85 Unusual Maps That Might Change How You See The World, As Shared By This Online Account (New Pics)

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Maps are our passion. We like looking at them. We enjoy drawing them. But most of all, we love seeing a map that gives us a wholly new perspective on the world—something we can share with our friends and blow their minds as well. Or something we can refer to during a fancy dinner party to sound super up-to-date with what’s happening in the world.

The ‘I [Effing] Love Maps’ online project is one of the best niches on the internet for cartographers and map lovers—veteran and amateur—alike. They share maps that are unusual, unique, and (in some cases) a little bit out there. All for the sake of informing and entertaining us and keeping our spark of curiosity burning bright. We promise you, after this list, you won’t see Planet Earth the same ever again.

Put on your safari hats and check out some of their best maps below, dear Pandas. While you’re scrolling down, upvote your faves and share why you liked them. And if you’d like to continue the adventure, be sure to plot a course to Bored Panda’s previous feature about ‘I [Effing] Love Maps’ right over here.

More info: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Mapographics.shop

#1 The World’s Population At 8 Billion At Some Point In Late 2022

The eight billionth human being will enter the world, ushering in a new milestone for humanity. In just 48 years, the world population has doubled in size, jumping from four to eight billion. Of course, humans are not equally spread throughout the planet, and countries take all shapes and sizes. This visualizations aim to build context on how the eight billion people are distributed around the world

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#2 This Map Shows The International Status Of Abortion Law In June 2022

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#3 Percentage Of iPhone Users In Europe

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

The ‘I [Effing] Love Maps’ project has carved out a sizable niche for itself on the internet. On Facebook alone, it has 800k followers, followed by 364k fans on Instagram, as well as a further 36.8k Twitter followers. In other words, there’s well over a million internet users who love the project for its educational and informative content alike.

The team running the show notes that they keep their audience “updated about global events via maps.” And that’s exactly what they continue to do.

#4 Passports Of European Countries

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#5 Which Energy Source Do European Countries Rely On The Most?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#6 This #map Shows The Share Of Food Imports Per Country Affected By Export Restrictions Elsewhere (In Percent Of Calories)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

Whether you’re an academic or simply want to know more about the world, the maps they share are great for expanding your knowledge. They’re also fantastic primers for getting you interested on specific topics, whether economics, geography, or demographics.

For our previous feature about the project, my colleague got in touch with the founders, Pablo Izquierdo and Lars Erik. The twosome, who live in Oslo and Madrid, have been developing maps together for more than a decade, and have founded the company, Mapographics.

#7 This Map Displays The Grading Of Countries In Africa According To The World Hunger Index 2021

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#8 Last Monarch Of Every European Country

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#9 How Much Sleep Are People In Europe Getting?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

According to the founders, the goal of Mapographics is to make informative, educational, and aesthetic maps. “We have developed a lot of maps and analysis in the sustainability domain, and lately we have also started to sell maps for decoration. We love to merge scientific data with design,” they told Bored Panda.

The ‘I [Effing] Love Maps’ project was created over a decade ago. Pablo and Lars wanted to have a place on social media where they could share their love for maps. And it all started on good ol’ Facebook.

#10 Heatwaves And Fires Scorch Europe, Africa, And Asia In Summer 2022

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#11 Suicide Rate In Europe – 2018

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#12 Countries That Have Us Military Bases

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

“It started with a Facebook page, and then moved on to Twitter and Instagram. We’re super happy to have several hundreds of thousands of followers, which to us is only a testimonial that many people share our love of maps,” Pablo told Bored Panda during an interview earlier.

According to him, people nowadays live in an ever more globalized society, meaning that the distances between us are getting smaller and smaller. It’s all thanks to cultural exchange and technology.

#13 This Map Shows The Bases In Europe Where U.S.-Owned B61 Nuclear Gravity Bombs Are Stored

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#14 Where Do Europeans Migrate To And How Many Of Them Live Abroad?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#15 This Map Shows The Top Restaurants In 2022, According To The William Reed Business Media Annual List

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

“In addition, themes such as those that relate to environment, climate, sustainability, man-build-environment, and more, nurture more interest in the spatial dimensions of things. Maps can represent how things are tied together in the spatial dimension, or geographical sense,” Pablo said.

“We experience a much higher interest in maps, more advanced spatial analysis, and more lightly, storytelling.”

#16 How Good Is The Quality Of The Roads In European Countries?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#17 Visualizing Which Countries Drink The Most Beer Humans Have Been Drinking Beer For Thousands Of Years

And since it’s still one of the most popular beverages worldwide, it seems we haven’t gotten sick of it yet. The latest available data shows that beer consumption exceeded 177 million kiloliters around the world in 2020. Beer consumption occurs all over the world, but the amount varies greatly depending on the location. So, which countries drink the most beer? This graphic by @visualcap uses data from Kirin Holdings to compare global beer consumption by country. Kirin is a Japanese company that has been tracking beer consumption around the world since 1975

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#18 This Map Shows The Share Of Electricity Generated Through Hydropower Per Country

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

“From a social media point of view, people love maps that are spot-on in conveying a message of stereotypical characteristics and differences between countries. From a more professional point of view, the interest in sustainability related topics in maps has skyrocketed in recent years, such as maps showing degradation of nature or the effects of climate change. But more generally speaking, what we see is that maps, as a way to represent data or tell a story, are increasingly used in media, by the government, NGOs and even in the business community.”

#19 What Really Makes People Happy?

While countless academic researchers have tried to get to the bottom of this, the truth is, it’s a complicated question to answer. Happiness levels depend on a number of factors, including one’s financial security, perceptions of social support, feelings of personal freedom, and much more. This map pulls data from the World Happiness Report to uncover the average happiness scores of 146 countries. It shows average scores from 2019 to 2021, and highlights which countries are the happiest—or unhappiest—and why

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#20 What Percentage Of People In Asia Experiences Anger On An Average Day?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#21 Ice Cream Consumption In Eu

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

However, it’s far from easy to create a map that looks good, tells a story, and is also based on advanced data. There’s a lot of trial and error involved here!

“To put it simply, the process starts from the idea on what story/data the maps should express, to identification of data source, quality assurance, data processing, GIS [Geographical Information Systems] processing, and working to ensure the final print has crisp and flawless details when it turns into a final product.”

#22 What Percentage Of Europeans Trust The News?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#23 This Map Shows The Price Of One Gallon Of Gasoline, By Country/Territory (As Of March 28, 2022)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#24 This Map Shows US States By Reaction To Roe V. Wade Being Overturned By The U.S. Supreme Court (As Of June 28, 2022)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

A while back, Bored Panda spoke to land surveyor Patrick McGranaghan, the founder of another major community for map lovers. He explained to us that there are a variety of different reasons why someone chooses to make a map in the first place.

“Sometimes for navigation, sometimes for showing statistical phenomena, and sometimes for fantasy. While artistic skill helps, it is not absolutely necessary. The important thing is to make it easy for users to glean useful information. Most maps should have a thesis or a story it is going to tell and this needs to be told through the map,” he told us.

#25 How Many Years Do People In Asia Spend On Average In The Education System?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#26 How Much Land Does The US Military Own In Each State?

Via Visual Capitalist The United States spends an unparalleled amount of money on its military⁠—about $778 billion each year to be precise. Additionally, the U.S. military also owns, leases, or operates an impressive real estate portfolio with buildings valued at $749 billion and a land area of 26.9 million acres⁠, of which around 98% is located within the United States. This visual, using data from the Department of Defense (DoD) reveals how much of each state the U.S. military owns, leases, or operates on. This map visualizes the share of a state comprised by military sites, which the Department of Defense defines as a specific geographic location that has individual land parcels or facilities assigned to it. The geographical location is leased to, owned by, or otherwise under the jurisdiction of the DoD.

