History gets a bad reputation, mostly due to stuffy teachers and dense, bland textbooks. In reality, no pun intended, it’s a gold mine of interesting facts, fascinating personalities, and stories that can rival Hollywood. Screenwriters have tapped into real events for a long time, so it’s no surprise that meme creators have started to do the same.
Memes are a great way to share stories from our history and present them in an approachable and relatable way. So get comfortable, scroll down, and upvote your favorites. Should you feel like you want to see some more, Bored Panda has you covered, with other collections of history memes here, here, and here.
#1 Turns Out A Lot Of Historical Figures Who Dreamed Of World Domination Were A Bit Freaked Out By Cats
Image credits: CaitlinSnep
#2 Window Tax
Image credits: TheBlazinghirex
#3 A Surprise To Be Sure But A Welcome One!
Image credits: followerofEnki96
Besides often being hilarious, memes also help tie us closer to other people. After all, they use some shared piece of information or context to communicate the idea or punchline. It is actually quite beautiful that we as humans have so much shared experience, or history, as some might call it, that groups of people can all enjoy the same images overlaid with text.
Most of the images here rely on two things, the reader understanding the frame of reference for the image, which are from general meme templates and media, while also understanding the text, which references some historical event or fact. Educators should pay attention since this mechanism actually promotes learning by connecting something new with something more familiar. At the very least, students won’t be falling asleep in class.
#4 It’s Our Territory
Image credits: Khantlerpartesar
#5 Daily Reminder That The Protestants Mainly Did Witch Hunts And The Church Outright Made It Illegal To Do Them
Image credits: NCRisthebestfaction
#6 My Answer:atlest Establish A Base Off The Beach
Image credits: RappersTeaLight
In their defense, history teachers and professors have their work cut out for them. They need to convey huge amounts of facts and context to people who often don’t understand the point of the entire exercise. “Those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it,” goes the adage by writer and philosopher George Santayana. This perfectly illustrates the issue of history, as the actual quote goes:” Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” But most people don’t always even learn from their own life experiences, so it’s a pretty tall order.
#7 Fight Me Idc
Image credits: trihohair
#8 High Iq Meme
Image credits: berkay10_
#9 Book Sais A Thing
Image credits: edgewolf666-6
We can think of history as trying to put together multiple jigsaw puzzles, with an unknown number of missing pieces and boxes that may or may not be lying about what the actual image looks like. Anything older than a few decades has already lost its primary sources and older history might cover periods where the language has died out or perhaps writing didn’t exist yet. Some historians go as far as to say that our history really is just a history of civilizations that developed writing.
#10 The Dutch Called Oranges “Chinese Apples”, So
Image credits: Cubusphere
#11 Memento Mori -Domitian, Probably
Image credits: _abou-d
#12 I Did It, I Beat Rule 12
Image credits: KingMwanga
Even worse, people have short memories, and certain ideas and facts often just lose their relevance. The term “ash heap of history” or “dustbin of history” reflects the reality that as ideas and artifacts lose their importance, they end up forgotten, to the detriment of future historians. The same can be said of language and texts, particularly for works that have yet to be digitalized. In his arguably most famous work, The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov, said “manuscripts don’t burn.” While that may be true, they can still be simply forgotten.
#13 Well, Any Contradictions?
Image credits: SadOwl3244
#14 “Don’t Worry Boys, We Got It Covered” -Omar Bradley, Probably
Image credits: dan_drinks_tea
#15 When The
Image credits: MatsuKatsuXD
So historians have the thankless task of trying to find those bits of data and information that have been left buried in some archive, tomb, or museum basement. The first historian, at least to our knowledge would be Herodotus, who lived around 450 BC and is sometimes called the “father of history.” Though due to his habit of covering folk tales alongside real events, modern critics sometimes label him the “father of lies.” Historians can be a hard crowd to please.
#16 You Guys Know You Lost Right?
Image credits: RegularNoodles
#17 The One War I Don’t Think Sabaton Ever Has Or Ever Will Write A Song About
Image credits: reddit.com
#18 Vietnam Was A Wild Time
Image credits: AllenXeno122
#19 Did You Know David Attenborough Owns A First Edition Of The Origin Of Species?
Image credits: BIG_W4TER
#20 The Drip Don’t Stop
Image credits: PACKmanMixr
#21 Speaking As An Austrian
Image credits: ChiliGeeks
#22 So Much Wasted Potential
Image credits: dvshusush
#23 Ofc It Takes Skilled Labor To Construct Complex Monuments
Image credits: ReflectionSingle6681
#24 The Forgotten Squabblers
Image credits: DaDinoNerdBoi
#25 The Siege Of Jadotville Is One Of The Un Peacekeepers’ Finest Moments, But Is Barely Talked About
Image credits: GuyOnABison
#26 Tragic Realization Oc
Image credits: Spinswell
#27 Spoiler Alert: It Did
Image credits: Gui_Franco
#28 Not Even A Us Tank In Japan
Image credits: mintcocoacookie
#29 Ksayarsa, Haksamanish
Image credits: Ceo-Of-The-Apes
#30 Mysterious Copper Object Goes Brr
Image credits: boring_civilian
#31 How Screwed Would You Be If You Had To Live In Your Favorite Time Period As A Common Woman
Image credits: Vexonte
#32 I’m Part Of This
Image credits: Suspicious_Staff_455
#33 Progressive May Be Relative But Still
Image credits: GrAaSaBa
#34 Jumping On The North America Train
Image credits: HaraldRedbeard
#35 The More You Know
Image credits: sya_the_awkward
#36 Scary Actually
Image credits: SirToaster933
#37 Why Is Everybody Talking About The Assassination Of Franz Ferdinand, When The Arthashastra Already Speaks Of Assassination In The Year 300 Bce?
