75 Hilarious Posts That Millennials Might Find Painfully Relatable (New Pics)

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Being a millennial isn’t always easy. The older generations might look down on you for spending your life’s savings on avocado toast and lattes, while the younger generations will roast your skinny jeans and ankle socks on TikTok. You’re old enough to have chronic back pain, yet too young to be able to afford a home! Life is cruel!

But if you’re looking to bond with fellow millennials about the trials and tribulations of being in your thirties, you’ve come to the right place, pandas. We took a trip to the “I Am Thirty AF” Instagram page and gathered some of their most hilarious posts down below. Keep reading to also find a conversation with the creators of the account, and be sure to upvote the pics that you find most relatable!


Image credits: JessiSheron


Image credits: ben_rosen


Image credits: theglennisshow

We’re big fans of I Am Thirty AF here at Bored Panda, so this actually isn’t the first time we’ve featured the hilarious account. And lucky for us, we were able to get in touch with Chloe and Peter, the friendly couple who runs the page. They were kind enough to discuss their extremely successful account, which has now amassed over 3.6 million followers, as well as what they’ve been up to with their other pages since we last spoke to them about 7 months ago.

“We have four pages now on Instagram, our main @iamthirtyaf that focuses on millennial themes and nostalgia, @iamstarvingaf that is fully focused on food (which I fully relate to), @iamemployedaf that focuses on job related themes, and our newest page @iamokayaf that focuses on mental health with a bit of humor tied in,” the creators shared.


Image credits: alyssalimp


Image credits: emmabarrie


Image credits: townsendyesmate

“We’re also LOVING Threads and are super active there with original content from the two of us,” Chloe and Peter continued. “This year, we’ve also been focusing on expanding beyond social media and are having an absolute blast!”

“We started our brand during the pandemic when we were all stuck in our homes for days on end, and now that we can get out and meet people in real life, we’re working on live events and a few other fun projects. We were in the Netflix is a Joke Fest at the start of the year and have had a ton of fun shows around the country since then,” they shared. “Our next Funny AF live show is in Brooklyn in October- check out details to come on @iamthirtyaf !”


Image credits: lolennui


Image credits: ItsRobbAllen


Image credits: moniza_hossain

We were also curious how the creators decide exactly what they want to share on their accounts. “We continue to post things that we personally relate to and find funny or connect with in some other way. Every day we do a different themed carousel post with ten+ memes/reels all pertaining to a single topic,” they told Bored Panda.


Image credits: GraceGFreud


Image credits: rubythemoose


Image credits: iamthirtyaf

“The topics [in our posts] range from airport travel to Shrek to school experiences we all shared growing up in the 90s to shared experiences we have as 30 somethings,” Chloe and Peter explained. “They’re a ton of fun to put together, and we often include a fun story from our personal lives in the caption. Every Wednesday, the theme is Wholesome Wednesday (my favorite day of the week), and every Friday we do a #FollowFriday carousel where we feature a writer/creator we love.”


Image credits: therealcbrad


Image credits: abbygov


Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Finally, we asked the creators what the best part of being a millennial or a thirty-something is. “We started this page in our early 30s and are suddenly finding ourselves just a few years out from 40,” they shared. “I think going through our 30s with this page has helped me to really appreciate how much positive growth happens in our 30s!”


Image credits: SergioChalz


Image credits: innatalksinnyc


Image credits: forest_fr1ends

“I feel like a completely different person at 37 than I was at 30 in the best possible way- I feel more in control of my life and my emotions, my goals feel more within reach and attainable,” the creators shared. “I’m more confident in my abilities to accomplish what I set out to do and I honestly just feel so much more comfortable in who I am.”


Image credits: SICKOFWOLVES


Image credits: ellievhall


Image credits: alienreese

“One of my favorite parts of running the AF pages is having the chance to connect with millions of like minded strangers over shared experiences, and I’ve found that this growth journey in our 30s is one that a lot of people are experiencing. Of course, there are fears and frustrations that come with getting older, but it has been super refreshing connecting with people over the great things that come with getting older,” Peter and Chloe told Bored panda. “And whenever we do eventually become 40AF, I look forward to continuing on that journey with this group of millennials.”


Image credits: BrandyLJensen


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Whether you’re a millennial or not, we hope you’re enjoying scrolling through this list, pandas! Keep upvoting the pics that you find painfully relatable, and feel free to share in the comments below what you think the best and worst parts of being in your thirties are. Then, if you’d like to check out another Bored Panda article discussing the struggles of being a thirty-something, we recommend reading this one next!


Image credits: LairdOfTheManor


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: hebennigatu


Image credits: anuatluru


Image credits: MissJCousins


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf


Image credits: iamthirtyaf

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/nydlEOw
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