Back in 2000, financial publisher Bloomberg reportedly blew £1 million (£1,472,625 or $1,785,672 in today’s money) on an office party with a “seven deadly sins” theme for its 1,500 British employees.
As well as a “lust room” containing a 25-foot-wide bed of purple satin, the event boasted ten bars – one, themed “gluttony,” with a trough of truffles and sweets.
While not every company is willing to go to these lengths, many are organizing events to show appreciation for their workers, boost morale, and encourage team building. Especially during the festive season.
So when Redditor Expression-Little made a post on the platform, asking others “What’s the craziest [and/or] worst thing that happened at your workplace Christmas party?”, many had memorable moments to share.
Image credits: Expression-Little
Shagged the boss’ sister in the disabled loo.. woke up in his girlfriend’s bed.
Sacked on the monday.
Image credits: TraditionalCrab9157
Nurse climbed on a chair and tried to swing from the chandelier. The chandelier came crashing down. Nurse tried to hide the chandelier under a table.
Image credits: Aggravating-Mousse46
Bags were stored in the disabled toilet.
Someone flooded the sink in the disabled toilet, destroying laptops and soaking coats.
Image credits: PM_ME_BEEF_CURTAINS
I fell over *nothing* and flashed both my bosses. I like to think I took one for the team and saved everyone else from the Who Was The Worst? title, like a noble heroine.
Image credits: abbeyishere
Headteacher (female) (late forties early fifties, married to man) found coming out of toilets with around 25-year-old TA (female), both lifting skirts, fixing blouses, lipstick everywhere. TA didn’t return after holidays, HT left in the summer.
Image credits: bornleverpuller85
Got absolutely smashed and called my boss a ‘big fat frog’ over a Chinese meal years ago.
Image credits: Tobotron
An alcoholic storeman had a fight with a guy who was dressed as Superman. Alcoman won.
Image credits: Seganku74
CEO threw a TV out a window, nearly smashing through the awning over the hotel entrance on the way down.
Image credits: b0ggy79
A chap I know was at a Christmas party in Manchester. It was in the office, two guys got into it, someone stepped in as peacemaker to break it up. One of the guys and the peacemaker both fell into a window and crashed through it. They both fell 30 metres to their deaths.
Image credits: Nortilus
Someone brought her boyfriend and her sister.
Sister and boyfriend were caught getting it on!
After that, parties started being held away from the site. The first year, the following day an all-users email came round asking for the venue’s outdoor decorations (large light-up snowmen) to be returned.
Image credits: K1mTy3
At a pub, constricted spaces for seating. At one point a manager decided to climb over the table to get out but neglected the candles the pub provided, setting fire to his trousers.
Image credits: cognitiveglitch
Last year my new staff member broke my other new staff members arm by challenging him to an arm wrestle. He snapped him like a twig.
Image credits: Alpha_uterus
Colleague of mine woke up with a horse in their back garden. Turns out they were so drunk and couldn’t be [bothered] to walk home that they just barebacked a horse from a field whilst carrying a pizza and a kebab. Rode it back the next morning. Man’s a nutter.
Image credits: invincible-zebra
Chonky colleague sat bare a*s on the photocopier, glass cracked and trapped his cheeks like a bear trap. He was yelling for help but nobody could because they were wetting themselves.
Image credits: esquiresque
Company directors at a large estate agents bought wine for all of the tables (a few bottles on each)… Turns out they bought the cheap wine for everyone else, and got expensive wine for their own table.
One of the directors was actually a decent bloke, and when he found out, he refused to sit at their table, and made a big deal of making sure everyone knew. He then proceeded to get absolutely hammered and buy expensive wine for everyone but the other directors.
Image credits: DendroNate
Director slips and ends up lying on his back on the dancefloor, big smile on his face (as you do), very ‘portly’ fellow. Next thing you know, my colleague (we were quite junior) does a running belly dive on top of said director. The timing was perfect, slapstick comedy: one of those ‘did that really just happen?’ moments. All taken in surprisingly good humour, everyone else p*ssing themselves laughing. This was 30+ years ago, and I can remember it like yesterday.