Image credits: spastikatenpraedikat
#38 Verhoeven: I’m Doing My Part!
Image credits: SpiritedAstronaut
#39 What Are Everyone’s Plans For The 12/25 Holiday?
Image credits: haonlineorders
#40 Seriously How Do People Not Understand This
Image credits: TheWeirdWoods
#41 Did They Really Think It Would Be Accepted?
Image credits: JohnMarstonreddead2
#42 The First Suicide Hotline Was Set Up In The 50s By A(N Anglican) Priest Literally Named “Chad”. That’s It. That’s The Joke
Image credits: VinesNFluff
#43 I’m Cnottaa Unoferswiðendlíc, Peasent
Image credits: Zawisza_Czarny9
#44 Ah Yes Christianity
Image credits: vanillamilkenjoyer
#45 Romans Like Their Walls Way Too Much
Image credits: I_am_unique6435
#46 How Are You Supposed To Answer This One..?
Image credits: Winged_Hussar90
#47 The 1965 Mgm Vault Fire And Many Like It Are Why We Don’t Have A Lot Of Silent Movies
Image credits: Polibiux
#48 Everything’s Fixed
Image credits: WildCard318
#49 No One Attacks Our Buddy And Gets Away With It!!!! It’s Go Time Motherf****r!!
Image credits: nothinga3
#50 When You Think You Are Napoleon Reborn
Image credits: Iedermand
#51 All Three Will Lie To You
Image credits: candiedloveapple
#52 Kind Of Jealous
Image credits: latetothemelaninloot
#53 Tbf He Hated Pretty Much Everyone
Image credits: mehmed2theconqueror
#54 Ohh I´ve Got A Brand New Shiny Helmet
Image credits: JackMcCrane
#55 Seriously, The Dutch Have A Massive Hard On For Canada
Image credits: Mrmansam22
#56 “? ?? ??? ?????????? ?? ???…?? ??? ??? ??? ????????? ????? ????, ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ? ?????????? ???? ?? ???? ???.”
Image credits: pbaagui1
#57 Don’t Look Up His Name Tho
Image credits: DSCarlo
#58 This Didn’t Age Well
Image credits: iriasu-_-
#59 You Better Know That If Certain War Is Compared To The Biblical Flood Then It Is *really*bad
Image credits: Witcher587
#60 Franz Ferdinand
Image credits: ProfessionalHefty578
#61 At Least One
Image credits: Sk-yline1
#62 The First Four Caliphs Kinda Have Chad Energy About Them
Image credits: DamnTheAwkardTurtle
#63 I Think We Can Work Something Out
Image credits: thepositivepandemic
#64 -And We Will Give It. (They Actually Did)
Image credits: MoliTosbagasi
#65 (Meta) The State Of The Sub Rn
Image credits: What-You_Egg
#66 Ouch
Image credits: ashcoria
#67 He Fought For Three Countries Against Communism, Even For The Nazis, Yet Lost All Of Them
Image credits: TotallyRealEpstein
#68 More Accurately
Image credits: ClearMost
#69 F**k Beria
Image credits: alotofcheeses42168
#70 Who Would Win At Last?
Image credits: Anonhistory
#71 L Bozo
Image credits: Despot_of_Morea_
#72 Ghost Of Tsushima Was Very Accurate
Image credits: Sirikoala
#73 Something I Found And Stole
Image credits: insomniaoverandover
#74 Debate In The Comments
Image credits: darthinferno15
#75 I Prefer Bow
Image credits: thetruememeisbest
#76 Athena Once Turned Someone Into A Spider Because She Felt Sorry For Her (???)
Image credits: misunderstood_9gager
#77 The Vikings Chose A New Motto
Image credits: bots_lives_matter
#78 You Know The Movie I’m Talking About
Image credits: owen_demers
#79 Very Brave Of Them
Image credits: Competitive-Tap-5894
#80 In The Port Of The City Where I Live, There Was A Big Prison Where It Was An Institutionalized Challenge
#81 Since 1945, Historians Both Amateur And Professional, Have Embraced A Shocking Amount Of Nazi Propaganda. Mostly When It Makes The Soviet Union Look Bad
#82 The Opium Wars Aren’t Talked About Enough To Be Honest
from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/ZnKJB7X
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda