Accidents and injuries can happen in the strangest places and the most peculiar ways. And most of us can agree that they occur most often when we least expect them. Plenty of us have hurt ourselves pretty badly doing mundane, routine, everyday tasks. While we might brag about the huge scar on our faces having come from rabid velociraptors that we fought off with only our bare fists, only our closest friends know that we really slipped on a banana peel and crashed into our fridge handle.
When the Super 70s Sports account asked Twitter users what the dumbest freak injury in their lives was, people rushed to share their experiences. As it turns out, people can be really fragile.
Scroll down to read through our list of hilarious and dumb injuries, and be sure to upvote the stories you enjoyed. If the stories made you smile or laugh, why not share them with a few buddies to improve their mood while they wait for the weekend? And if you have any experience with dumb injuries yourselves, share what happened with everybody in the comments! After all, grief (or in this case pain and shame) shared is halved. And joy shared is doubled.
More info: Twitter
Image credits: Super70sSports
Image credits: tjco1006
Image credits: JeremyCowen
Image credits: SezzaNZ
Nobody wants to think that they’re not safe in their homes. But the truth is, plenty of accidents happen at home (just like lots of car accidents can occur near where you live because you may relax too much when thinking you’re completely safe).
Image credits: SenorGreyGoose
Image credits: jvzanghi
Image credits: thefilmexciter
For example, in 2007, 2.7 million people in England were injured in a home accident. While in the United States, almost half of the accidents that lead to the deaths of young adults and children happen at home.
Image credits: MollyMo32
Image credits: JonGerardi
Image credits: clhduncan
Things that can seriously harm us are usually small: failing to put up a carbon monoxide detector, having a leaky hot water heater, an untucked carpet on the stairs, a slippery bathtub, a greasy kitchen or a malfunctioning garbage disposal unit. These are all things that can be the difference between life and death.
Image credits: laceltris
Image credits: markysumm
Image credits: RFactor35
Statistically speaking, the kitchen and the bathroom are the two rooms in your home that you’re most likely to get injured. Now, it doesn’t mean that you should curl up into a ball and hide under your bed for the rest of your life. But it does mean that you should be aware of sharp knives and wet floors. And if you’re working outside your home, be wary when you’re mowing the lawn or cleaning the gutter: you’re most likely to hurt yourself while doing those two things. If you want to keep your kids safe, give them some other chores to do than mowing the lawn.
Image credits: catstronomical
Image credits: themunson
Image credits: tommentzer
Image credits: Arriko
Image credits: Casshateshugs
Image credits: kuhnarchitekt
Image credits: Mar3sons
Image credits: johngiampapa1
Image credits: Anderson22Matt
Image credits: addicted2helmet
Image credits: timboehde
Image credits: clepdx
Image credits: florilegia
Image credits: _Rotten_Apple
Image credits: jimmy_34_
Image credits: PoolWaiter
Image credits: kel_of_ulthar
Image credits: thephoenix222
Image credits: Merican_BBQSnob
Image credits: fuzzyblumonster
Image credits: sidmanlaw
Image credits: kevbo58
Image credits: PuckmanRI
Image credits: CoreyFarnham
Image credits: Samuel_Hawkins1
Image credits: RyanMartzSC
Image credits: hazelmackenziee
Image credits: MimZWay
Image credits: madamjujujive
Image credits: AnnamarieHarve2
Image credits: TattleTSister
Image credits: ShawnJosefClark
Image credits: evilscottlou
Image credits: RosenUSA
Image credits: SimonTimony
Image credits: sensei_sonk
Image credits: gregdmckenzie
Image credits: AnnieSage
Image credits: dagboat
Image credits: bigalemory
Image credits: jbrink351
Image credits: scright
Image credits: roxiqt
Image credits: TheHoltReport
Image credits: tommy2far
from Bored Panda