As much as advertising would have you believe that when you turn 30, you quit interacting with anybody other than your government-issued spouse and your hobbies narrow to leisurely jogging or preparing months in advance to do taxes, most people find that not much actually changes when they enter the new decade. Or so they think. In this thread on Twitter, people are revealing that while not all the ominous warnings they heard about aging are true, there are some of them that are, and they start early.
Here are some observations from people who are just reaching the big 3-0 and finding out what it has to offer, like the fact that even if you still feel like a teenage imposter in an adult suit, talking to an actual teenager will make you feel like your cultural literacy is a distant memory. Meanwhile, people who have been there and done that have some wisdom (and TMI) to impart.
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Image credits: FuzzBeedEli
Image credits: ProfChestnut
Until now, studies have overwhelmingly shown that in old age, people look back on their 30s as being the best decade of their lives, with various studies trying to estimate the optimal year at 33, 35 and 38.
This trend might be thrown off now that the generation in their 30s, or getting there in the next few years, are millennials, many of whom would laugh at the idea of the financial stability and positive work-life balance that earlier generations cite as the foundation that allowed them to spend their 30s on what they truly enjoyed.
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Image credits: kaldrenon
Image credits: twitfics
There is one thing that seems to be a universal experience after making it several decades into life, and that’s being baffled that people who were in diapers when you were in high school are now old enough to drive, vote, and call the music you listened to as a teen “oldies.” And if that makes you want to drink to forget, you had better think twice, unless you want to be glued to your bed for two days.
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from Bored Panda