Ever had a heated online argument with a stranger, only to think of the perfect comeback three days later? Well, on the internet clock, a few days might as well be an eternity, and everyone’s already moved on.
But over on r/clevercomebacks, wasting time is unheard of. With over 2 million members, this subreddit is full of sharp retorts for any situation. At Bored Panda, we’re big fans. So we’ve rounded up the best comebacks they have to offer. Keep reading, you might just find the right response to silence that next awkward comment.
#1 Never Underestimate A Woman
Image credits: Dry-Net
The feeling of disappointment when you don’t have a clever reply on the spot actually has a name—it’s called ‘l’esprit de l’escalier’, or ‘staircase wit’. This term was coined by the 18th century French philosopher Denis Diderot in his dramatic essay, Paradox of the Actor.
The phrase comes from an incident Diderot had over dinner. “A sensitive man, such as myself, overwhelmed by the argument leveled against him, becomes confused and doesn’t collect his thoughts until he’s at the bottom of the stairs,” the philosopher wrote.
#2 I Understand Completely
Image credits: My_Memes_Will_Cure_U
There’s a reason why we sometimes freeze and struggle to respond when someone says something upsetting. Our body sees it as a social danger and goes into defense mode.
“When someone says something offensive or harmful that hurts us or hurts a member of a community that’s really important to us, our nervous system can get activated,” said psychologist Kerry McBroome for Time Magazine. “The parts of the brain that are responsible for coming up with clever or witty things to say are just not online—they’re nervous and sensing a threat.”
#3 “Migrants Can’t Assimilate Into Society”
Image credits: reddit.com
#4 People Really Live In Their Own Little Bubbles
Image credits: hayashiiiii
Of course, some folks are naturally good at throwing verbal punches and do so whenever they can. But if you need some pointers in that area, blogger and podcaster Myke Macapinlac has tips on how to be more quick-witted and funny.
According to him, one of the first things you should learn is how to stay present in the moment. “Catch yourself when you’re ruminating and remind yourself to slow down your breathing. By doing so, you’ll be able to relax your body and bring yourself back to your current situation,” he advises.
#5 Please Wear A Mask And Stay Safe
Image credits: themaskedvillain
#6 They Don’t Give A Damn
Image credits: blaze_uchiha999
If you’re having a conversation, Myke suggests really focusing on what the other person is saying. “It’s much easier to come up with the right things to say when you’re actually listening,” he notes.
#7 Illegal Plants
Image credits: YoloForJesusChrist
#8 I Don’t Care If Repost Made Me Laugh
Image credits: iamafailedasian
#9 Idk If This Has Been Posted Before, But I Love His Little Smile
Image credits: twinkletoes_44
Another key tip is to stop caring so much. Macapinlac points out, “Most individuals who struggle socially think that all eyes are on them. They’re so afraid of being judged by others that’s why they stifle their personality. To avoid embarrassing themselves, they just remain quiet.”
“Even if you say something silly, I can assure you that people would’ve forgotten about you by the time they get home”. By letting go of this fear, you’ll be more relaxed, which will help you make clever remarks faster.
#10 Love This Guy
Image credits: humanitalian
#11 You’re The Problem
Image credits: Cereal_killer03
#12 Stealing The Rainbow
Image credits: BuickBobFL
Sometimes it’s good to prepare in advance. “Get a piece of paper and take the time to reflect. Think of previous situations where you wanted to say something clever but you weren’t able to. And then, brainstorm some good comebacks that you could’ve said,” the blogger recommends.
#13 Thank You Andy Wang!
Image credits: ykafia
#14 Just Try Not Being Straight For Awhile
Image credits: reddit.com
#15 They Also Don’t Come In Exciting Anime
Image credits: TheRikari
It’s also important to manage your emotions. When you’re calm and collected, you come across as more confident. Macapinlac encourages trying out meditation and journaling to be more mindful.
“[This] will allow you to control the way you think. You’ll be able to identify and reframe your limiting beliefs. This will help you become less reactive, especially during stressful moments”.
#16 British Museum
Image credits: athrvpatil
#17 Separate Payments
Image credits: memezzer
#18 Useless Trees
Image credits: Kennydoe
Don’t forget to take inspiration from others. “What better way to improve your sense of humor than by watching more comedy shows and stand-up routines,” Myke says. “Pay close attention to [the comedian’s] material. Notice the timing and delivery of the joke. When something amuses you, ask yourself why by taking a moment to analyze it”.
#19 I Hate Anti-Maskers
Image credits: CatPizza838
#20 He’s Not Wrong
Image credits: vertigno
#21 That Makes Sense
Image credits: TrulyImpress86
However, if you’re around someone you want to build a lasting relationship with, be considerate and don’t say things that could ruin someone’s day. “If you want to learn how to be witty and funny, always leave people better than before you met them.”
#22 Philip Brought A Tank In A Knife Fight
Image credits: whymynamedoesnotfi
#23 Elite Finish
Image credits: MythicalBeast263
#24 Another Reason To Love The Beatles
Image credits: simwalkedaway
Lastly, be patient with yourself and make an effort to get out of your comfort zone. “The more you practice, the better you’ll be at bantering with people,” Myke concludes.