Image credits: msbaker38
I worked in a theatre and we used to have our Christmas parties in the auditorium and foyer. Problem with doing it in the auditorium was that it meant there were several ways of very easily and inconspicuously getting backstage, which was expressly forbidden. Funny if a couple of people went backstage for a bit of festive rumpo and got locked in the building overnight, right? Well it’s even funnier when it’s four couples and a three.
Image credits: Logical-History-36
Several years ago, big Christmas party. Drinks are flowing, everyone having a great time.
Dirty Dancing song comes on. Pat and Jenny (names changed) decide its a great idea to re-create a scene from the movie, the one where the dude holds the girl in the air, arms fully stretched.
Jenny has a run up, leaps in Pats arms, he lifts her up, for a few brief moments it is a magical moment, then disaster. Pat loses balance, Jenny goes flying backwards, lands horribly, breaks her neck.
Jenny is in hospital for a long time, I can’t remember exactly how long but months. Thankfully, she isn’t paralysed, but she had lots of problems and it was difficult to overcome. The general consensus, no one was wholly to blame, both Pat and jenny were equally responsibly for being so stupid. Year goes by, Jenny can not let it go, she is constantly complaining about Pat, making a fuss, blaming him repeatedly (he naturally feels terrible about the whole ordeal) but after the constant complaining by Jenny, the office actually turned on her, got so bad HR had to intervene and either asked her to leave or she decided to resign, no one really knew.
TL;DL- Dirty dancing move lead to one employee breaking her neck
Image credits: MajesticMelonGames
Not the craziest but the funniest. There was some girl in the office who was annoying as f**k. Did nothing and was being monitored for poor performance. She went to the Christmas party and got leathered and tried it on with female managers. Forcibly kissed one but the best bit was the party somehow ended up at a bowling alley. She was hammered and decided to not let go of the ball and flew down the alley like superman, hit the pins (wasn’t a strike) and then proceeded to get stuck in the mechanism. The place had to call the fire brigade and they got her out. She was sacked the following week. Absolute head case she was. I used to have a pic of them pulling her out of the mechanism.
Image credits: orbtastic1
Drunk guy groping a bunch of women and very clearly had too much to drink so my old manager tried to escort him out of the party, and the drunk guy bit him so hard on the finger that he drew blood, and then he promptly walks out in the road and gets hit by a car! My old manager then has to go to A&E to get stitches and a bunch of vaccinations, and the drunk guy walks off the hit and sleeps in a store cupboard in the office, and p*sses on a load of merchandise. Wasn’t heard from again.
Image credits: hollyisnotsweet
A colleague of mine stayed at another colleagues flat after the work party as he had missed the last train home. He woke up in the night, still blind drunk, didn’t have a clue where he was and somehow managed to fall out of the first floor window into the garden wearing only his shirt and undies and with nothing else on him. He must have knocked himself out for a bit, and when he came back around, thought he was in his own garden so started banging on the downstairs neighbours door to let him in. He was arrested for trespassing and being drunk and disorderly and the other colleague woke up the next day to find only his phone, wallet, trousers and shoes and had no idea what had gone down.
Image credits: geosarba
I got taken home in a police car at 3am because I was walking home (7 miles dual carriageway) using a golf club as a walking stick and they thought I was blind.
Coppers asked me where I got it from and answered for me before I could: “you pinched it didn’t you?”
What I didn’t tell them was I somehow had it in a nightclub for 3 hours in my trouser leg, and that I thought it was the funniest s**t.
Had lost my wallet, phone was dead, feet were sore and I was ready to pass out. My antics earlier on with sticky fingers got me a lift home and a slap on the wrist.
Image credits: schofield101
One guy fell asleep at the start of dinner, face first into his turkey and gravy.
Image credits: its_only_beth
I worked at a high Street bank and we were having our Christmas do (8 of us) at a hotel with all the staff from Boots and Debenhams. We were on a long table with maybe 20 people on it and the bank junior decided this was the time to air his grievance with the bank manager. He crawled up on the table, across everybody’s food and knocking drinks flying. Grabbed the manager by the tie, burst into tears, clambered back across the table in reverse and then ran out of the room crying.
He was gone in the new year.
