50 Pics Proving Cats Can Sleep Anywhere (New Pics)

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Cats are known to be renowned napping champions with an average of 16 hours per day spent dozing off during this cringy film called life. After so much practice in the sleep department, they really know what it takes to get a good catnap. The answer is not much.

Our furry friends have been spotted sleeping nearly anywhere. The locations speak for themselves—tissue boxes, wine glasses, winter shoes, terrariums, flower pots, and laundry racks. Sometimes, it’s the pose that catches the eye—on the head, upside down, all stretched and curved, or using a dog as a pillow. I’ll just leave it here.

After you’re done upvoting your favorite catnap sightings, don’t forget to scroll through Bored Panda’s previous compilations of feline sleep master classes here and here. Have one right next to you? Share in the comments!


Image credits: indigoscipio


Image credits: Maria Gatteira


Image credits: Maria Gatteira

In an interview with Bored Panda, Molly DeVoss, a certified feline training and behavior specialist, told us that our domestic cats sleep on average from 16 to 20 hours a day, and that’s all part of an ambush strategy. “This strategy consists of stalk, chase, pounce, catch and kill. Cats will eat about 10 small meals throughout a day, which equates to around six cumulative hours of daily hunting; they are sleeping to refuel their energy for the hunt.” However, indoor-only cats may be napping out of boredom.

Some felines feign sleep as a defense mechanism to cope with stressful situations. Other times, nodding off during the day may be a sign of aging. DeVoss suggests keeping an eye on your fuzzy companion and being aware of the signs of lethargy that would signal it’s time for a visit to the veterinarian.


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld

To us humans, who’d rather sleep in a warm and comfy bed, some places and positions in which felines are found taking a nap look rather absurd. Cat behavior expert Rita Reimers told Bored Panda that it really is true—cats can sleep virtually anywhere. Among other places, they adore “sunspots, your bed, or tucking away in little quiet corners and cubbyholes.” They also prefer warm places like a warm basket of laundry fresh from the dryer.


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: alganus


Image credits: Maria Gatteira


Image credits: Maria Gatteira


Image credits: Maria Gatteira


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: itycoon87


Image credits: Maria Gatteira


Image credits: Maria Gatteira


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: reddit.com


Image credits: TishyKitty


Image credits: micano



Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: Inasss


Image credits: g1yph


Image credits: plntbr


Image credits: Mysaren


Image credits: NubXilla



Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: droidkaran


Image credits: Bcrafty


Image credits: memo_rx




Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: Necrohippie





Image credits: Gabriellasbeautifulworld


Image credits: AuroraANDMidnight


Image credits: stoltedarryl123


Image credits: gyropyro


Image credits: ImCoveredInBees




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