75 Remarkable Photos Of People Experiencing Unbelievable Luck

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If you find a penny on the ground that’s facing up, grab it! That’s good luck! If it rains on your wedding day, don’t freak out. That’s a great sign for your marriage. And if a ladybug lands on you or you see a rainbow, it’s your lucky day! On the other hand, be sure to avoid stepping on cracks, walking under ladders and opening umbrellas indoors, or your luck might just run out.

Whether you believe in luck or not, there’s no denying that some days things just go our way. Bored Panda has scoured the internet to find photos of people having incredibly good luck, so you’ll find the best ones below. Enjoy scrolling through these pics of good fortune, and keep reading to find a conversation with John Kehoe, best selling author of Mind Power into the 21st Century!

#1 My Mother Found My Cat Online After A Whole Year Of Being Lost

Image credits: NexuzRequiem

Do you believe in life after luck? (If you didn’t already, please go back and read that in Cher’s voice.) If you do believe in luck, what you consider to be lucky can depend on many different factors, including your culture, your beliefs and where you’re from. For example, I grew up in the United States, where I was never told that keeping eye contact is necessary when cheers-ing drinks.

However, my partner swears that it’s bad luck if we don’t look each other in the eye when our drinks clink. But we can both agree that you should never reveal what you wished for when blowing out your birthday candles. Otherwise it won’t come true! As silly as these superstitions may be, it’s fun to knock on wood and avoid stepping on cracks. And who knows? Maybe these beliefs helped the people on this list earn some good luck too! 

#2 My Friend Just Got This Once-In-A-Lifetime Picture

Image credits: nimo4749

To learn more about the topic of luck, we reached out to John Kehoe, teacher of Mind Power Training and best selling author of Mind Power into the 21st Century. John was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and discuss how he actually programmed himself to be lucky.

“It happened by accident during a summer of incredible sailing weather. Every time we went out sailing and had perfect winds and weather I would say, ‘Just our luck.’ I enjoyed saying this and began taking on the habit of saying ‘just my luck’ every time something good happened,” John shared. “It didn’t have to be major things, even having a series of green lights while I was driving or getting the last reservation at a restaurant prompted me to say to myself, ‘Just my luck.'”

#3 I Saw This Extremely Rare Rainbow Cloud

Image credits: rozdolla

“It was not lost on me that I was using this well known expression in the exact opposite way that most people use it,” John noted. “When people use the expression ‘just my luck,’ it is always used when something bad happens to them. Why would they use it that way? That is programming the subconscious mind that you are unlucky. I know well the power of suggestion, having written a book on the subject (Mind Power into the 21st Century).”

#4 Insanely Well-Timed Picture

Image credits: Stidgen

“At first it was just fun saying it, but then something quite remarkable began happening. I started getting really lucky,” John told Bored Panda. “Not that I was unlucky before this practice, but now my luck was off the charts. I got tickets to a sold out concert, made some amazing business contacts, I even won a 50/50 lottery at a hockey game that year where twenty thousand people had bought tickets, taking home a sizable amount of money. And yes, after I won I said, ‘Just my luck.’ Now, some twenty years later, my wife and I still use this expression regularly. And yes, we are very lucky.”

#5 I Found The Ultra Rare Physoplexis Comosa

Image credits: landylindo

“I teach this principle in my online courses, sharing this story and encouraging my students to begin the practice of saying ‘just my luck’ every time something good happens to you and watch what happens,” John continued. “I’ve had hundreds of my students responding to me about the great results they are seeing, and from a psychological perspective, it makes perfect sense.”

#6 What A Precious Memory

Image credits: swiftcoffeegirl

If you’ve always considered yourself to be unlucky, well, maybe today is the day to change that.

“There are many mysteries in life, but both anecdotally and statistically, those that think of themselves as lucky usually are, and those that don’t aren’t,” John shared. “The subconscious mind works with the material we feed it. Feeling negative, depressed, unable to achieve anything influences the subconscious. It’s easy to feel down when things aren’t going our way, but simple exercises focusing on the good things in our life can help us get out of our negativity.”

#7 I’m A Woodturner And Found A Lovely Bowl In A Vintage Store Made By The Guy Who Inspired Me As A Kid. I Felt The Bowl Was Very Familiar, So I Flipped Through The Book And Found This

Image credits: DalbergTheKing

“I further believe that the universe works algorithmically and will bring to us the experiences we expect and project for,” John continued. “Of course, nothing is a hundred percent perfect, and I’m not suggesting that you can have whatever you want, whenever you want. This is no magic wand, but in more cases than not, what you focus on you attract, often in ways we could never imagine.”

#8 Reminder To Always Wear A Helmet If You Want To Be Lucky Like Me

Image credits: sorot92

John says beliefs have an uncanny way of manifesting themselves. “Change your beliefs. The most amazing thing about the subconscious is that it can and will take instructions,” he shared. “You can change your beliefs by repeated instructions and or affirmations. It’s actually easier than you would expect, but you do have to make the effort and not just once in a while. A simple daily practice for several minutes will begin to change your thinking in a few weeks.”

And if you’d like to learn more about John’s Mind Power Training, you can learn some of the basics right here!

#9 A Nice Person Found My Phone After I Left It In The Metro Train And Took Pictures Before Giving It To The Train Staff

Whoever you are, thank you, kind stranger, for picking up my phone and giving it to the train staff after I lost it in the Melbourne metro train. I'm glad you took pictures on my phone, so at least everyone will know what a great person you are.

Image credits: Ajlynnart

#10 I Pointed My Telescope At The Phoenix Nebula For Almost 12 Hours To Capture This. I Really Got Lucky

Image credits: chucksastro

According to a survey from PaysBig, two thirds of Americans believe in luck. And even one third of those who don’t admit that they still abide by some superstitions “just in case.” Some of the most common examples of “good luck” that Americans believe in include beginner’s luck, wishing on shooting stars, throwing coins into fountains, picking up pennies, knocking on wood, 7 being a lucky number and having a good luck charm.

Many also believe that four-leaf clovers are signs of good fortune, crossing their fingers brings good luck, 11:11 is the perfect time to make a wish, blowing out birthday candles in one breath, avoiding the number 666, ladybugs bring good luck, and that walking under ladders brings bad luck.  

#11 I Flipped A Kayak In Sea Cave And Lost A Go-Pro Style Camera. 2.5 Years Later, I Got An Email Saying That It Had Been Found And The Footage Was Intact

Image credits: rallymachine

Even if you don’t believe in good luck, there’s a chance that you blame luck when things don’t go your way. In fact, PaysBig reports that 53% of people blame their misfortunes on bad luck. Meanwhile, only 9% blame themselves, while 8% might blame a full moon or Mercury in retrograde. 7% of people don’t look for anything to blame their unfortunate circumstances on, and 4% simply blame bad things on life itself. And a tiny percentage of people, 3% to be exact, will blame their misfortunes on karma. 

#12 Dropping A Plate While Doing The Dishes

Image credits: AdamE89

When it comes to whether or not people see themselves as lucky, the majority of us actually don’t. Only 38% of those surveyed would consider themselves a “lucky person.” Meanwhile, 62% of people believe that everything happens for a reason. And as far as what days of the week tend to bring the best luck for people, 41% of people consider Friday and Saturday to be their good luck charms. Thursday seems to bring the least amount of luck, with only 15% of those surveyed deeming it a lucky day.

#13 We Were Seconds Away From Losing Our Home To The California Fire. Thank You To All The Firefighters Who Saved Our Community

Image credits: BBQBUDDAH22

#14 What Were The Odds??

Image credits: zugenia

#15 I Poured This Glass Of Wine Before Noticing A Chunk Of The Stem Was Missing. Not Sure How It’s Still Standing, But Thankfully It Didn’t Spill

Image credits: -jsm-

If you’re interested in increasing your own luck, Richard Wiseman, author of The Luck Factor, shared some of the trademark features of lucky individuals with CNBC. First, he noted that lucky people typically jump at any opportunities that come their way. They might be great at networking, putting themselves out there and meeting new people. The more risks you take and the more often you go after opportunities, the more likely you are to have something work out!

#16 I’ve Peaked. I Found These Lalique French Crystal Cats

I found these guys at an antique store for $19 each. I know they were high-quality crystals and were heavy (9 lb each), so I bought them on a whim without knowing what they were. I got home and looked up the signature on the bottom, which ended up being “Lalique France." The retail value of them, from what I found, is around $3000 for the pair. Pretty happy for $40.

Image credits: fustercluck45

#17 The Soldier Received His Mounted Helmet, Which Took A 7.62 Round At 20 Feet While Wearing It. He Wouldn’t Have Survived That Impact Had He Not Been Wearing That Helmet

Image credits: Miguenzo

#18 A Reciprocating Saw Fell Off A Tool Bag And Landed On My Neck. Literally Less Than 1 Mm From Being A Quadriplegic Or Dead

Image credits: staycoolstewy

Wiseman also says that lucky people are great at listening to their intuition. Whether it’s your gut telling you to skip the party tonight that you’re really not feeling or something inside of you saying that you need to go to the beach today, listen. Sometimes, our bodies know what’s coming before our brains do, and following your intuition can certainly pay off!

#19 My Partner And I Survived This Car Crash 2 Days Ago. We’re Very Lucky

Image credits: VAttitudeProblem

#20 My Mom Lost A Very Special Earring Overseas While Visiting Relatives Two Months Ago. We Searched For Days When It Went Missing. Today We Found It

Image credits: SA_Dude

#21 Nearly Lost My Toes On An Escalator. Thank God I’m Okay

Image credits: Dashigos

Another trait that lucky people tend to have is being an optimist, Wiseman notes. They don’t dwell on things that go wrong or waste time complaining about how unlucky they are. They take action, and they think positively. Many people believe that positive thoughts attract good things anyway, so it’s definitely worth a shot! Focus on the bright side, and believe that good things are in store for you. They just might be after all!

#22 Found A Sword Hiking Near An Old Clearcut. British Columbia, South Coast

Image credits: Monorail_Song

#23 The Daughter Of My Nephew Last Night Was In The Right Place At The Right Time. It Was An Amazing Concert

Image credits: Fiona_Clarke_

#24 I Was Lucky Enough To Have The Aurora Borealis Visible In South England On My Wedding Night

Image credits: scarronline

On that same note, Wiseman says that lucky individuals are always resilient. “They tend to imagine spontaneously how the bad luck they encounter could have been worse and, in doing so, they feel much better about themselves and their lives,” he told CNBC. “This, in turn, helps keep their expectations about the future high and increases the likelihood of them continuing to live a lucky life.”

#25 Yesterday, On Our 4th Grade Field Trip To A Local State Park, My Students Found Actual Hidden Treasure

Image credits: A1APaul

#26 The Bible That Saved My Great-Great-Grandfather In World War 1

Image credits: Moerder_Gesicht

#27 Reminder To Always Be Alert To Your Surroundings. Solo Driver SB280 Was Lucky Enough To Escape With Only A Scratch

Image credits: SJFirefighters

Are you feeling lucky after reading through this list, pandas? Keep upvoting the pics that you find most exciting, and feel free to let us know in the comments below when you had an extremely lucky experience. Then, if you’re interested in checking out even more photos that prove good luck definitely exists, be sure to visit this Bored Panda piece next!

#28 This Is The Result Of Hitting A 750 Lbs Moose Going 100 Km/H, I Walked Away Barely Hurt

Image credits: Brandillio

#29 Picture Fell Off The Wall But Never Hit The Ground. Luckily, The Painting Wasn’t Damaged

Image credits: Munkey_Boy14

#30 I Happened To Be At A Garden When The Botanical Gardens Of St. Louis Corpse Flower Bloomed

Image credits: kweenie26

#31 During A Storm, A Split Tree Fell On Either Side Of A Car. Both Trunks Reached Across The Street But Didn’t Damage A Car

Image credits: justberks101

#32 After I Posted My Painting Of Bad Luck Brian, Mr. Bad Luck Himself Contacted Me To Purchase It. I’m Feeling Blessed

Image credits: mnhaverland

#33 Somebody Mailed My Lost Wallet Back, And They Even Left The Cash Inside. I Left 70$ Cash In Here, They Didn’t Take Any Cards Out. I’m Just Speechless. No Note, Just Some Basic Packaging

Image credits: RingerCheckmate

#34 Close Call

Image credits: mitchellhendrik

#35 Nosebleed Somehow Only Hit My Seatbelt And Missed My New Shirt

Image credits: boxxkicker

#36 Won Free Smoothies For A Year, One A Week

Image credits: Icy-Ad9796

#37 This 10 Kg (22 Lbs) Chocolate Bar I Won From A Competition Is An Absolute Unit

Image credits: Aimless_Devastator

#38 I Actually Won The Jackpot At An Arcade. This Is What 1,000 Tickets Look Like

Image credits: GoodBuddy1125

#39 That’s The Strangest Flower I Have Seen

Image credits: thorogoodchris1

#40 Our Soap Pump Fell And Cracked, But Didn’t Break. The Soap Clogs The Cracks

Image credits: Titanor

#41 My Wife Found A Hippopotamus Tooth At The Coast Today

Image credits: randumbum

#42 I Was Trembling When I Carried This 12-Inch Vase Out Of The Store For Just $10. I Am Baffled As To How It Slipped Past The Processors Without The Signature Being Checked

Image credits: butterflygirl1980

#43 I Won A Life-Size Replica Of The Iron Throne. My Daughter For Scale

Image credits: mideonequalsratings

#44 I Purchased What I Thought Was An Egyptian Revival Costume Ring At A Thrift Store. To My Surprise, The Gold Tested 18K

Image credits: A_Name_With_No_Horse

#45 My Brother Likes To Search For Shark Teeth On Beaches. This Was 6 Hours Of Searching At Folly Beach, SC

Image credits: Weiguken

#46 I Was Lucky Enough To Discover The Northern Lights At My Home. It’s In Carinthia, Austria

Image credits: Little_Exclusive

#47 Barely

Image credits: can_duece

#48 That’s Just Scary

Image credits: LLitaba

#49 My Mom Texted Me A Picture Of Her Friend Who Had A Ball Drop Into Her Purse During Batting Practice For Tonight’s ALCS Game

Image credits: thebestisyetocome

#50 I Found A Roman Coin While Out Walking

Image credits: Demongeeks8

#51 I Found A Hot Tub And Steam Room Behind A Basement Wall

Image credits: Ron_Qwanson

#52 Crazy Luck

Image credits: TheMossadIL

#53 I Always Thought Those Stories Were Fake. I Bought An Old Book For A Project, And This 12K Necklace Was Hiding In The Spine

Image credits: htrwbr

#54 A Beer Can Fell Out Of Our Fridge And Landed Like This

Image credits: brancoopyat

#55 My Lucky Day

Image credits: Judicium22

#56 Today, I Found A 94-Year-Old Dollar On The Ground

Image credits: cosmicmoods

#57 Kenny Viera Is One Lucky Dude! His Engine Hoist Saved His Project Car From Being Completely Totaled By A Fallen Tree During A Storm

Image credits: 1320Video.com

#58 I Saw This In Brooklyn, NY This Morning. Very Lucky

Image credits: alxsamsonov

#59 Wood Fell Off The Back Of A Truck On The Highway. It Went Through The Windshield And Chipped My Dad’s Tooth

Image credits: modernjpirate

#60 I Accidentally Knocked Over A Stack Of Boxes. That Was Lucky

Image credits: DonPlaysRS

#61 My Wife Set This Up So She Could Reach The Window To Wash It. Thank God I Found It Before She Actually Got On It

Image credits: ManualWind

#62 Saw A Bear In Big Bend National Park Today! About 30 Feet Away. Luckily, We Were In The Car

Image credits: OhKerrn

#63 Nearly Got Stabbed In The Foot. Missed By Millimeters

Image credits: Roohecy

#64 While I Was At My House, There Were Some Big Gusts Of Wind. I Heard Something Fall And Went Outside To Investigate. Zero Damage To The Truck

Image credits: KyoTheRedditer

#65 I Got Lucky And Found A Golden Ring. It Has Been On The Ground For A Long Time, But Now I Wear It

Image credits: nukefodder

#66 The Wind At My University Was So Intense It Blew A Metal Lamp Post Over And Nearly Hit My Car

Image credits: reddit.com

#67 My Lucky Day… Premium Gas For Regular Price, San Jose, CA

Image credits: falldown99xgetup100

#68 I Had A McDonald’s Burger That Looked Almost Like The Advertised Image

Image credits: _AtomsForPeace_

#69 The Customer Didn’t Mention Anything About The Brakes Being Bad Until After This. Not A Scratch On The Yukon Though, So We Got Lucky

Image credits: Waas507

#70 I Got The Whole Theater To Myself For “Saw X”. I Call That “Epic Good Luck”

Image credits: gxw777-2

#71 My Mom Wrecked Her Jeep Yesterday And Somehow Walked Away Unscathed

Image credits: eddmario

#72 So I Almost Dropped My Phone Off Of A Cruise Ship While Trying To Take A Photo, And I Accidentally Snapped This Photo Beauty

Image credits: The-Lazy-Lemur

#73 I Almost Died, This Stupid Thing Is Real And I Almost Drank It

Image credits: TechManPrieto

#74 I Got So Lucky, Before The Christmas

Image credits: AvgustTonS

#75 I Found Them In A Home Depot Parking Lot After Almost Stepping On Them. Did I Get Lucky Today?

Image credits: _Nature_Boy

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