Image credits: steve_proto
This was at the Christmas party last year, I don’t work there anymore. A selection of people decided to go out on the town after the party ended. This one lad, probably only about 20, got absolutely sh**faced. He lived out of town so nobody knew how to get him home as they didn’t know his address, just that he wasn’t local, and he was too sloshed to tell anyone. This one girl who lived locally said he could sleep it off in her spare room. No funny business just so he was safe. This mf woke up in the middle of the night in this girls spare room, didn’t know where he was, and for some reason his first assumption was he’d been kidnapped? He decided in his drunken state, that he was going to try and escape out of the window, on the first floor, without his phone or keys or anything. Idiot fell out of the window down into the garden and completely f****d his leg up. Pretty sure he also got concussion. The girl woke up, obviously panicked, and had to take him to A&E. His job was quite physical too so he f****d himself. Saw him hobbling around like a month later when he finally came back into work. Just refused to speak to anyone else about it but everyone knew about it lmfaooo
Image credits: wellyboot97
Someone used the company credit card on a fancy strip club in London. About 5k was spent. They got away with it because one of the executives went along with them (they didn’t know about company card being used, and when they found out about it later, they wanted it to be kept quiet from their wife).
Image credits: OneEyedMilkman87
The company I worked for thought it was a good idea to pit the two factories against each other in a big competition. The two factory directors hated each other as well.
Cue the Christmas party and a 40 person punch up ensued as the ‘winning’ factory taunted the ‘losing’ factory. Was the last time we got a fully open bar, too. Was a 2 drink maximum then cash after that.
Image credits: Thisoneissfwihope
My manager peed herself on the dance floor, removed her pants and flung them at a colleague’s husband.
Image credits: yadyadyad
I don’t really want to go into too much detail because it would identify me so I’ll just say it ended with me in a coma for three days. Not even joking.
One of the account managers got in to a really drunk argument with one of the VPs. Apparently the VP thought it was a good time to address some negative feedback a customer had provided to her regarding the AM.
It ended with him emptying his entire pint over her head and calling her a “f*cking miserable c*nt”. Made much worse the next day when she approached him at breakfast expecting him to be embarrassed and apologise and he said “I’m sorry you were offended but you are a miserable c*nt”. He was gone by Monday. Not sure he much cared.
Friend after his Christmas do was woken up at checkout time by the hotel staff, so quickly got ready could only find one shoe and no suit jacket, they were in his car in the car park for some reason (he’d not driven). He had no idea what happened but shrugged it off, a month or two later noticed a random video on his phone.
He was in the back of a police car and the police are filming him giving a commentary “This is the inside of a [local force] police traffic vehicle and this is [friends name] where we’re now heading in the right direction back towards [x] where he was heading towards [y] it’s now 5 to 5 in the morning, merry christmas, got anything to say”. Friend slurs the air ambulance are gonna get loads of money and they say “we’re the police mate, don’t worry about it, yee hah”, friends giggling the whole way through.
He has no recollection and was at the hotel in the morning so no idea what happened, they must have found him wandering down the road (it’s super misty in the vid) so must have picked him up for safety but dropped him back off at the hotel ha, it sounds like unbelievable bs if there wasn’t a video.
Someone put their ballsack on the CEOs shoulder in the team photo. She was not happy.
HR actually pulled the photo out in the disciplinary. Incredible.
One place I worked a husband and wife who both worked there both shagged other people. The marriage didnt last long.
A colleague of mine managed to throw a kettle right over the pub once.
My (almost new) exec ended her night by lap dancing the utterly aghast boss before vomiting on him. No one knew her obviously, so I had to go through her phone, find her parents’ number, and call them to pick her up. That was a fun phone call. She started the job though!
The year before I joined the company three people broke their leg in separate incidents at the Christmas party.
Early 2000s, upper management approved a celebration in Vegas in mid December.
About sixty of us for three days of conference and celebrations.
A lot happened, but two things stand out.
One developer lost about ten grand playing blackjack on the first night and spent every spare moment trying to win it back, rumour was he was over thirty grand down at the end.
A pair of developers got banned from several casinos for card counting, but only after they had taken them for tens of thousands.
That group made the first developer whole at the end of the trip and still flew back first class.
One VP went missing and we found he had been arrested for drugs offences.
One developer was groped by a manager, she fought back and kicked him in the nuts so hard he had to go to hospital.
Beyond that a ton of extremely drunk people running riot in Vegas, it was a hell of a cluster.
Healthcare staff party. Nurse partied so hard she dislocated her elbow on the roof. Doctors tried and failed to put it back in. She went to ED, 45 mins later she came back with it xrayed and plastered to continue the party.
I threw up on my general managers shoes and everyone at work remembered it the next day it was so embarrassing.
A guy who had just got a contract with us got so drunk he urinated on the Christmas tree in the hotel foyer, got aggressive with the staff and then passed out in a pile of vomit all across the sofa in said foyer. Got sacked the next day!
Many years ago, one of my team members got thrown out for drunkenly pissing on the bar whilst waiting to order a drink. The photographer let slip a few weeks later that he’d had to Photoshop his testacles out the group shots as he’d discretely popped them out his fly and no-one noticed until the shots were being edited.
One of the admins got caught on CCTV blowing one of the managers; one of the middle managers punched the CFO; the police had to be called because people were openly having s*x outside the establishment where the party was being held (it was in town centre at a convention centre). They stopped doing free bars after that.
A young lady decided to give a young man some oral relief in a closed room.
Did I say closed room? I meant a photo booth.
And all photos were published on the photo booth website.
Our Join A Party thing was deeply boring, so myself and a colleague decided to crash whatever party/conference was happening next door. Turned out to be the policeman’s ball.
Some top blokes ended up buying us tons of shots all night and the last thing I remember is my boss coming to bodily remove me from sitting on someone’s lap at the bar (still fully clothed I might add). It was like getting busted by my dad ? Upon leaving the premises my fellow colleague in crime fell into a bush.
The following Monday I got the “I wasn’t angry, I was disappointed” speech ?
Staff Christmas Party when I was a teacher. Husband and wife, both teachers at the school, she finds out at the Christmas Party that he’s having an affair with a student. Kicked off all manner of f*****g chaos. They had children at the school too – one in the same year as the student he was having an affair with.
Young lad who we’d employed about 6 months previous got drunk and started a punch up with a bouncer at the venue, got dragged out by the other bouncers, shagged one of the girls on his team in the back seat of another colleagues car whilst said colleague was asleep in the front seat. Guy had a girlfriend and a young kid at the time. Girlfriend found out a few months later when the other girl found out she was pregnant. They carried on working together for another 2 years and it was awkward af.
My company took us to Granada studios where there was a Victorian street set that was used in a lot of TV programmes. Next to it is housed the Coronation Street set with security guards walking around it. I decided that it would be a good idea to explore the Coronation Street set so I got 4 equally drunk idiots to join me and we dodged the security guards and drunkenly walked down the Street. We were spotted and yelled at us so we ran off and spent the next 10 minutes going from back yard to back yard to get back to our table. We could hear the security guards looking for us and I really don’t know how they didn’t find us as we were so loud. Best game of hide and seek ever!
We had one woman, in her late forties. She got very drunk and started dirty dancing with one of the 19 year old boys. She was videos by his friend, rubbing her hands on the top of his thighs while grinding behind him, whilst he was looking very uncomfortable I told her it was inappropriate behaviour and to calm it on the drink, come sit/ dance with the girls She then had a complete tantrum, saying everyone was against her. Then spent two hours in the loo telling anyone who would listen that she was humiliated, her husband hated her and called her fat and then asking everyone how old they thought she was. She finished the night laying over a coffee table in the hotel foyer, managed to wrestle her into a taxi and sent her home. Also had to follow it up at work the following weekend. Fun
Happened to me. Many moons ago I worked as a bartender in a nightclub. Our Christmas party was in January- December is too important for clubs to shut shop. On a random Sunday in January we had our Christmas party. The club was closed and the “party” was in two stages. First work and then party. We first cleaned the club top to bottom. It was all hands on deck and we scrubbed the place. I remember my boss being on a ladder trying to dust the spot lights. He’s short, I took over. After the work we hit the showers and dolled up. Owner got in posh take away and managed the bar. What we wanted, we got. After did and our own body weight in stupid expensive alcohol we had cut-the-queue free pass to a very, very posh club.
The next day I was not well and I went to A&E. Cracked skull.
No one saw anything. Everyone said I was jolly and happy and steady. I don’t remember anything from the day. I have flash backs of arriving, boss on ladder, looking at pretty tiling while on toilet. The whole day, wiped out. I do not remember drunk bits, I don’t remember sober bits. I remember nothing. No one saw anything. There were +20 of us and no one had a clue.
I somehow managed to obtain a pretty big wound in my lower leg. There was a deep hole in my skin about the circumference of two 50p pieces. Didn’t even notice until I came out of the shower the next morning.
Two weeks later, I was at the bar at the local and suddenly I couldn’t move my leg. My friends took me to A&E, where a horrified nurse told me that if I’d waited 24 hours longer I’d have had to have my leg amputated due to gangrene.
We were just in bars and a nightclub. I can’t comprehend how on earth it happened ?
I worked at an agency where we’d hired a new account exec to start in the New Year but invited her to the Christmas party. We’d booked out a bar restaurant in Chelsea, all ours, free bar, champagne, the whole shebang. She enjoyed her evening with full enthusiasm right up to the point she ventured towards the toilets, downstairs in the basement. Tripped at the top, fell down stairs, broke her leg and sh*t herself on the way down. Stretchered out by London Ambulance in pungent glory through the partying throng on the ground floor. Never returned to start the job with us.
Covered myself in vom in the back of a taxi in front of 4 co-workers, including the CEO.
Also lost my work phone, house keys and coat in the taxi which ended up being in another city and had to get it two days later.
After being 3 weeks into the job.
This was last Friday.
Image credits: mry8z1
One guy had recently been promoted to a position above his previous boss, the guy who’d actually hired him in the first place. Alcohol and [drugs] brought the long simmering tension to a head and, after a bit of a shouty row, the previous boss jumped up onto the new boss’s table, whipped his c**k out and helicoptered it in his face yelling “you might have the big job but we all know who’s got the big d**k!” They were both still working there when I left 6 months later and nobody ever, ever mentioned that evening.
Image credits: WelshmanW1
I’d just started working at the company; I’d been there for about 3 months. My next door neighbour desk wise was a very quiet, reserved, mid-20s woman. She’d been there almost a year but only really spoke to one other woman. She was found in the blokes bathroom, of the nightclub the company had hired out for the Xmas do, giving bl*w jobs to a few guys. The woman that she was chatty with, a mid 30s mum of three, was later caught rolling around the dance floor, topless, getting off with her female team leader. It was the last time the company had a free bar. The early ‘00s were mental before the bubble burst!
The party was at a comedy club and the comedian was Jim Jefferies. He asked me who the dude next to me was cos “he looks like he really wants to f**k you”
It was my boss.
I used to work for a chi-chi private hospital in London. The jewel of the Christmas season was a big, all-expenses paid party for staff in a city centre hotel. Some of the stories were a bit eye watering but the most shocking one was when two of the most senior nurses in the hospital finished up the evening by indulging in a bit of group s*x with three of the porters.
Used to work for a national arts organisation and once had to manhandle one of the heads of the organisation out of an after hours party due to him making an embarrassment of himself in front of his wife with another woman.
The guy was an international authority in his field but seemed to have the social abilities of a bedroom dwelling teenager.
The best bit was I got an apology from him come Monday.
Them were the days!
One of the directors decided to shag the new employee. Colleague was sleeping on the floor on a spare duvet. Two other colleagues were next door listening to a knocking headboard.
Oh, the director was female btw..
My company got a multiple-year ban from a hotel in our city.
Drugs were taken in front of venue staff, which was bad enough, but it was in a communal serving area where there were upwards of 200 employees also present.
There were fistfights in the venue (yes, multiple). The party finished around 2am. The police had to be called in at 4am. There was blood all over the hotel lobby.
That wasn’t the first, nor last, physical fight of the night, including the most memorable for me; someone came back to their hotel room to find their partner, who works at the same company, in bed with 2 managers. They beat the hell out of all three people in the bed. I was the floor below, and wow that was something to hear.
Oh, and in that vein 3 couples were caught having sex in communal areas. All three couples were not seeing each other, 4 of the people were married, and all 6 people had hotel rooms. This was after the party finished, and they were not engaging in any group activities, they just all had the same dumb idea to break into the party venue, hotel spa, and the restaurant to do the deed.
