of Seoul. However, despite it being the largest screen in South Korea, area wise, the largest screen in the world is the Suzhou Sky Screen in Suzhou Industrial Park, China, covering an area of 16,000 square meters.

What are your thoughts on this? What visuals would you want to see displayed in this way? Let us know in the comments section below!

Here are several other visually spectacular projects from D’strict

Video credits: D’strict

Video credits: D’strict

Video credits: D’strict

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