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#27 How Much Do Asian Countries Spend On Their Military?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

The land surveyor noted that many beautiful maps these days are made using Blender. “Blender has a great ability to show light and shadow patterns that are almost photo-realistic. I think there are ways to use this program beyond showing maps with realistic terrain,” he explained that the computer program can help mapmakers achieve the effects that they desire, e.g. showing realistic terrain and more.

#28 This Map Shows The Annual Kilograms Of Municipal Solid Waste Generated Per Capita In Countries Around The World

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#29 This Map Shows Countries By Existence And Practice Of Death Penalty Laws (As Of April 4, 2022)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#30 Almería’s Sea Of Greenhouses Clear Skies And Plastic Have Made It Possible For The Dry Province In Southeastern Spain To Become A Major Exporter Of Tomatoes And Other Produce

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#31 This Map Shows Countries By Sales Restrictions On Hormonal Contraception Pills

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#32 A July Of Extremes In The United States, Pervasive And Persistent Heat Domes Put More Than 150 Million People Under Heat Warnings And Advisories In The Month Of July

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#33 Pigs Per Km2 In Europe

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#34 This Map Shows Projected Annual Inflation By Country In 2022

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#35 This Map Shows The Incarceration Rates Across Europe In 2021

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#36 How Much Gdp Output Does One Hour Of Work Produce On Average?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#37 Where Are The Most Popular Countries For People To Move To?

1. Canada – most popular relocation destination for 50 countries 2. Japan – most popular relocation destination for 31 countries 3. Spain – most popular relocation destination for 19 countries

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#38 This Map Shows The Share Of Seats Held By Right-Wing Parties Across Europe In 2022

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#39 This Map Shows The European Countries With The Fastest Download Speeds In 2022

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#40 How Much Sleep Are People In Asia Getting?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#41 This #map Shows The Net Annual Migration Per 1,000 Population (Average 2017-2021), By Country/Territory

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#42 How Important Is Religion For Europeans?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#43 How Much Rice Do People In Europe Consume?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#44 Where Do Europeans Prefer To Go On Holiday And What Percentage Of The Population Went On A Holiday Abroad In 2019?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#45 What Sound Do Frogs Make In Your Language?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#46 Mapping The Spread Of Words Along Trade Routes In The Early History Of International Trade

When exotic goods traveled to new regions, their native names sometimes hitchhiked along with them. Naturally, the Germans have a term – Wanderwörter – for these extraordinary loanwords that journey around the globe, mutating subtly along the way. This map, produced by Haisam Hussein for Lapham’s Quarterly, charts the flow of Wanderwörter along global trade routes.

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#47 How Many Tanks Are In Service In Each European Country

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#48 This Map Shows Traditions Around The World Where Children Go Door To Door For Treats (Trick-Or-Treating)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#49 This Map Shows The Countries With The Highest Projected GDP Growth In 2022 (As Of April 2022)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#50 These Global Cities Show The Highest Real Estate Bubble Risk, Via Visual Capitalist

Housing bubbles are a tricky phenomenon. As a market gathers steam and prices increase, it remains a matter of debate whether that market is overvalued and flooded with speculation, or it’s simply experiencing robust demand.

Of course, once a bubble bursts, it’s all obvious in hindsight.

One common red flag is when prices decouple from local incomes and rents. As well, imbalances in the real economy, such as excessive construction activity and lending can signal a bubble in the making.

Based on data from the Real Estate Bubble Index by UBS, examines 25 global cities, scoring them based on their bubble risk.

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#51 What Percentage Of Europeans Has Ordered Something Online?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#52 GPS Tracked Movement Of Polar Bears In The Chukchi Sea

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#53 Impact Of Abnormal Heat On Vote Share For Green Parties, Via The Economist

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#54 What Percentage Of Each Asian Country’s Population Lives In Its Largest Metro Area?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#55 This Map Shows The Countries With No Direct Access To An Open Sea (Enclaves)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#56 This Chart Displays The EU Countries With The Highest Gross Government Debt As Share Of GDP In 2021

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#57 Scientists Show How Forests Measure Up A New Map Shows The Height Of Earth’s Forests, From Stubby Saplings To Timbers Towering More Than 50 Meters Tall, Across The Entire Land Surface

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#58 Expressing Laughter Around The World: This Is How To Laugh Online In 26 Languages

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#59 European Lng Terminals, 2022

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#60 This Map Shows The Confirmed Monkeypox Cases Per One Million Residents Per Country

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#61 This Map Shows Gun Deaths In Europe In 2019

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#62 Grizzly Bear Modern V Historic Range

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#63 This Map Shows The Member States That Paid Their Contributions To The United Nation’s Regular Budget For 2022

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#64 This Map Shows The Countries Experiencing Direct Military Intervention With Participation Of U.S. Troops Since The End Of The Cold War

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#65 What’s The Preferred Alcoholic Drink Of South Americans?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#66 What Percentage Of Europeans Actively Avoid The News?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#67 This Chart Shows The Share Of Average Monthly Wage Needed For 60 Litres / 18 Gallons Of Gasoline In Selected Countries

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#68 This Map Shows The Countries Where 5g Networks Were Launched, Where 5g Technology Has Been Deployed In Mobile Networks And Where Investments In 5g Technology Have Been Made (As Of June 2022)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#69 The World’s Billionaire Population, By Country The World’s Billionaires

only 3,311 individuals—represent almost $11.8 trillion in wealth. The global billionaire population continued to grow in 2021, increasing by 3%. Over the same period, billionaire wealth also increased by 18%. This map uses data from the Wealth-X Billionaire Census to visualize where the world’s billionaires live and breaks down their collective wealth.

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#70 This Map Shows How Public Broadcaster Services Are Financed Across Europe

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#71 Europe And Americas At The Same Latitude

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#72 Which Asian Countries Generate Most Electricity From Nuclear Power?

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#73 This Map Shows The Number Of Facilities Able To Manufacture Mrna Vaccines Outside Of The Eu/USA/Can

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#74 A Glint Of Southeast Asia Water Has Helped Define The Shape Of Life On The Indochinese Peninsula

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#75 The Eye Of Sahara The Richat Structure In Mauritania Is Not What You Think It Is

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#76 Elections And The Borders Of Austria-Hungary

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#77 Wheat Is A Dietary Staple For Millions Of People Around The World

After rice and corn (maize), wheat is the third most-produced cereal worldwide, and the second-most-produced for human consumption. And considering wheat’s importance in the global food system, any impact on major producers such as droughts, wars, or other events, can impact the entire world. Which countries are the largest producers of wheat? This graphic by Kashish Rastogi visualizes the breakdown of 20 years of global wheat production by country

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#78 In 2021, The US Brought In Approximately $2.83 Trillion Worth Of Goods From Its Various International Trading Partners

But what types of goods are most commonly imported throughout different parts of US? This graphic by OnDeck shows the top import in every U.S. state, using January 2022 data from the U.S.

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#79 This Chart Shows Cargo And Tanker Vessels In The North Sea On June 9, 2022 9am-10am (Cet)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#80 Mapping The Migration Of The World’s Millionaires

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#81 This Map Shows Central Bank Digital Currencies Launched, Under Development Or Considered Around The World (As Of July 2022)

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#82 A Swirl Of Dust Over The Atlantic Pulses Of Dust From The Sahara Desert Reached The Caribbean And Parts Of The United States In July

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#83 2022 French Legislative Elections, First Round Results

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#84 Malaria Was Common Across Half The World – Since Then It Has Been Eliminated In Many Regions

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

#85 This Map Shows Rate Of Violent Crime Per 100,000 Population In 2021, By State

Image credits: if**kinglovemaps

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/Z0wB67U
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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