If I remember right, 7 people lost their jobs once the investigation finished, including a manager who did drugs off a piano *whilst it was being played by one of the venue hires*.
Of course some of this is hearsay and office gossip, but I’m chummy with a few people who let spill more than they should have about the investigation, and knowing the people involved it wasn’t exactly hard to believe.
About 15 years ago I worked in a factory with a selection of east Europeans, some of whose countries were at war/had recently finished a war. For the handful of years I worked there, the Christmas party ended in brutal drunken fist fights in the street. Remember one year the nice admin lady who somehow unaccountably came out with us plebs from the shop floor shrieked in horror and pushed two battling Bosnians away from falling/bleeding on her fancy new car. Next day we all went back to sorting vegetables by quality.
The last few that I’ve been to (all the same company) have involved someone Jackson Pollocking the bathroom, someone being removed, someone being too drunk to move at the end of the night, and at least 1 ambulance being called.
The most memorable was in 2017 (my first staff party after being there for 2 years).
After a champagne reception, I was sat on a table at the very front of the venue, placed especially after our department had complained that we were always shoved in a back corner. Alongside me were a couple of newer staff along with some department managers.
Just as the dancers finished, and the manager was starting his welcome speech, I saw one of my colleagues (who had only been with us a matter of months!) start dry-heaving. The next thing I saw was him being dragged across the dance floor to the exit by one of the senior staff with a napkin clamped over his face.
By the end of the evening, one bathroom was totally out of order, 5 or 6 people had been thrown out for fighting, drugs, etc, and one of my colleagues ended up spending the night in a homeless centre rather than trying to get back home.
Unsurprisingly, we had to find a new venue the next year.
Worst thing was extremely tragic. Worked in a pretty small team, construction related. Went out for Christmas dinner and drinks. Everyone was very drunk. One of the guys decided to drink drive home and got into an accident and died as a result. Every Christmas I think about it. He had a fiancé and two small kids too. Can’t even imagine her reaction to getting that phone call on Christmas eve.
Used to work for solicitors. We used to fill office fridges will alcohol and have party in the office, this went on for a few years, one year two people got caught having sex on conference table in meeting room, and I walked in on several directors, all 50+ year old super boring men, all snorting [drugs] in the toilets. Suffice to say this was the last year they did in office parties ?
Where I used to work, the building had 24 hour security, but the party was held off-site. This meant permanent staff too drunk to go home could go back to the office and crash there for the night.
Two people both in a relationship, but not with each other, did just this and decided to relax in the entertainment space (comfy chairs, sofas etc). The space they were in has CCTV but not covering every inch of it. So the chap chose to relax on a sofa almost out of sight of any camera.
When his colleague decided she’d give him some mouth-love, he could barely be seen, but she most definitely could.
My department was in charge of the CCTV (yes, I’ve seen it) and as they’d both been seen entering the building together, identifying them was simple. But rather than make a big deal out of it, my boss just had a discreet word with both of them, and the footage was “accidentally” erased.
They’re both still working there.
Quite early on in my career, open bar Xmas party with hotel room each. Drank appropriately and vommed on my shirt in the lift to my hotel room. Nobody with me so thought I’d rinse it off in room. Then thought I don’t want a wet shirt in my bag so decided I’d hang it on the shower rail to dry. I’d wrung it out but was sopping wet, so came up with the genius idea of buttoning the cuff around the room’s hairdryer and drying the shirt from within. Figured I’d do this while brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed, then promptly passed out unconscious.
Woke up to the noise of the hairdryer and staggered into the bathroom which was hotter than any sauna I’d ever been in. Shirt hadn’t caught fire or anything but all plastic items in the room had melted. Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, everything was pooled where the bottles had melted. Spent 20 minutes wiping liquids with loo roll and flushing the evidence, finished wiping with my previously dry shirt, stashed all the melted plastics in my bag and gtfo.
I know hotel staff have seen it all, but my horrors didn’t want to deal with the thought of them seeing my stupidity.
This year we were at a sexual themed crazy golf course for our works party. We had been drinking for several hours before. I was playing generally awfully thanks to not being able to see straight. A colleague commented that if I got a hole in one he would get his k**b out. I proceeded to get a hole in one entirely by accident, he pulled his jeans and boxers down to his ankles in full view of everyone including the CCTV cameras.
Early internet bubble company, there was a person no-one recognized absolutely hammered walking up to people at random (including upper management) saying “You know what you are – you’re a c**t.”
It turned out he was the new hire who had been invited to the party to get to know people before he started.
He turned up to work the next Monday. His boss had a quiet word with him, but he kept his job.
One of the few people to receive a bonus was drunk. He didn’t think the bonus was as much as should have been. He circled the crowd, showing it to everyone, before walking up to the owner and tearing it up in his face. Apparently he also pinched some ladies.
Guy I knew went to the toilet and p*ssed on everyone in there, saying ‘I’m senior to you, I can do what I like.’ He also cr*pped his boxers, took them off and smeared the walls. Later that evening (this was all the same night) he had a stand up physical fight with his wife in the middle of the dance floor because she was groping guys and getting felt up. He was posted elsewhere not long after.
The big boss made an appearance and put his card behind the bar. The new guy went f*****g mental – pints, shots, cocktails. Within an hour he was annihilated. Unprovoked, he strutted over to the boss, pointing his finger and shouting, “Oi you!”. Everything went silent and he just screamed, “you’re a f*****g c**t”. He got packed up in a taxi and sent home. When he walked in the office on Monday, he was escorted out by security.
For the record, the boss was *not* a f*****g c**t. He’s one of the few bosses that I can legitimately say was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. A genuine good bloke.
A woman told a friend of mine that she had cancer and in a state of shock and pure pissedupness he responded by saying he did too.
Some one slipped on the dance floor, snapped their ACL, and had to be stretchered off. They’ve not been seen at work since.
I got so sh**faced at my agency party that instead of DJing like I was sposed to I drank and staggered around then started spewing and ended up waking up in my office the next day. Apparently my wife called at 4am and one of my workmates answered it and said that I was passed out in the floor. Wife wasn’t even surprised. ??
Around 2010 corporate work do, just remember a horrible atmosphere and idiots on coke. I’d stopped 2 fights by 11 and said that’s me done and went home. Into work the next morning, girl I worked with rocks in with 2 black eyes. One of the fellas brought his mrs to the party both c*ked out their brains, she hopped on the girls head thinking she had been shagging her fella. She hadn’t, the girl who had, saw her and made a quick exit. The fella was sacked that day.
My old work got barred from a whole hotel chain…jokes was we weren’t even staying there just got confused.
Some years ago youngest in the team (18?) discovered free bar for the first time. 45 minutes later proceeded to vomit, but as he was sat down, attempted to hide it by vomiting into his glass. Only problem was that the glass was nowhere near large enough and it overflowed onto the table and even if you didn’t see it the smell caused an evacuation of everyone sat nearby. Promptly got him a taxi home.
This was before any starters or food arrived at work Christmas dinner.
That’ll be me. Company took us all to an all you can drink place in Eastleigh. I hadn’t been drinking in ages as I was skint most of the time. Ended up getting absolutely blotto, asked the MD and his fellow directors if they had any gear, got into a scuffle with the bouncers and got chucked out, ended up asleep under a tree until the bus took us back.
Surprisingly didn’t get sacked.
Well my bosses boss, grand-boss if you will, told everyone how much he wanted women to p**s on his face ?
A young guy tried to force himself in the taxi of an older married woman he worked with saying he thought she was gorgeous. He didn’t show up at work for a week after as everybody knew.
A few years ago, just before the pandemic, I woke up in my hotel room covered in blood. The room looked like a murder scene and one of my teeth had been chipped.
To this day I have no idea what happened. I remember walking from the do back to my hotel. I remember getting into the room, getting undressed for bed, folding my clothes and getting into bed. The next morning I walked into the bathroom and my reflection was my face just covered in blood.
I backed out of the bathroom into the room itself. The white sheets were covered in blood. The floor was covered in blood. My clothes were still nearly piled in the corner, thankfully free of blood because that was a flipping expensive shirt that I really liked.
I remember going to sleep, I remember waking up with a heck of a hangover, but I’ve no idea what happened while I was sleeping.
from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda