Say whatever you will, but if a person can laugh about being in a rough situation, that is a sign of persistence, determination and strong will.
And, so, being a Millennial who can laugh at their current social, cultural, financial, and probably also physical state is good for everyone. To some degree. But let’s focus on the positives.
Besides being a time of celebration and cheer, Christmas is also a time when Millennials look back at the year and channel their inner ho-ho-holarious sense of humor in the form of these X posts that are darn right relatable.
Image credits: ComfortablySmug
Image credits: The__RedDot
Image credits: ByYourLogic
You know things are sad if you look up Millennial problems online and you are greeted with search results for lists of problems. No, not Wikipedia lists, but top 10 lists of the most common challenges that a generation is facing. Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s how the search algorithm works, supply and demand of media today, bla bla bla. But you see what the brevity of the situation is, right?
Image credits: JeffBallingall
Image credits: orionsfannypack
Image credits: christinajhuynh
It goes without saying that times are tough for Millennials and, really, nobody and nothing is making it any better.
Those who pursued further education at college—over 35%—likely ended up with student debt that weighs on them more than the burden of knowledge. The average student loan for one person is just a couple of hundred dollars shy of $33,000.
Image credits: jessiejess1228
Image credits: a_benjamin
Image credits: Mizzimie
Well, student loans aren’t all that big of a deal if you have a job, right? Yes. If you have one, that is.
While nobody is safe from being unemployed, the pandemic made sure it is a lot worse, all the while wages in many places linger at a level that hasn’t changed in 14 years now and the job environment is less than desirable in many places.
Image credits: millindebt
Image credits: docjamesw
Image credits: nolanisk
Speaking of the former, 63% of Millennials would have a hard time paying $500 in unexpected costs, and that’s even then they would likely still be working two jobs.
And, the latter, 1 in 5 Millennials have changed jobs in recent years because they just can’t see themselves there if their career comes to a halt and the boss shows little to no care for them.
Image credits: lkherman
Image credits: _lizharvey
Image credits: Buffalojilll
Oh, it doesn’t stop there. The housing market, remember? A popular topic these days, but one that can’t be overstated.
Back in 1940, the median home value in the US was nearly $3,000. 40 years later, it was a bit over $47,000 and by 2000, it skyrocketed to nearly $120,000. Adjusted for inflation, the 1940s home was roughly $30,000 compared to the 120K version in 2000. And it kept on growing since then.
Image credits: alicegoldfuss
Image credits: Northernlion
Image credits: EwdatsGROSS
It doesn’t help that the sociopolitical climate that folks live in these days equates to living in the shadow of a person who not only doesn’t get it, but also seems to refuse to get it. And as much as you try to move out of the cold, cold shade, the shadow just keeps on moving with you, like that incessant cloud from that one Super Mario game. And we can’t seem to find that invincibility star anywhere.
Image credits: AstroHana0325
Image credits: CARM1Monoxide
Image credits: _Myrarose_
And so it piles up, causing a slew of mental health concerns. So much, in fact, that 20% of Millennials report depression related to their jobs.
However, not all is lost. Millennials have a great sense of humor, evident from this listicle, but also because therapy exists. Sure, it costs, but once you figure that stuff out, everything else gets exponentially easier.
Image credits: raanapbot
Image credits: smokeismedicine
Image credits: rat_liker
It’s all about seeking therapy on time, practicing self-care and building a support network to get you through the darker times.
While easier said than done, self-care is something that can be taken one step at a time and without getting too much in the way of the hustle of life.
Image credits: ludludlud
Image credits: envydatropic
Image credits: goddammitsarah
Remember, regular exercise (taking that mental walk during lunch), eating healthy (healthier), and making sleep a priority can go a long way.
Once that is out of the way, start prioritizing relaxing activities, set goals, and focus on the positive aspects in life by practicing gratitude, staying connected with folks or maybe playing some Stardew Valley. The game does wonders.
Image credits: SmittyBarstool
Image credits: capicornhope
Image credits: DaSkrambledEgg
So, Millennial or not, what are your thoughts on any of this? Share your thoughts and commentary in the comment section below!
And if you want more, why not check out another listicle of ours from last year that provides more Millennial Christmas content.
Image credits: rhinosoros
Image credits: NotRollergirl
Image credits: Kyla_Lacey
Image credits: ElineMuijres
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Image credits: MelissaJPeltier
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Image credits: Mz__Breeze
Image credits: jessiejess1228
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Image credits: MichaelStahlke
Image credits: HeisenbergLab
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Image credits: MNaumu
Image credits: El_Kungzie
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Image credits: DrKittyGirl
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Image credits: Lilly
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Image credits: CiennaMansfield
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Image credits: adamj_griff
Image credits: MonoChz
Image credits: CiaranJDC
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Image credits: Malcontent79
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Image credits: RogueFour
Image credits: Hwag12
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Image credits: AnnaStonebrook
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Image credits: ImThatDoug
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