#25 Not Mine But On Point
Image credits: justinpwheeler
#26 Big Footprints To Fill
Image credits: mysteresc
#27 Depression vs. Asthma
Image credits: TitaniumPeak
So next time, we hope you have the confidence and quick wit to deliver that perfect comeback. Stay sharp!
#28 Comeback
Image credits: clevcomebacks
#29 Do You Have One?
Image credits: Comfortablejack
#30 Atheists, Christians And Cats
Image credits: Bubble_Babe_0o0o0o
#31 Old But Gold
Image credits: Y_Z_P
#32 True Perfection Has Been Achieved
Image credits: ekiechi
#33 Simple Math To Hard
Image credits: uncle_russell_90
#34 Most Of Us Are Too
Image credits: PLASMABOLT111
#35 Whatever Your Weakness, There’s A Hellion To Exploit It
Image credits: free-whitebird
#36 Yep May Be It Is True
Image credits: johnmory
#37 Got Roasted By A Police Twitter
Image credits: A_Tired_Indian
#38 That’s A Good Proof
Image credits: ekmadeye
#39 A Punchline From Twitter, Does This Count As A Meme?
Image credits: ClaireDacloush
#40 Oof. That Burn Needs Some Love
Image credits: BelleAriel
#41 German History Lesson
Image credits: frncscbtncrt
#42 The Only Reasonable Response
Image credits: LargeSackOfNuts
#43 Comeback
Image credits: clevcomebacks
#44 Comeback
Image credits: clevcomebacks
#45 Comeback
Image credits: clevcomebacks
#46 Comeback
Image credits: clevcomebacks
#47 Comeback
Image credits: clevcomebacks
#48 They Must Have Had A Religious Exemption
Image credits: Jojojoost010
#49 Keep Your Stick On The Ice
Image credits: Master1718
#50 I Mean They’ve Got A Good Point
Image credits: FrothyGuinness
#51 Why Don’t You Stand Up For Yourself?
Image credits: Thalassolykos
#52 What A Good Reply
Image credits: Comfortablejack
#53 Both Magnus Carlsen And I Can Play Chess
Image credits: toure
#54 Definitely Atheists That Do This
Image credits: Jet_The_Tabaxi
#55 Just Another Reason To Keep My Purple Hair
Image credits: pedragono
#56 Why Would They Need To Am I Rite?
Image credits: LordMouse121
#57 Found It On Twitter. Hope I Am Not Too Late
Image credits: zzuhruf
#58 The Greatest Genius Of Our Time
Image credits: JewelerDear9233
#59 “Markets Unable To Adapt To New Generation Of Consumers”
Image credits: k*llHACKS
#60 Room Temperature IQ
Image credits: reddit.com
#61 I Hope This Hasn’t Been Done Before
Image credits: reddit.com
#62 Simple, Yet Effective
Image credits: Captain_Keyboard_Man
#63 I Should Be Allowed To Pick The Oil Company I Die And Kill For!
Image credits: reddit.com
#64 Can Anyone Show Martha The Original Constitution ?
Image credits: reddit.com
#65 Common Sense Is Really Rare These Days
Image credits: productivitybeginner
#66 Whatttt !?? No Vegan Options At KFC!???
Image credits: FitzRowe
#67 Damn… Guess My Opinion Is Invalid
Image credits: reddit.com
#68 She’s Baaaad
Image credits: reddit.com
#69 Maybe I Am Karen?
Image credits: reddit.com
#70 Bill Burr Everybody
Image credits: JustDanLee87
#71 Look Before You Leap
Image credits: reddit.com
#72 When You Get Shot Down By Facts
Image credits: reddit.com
#73 That’s My Gender
Image credits: reddit.com
#74 Morning Coffee vs. Morning People
Image credits: NJmaker
#75 It Was Social Distancing Haha
Image credits: BelleAriel
#76 Kid Has A Bright And Shocking Future In Front Of Him
Image credits: The_Jib
#77 Some Good Luck!
Image credits: FitzRowe
#78 Who Orders Small Coffee Anyway?
Image credits: OldFingerman
#79 Cry Me A River That Flows 5 M/S²
Image credits: Fishylips
#80 Education Is Vitally Important, After All
Image credits: Smitherd
#81 Other People’s Kids Is A Surprisingly Great Form Of Birth Control
Image credits: ducassen4534
#82 So Easy To Say
Image credits: unfazed_jedi
#83 They’re With Him, Alright
Image credits: DoomerMentality1984
#84 Climate Change Is Not Real Guys!!!
Image credits: HappyLiving8
#85 Careful What You Say
Image credits: DutchSapphire
#86 Better Hope His House Doesn’t Catch On Fire!
Image credits: KingJak0b
#87 He Makes A Good Point
Image credits: SadlysoulReport
#88 Bless This Woman
Image credits: sp0okygorl
#89 Not Be A Baby Machine
Image credits: lucynyu13
#90 This Always Makes Me Laugh
Image credits: atiredindian
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