66 Harsh Truths Some People Refuse To Acknowledge, As Shared Online

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While it might sound counterintuitive, the real issue often isn’t perceiving the truth, it’s admitting that it’s true in the first place. “The truth hurts,” “the uncomfortable truth” and other phrases are almost cliche at this point, but this doesn’t make them less correct. 

Someone asked, “What’s something that’s painfully obvious but people will never admit?” and people shared their best uncomfortable truth bombs. From the fact that life isn’t fair, to interesting psychological realities, get comfortable, perhaps take some notes as you scroll through, upvote your favorites, and be sure to share your own ideas in the comments section below. 


Your mental health is directly affected by your physical health.

Image credits: Blackfell0518


Nobody’s success is ever solely their own doing.

Image credits: NocturnalPermission


Boredom is healthy for promoting thinking.

Image credits: Petulantraven

It’s not exactly clear who coined the phrase “the truth hurts,” but some variant of it has been around for centuries. While it’s so unhelpfully common, the painful truth is that the truth really can hurt. Psychologists believe that the act and feeling of our preconceived notions being shattered is, ultimately, painful

It can be hard to admit you are wrong and that, presumably, you wasted a lot of time sticking to incorrect information. Sometimes this can mean overturning an entire worldview which is often such a challenge. Unfortunately, just the idea of reworking everything you know might be too much for some, leading them to simply live in denial. Not just a river in Egypt, as the saying goes. 


Social media is poison.

Image credits: JJCDAD


The vast majority of people know exactly what their problems are and what they would need to do to fix them, they just feel too unequipped or overwhelmed to follow through.

Image credits: JizOrSomeSayJism


Some people will not like you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Trying to force a friendship or relationship with someone who doesn’t love you back isn’t going to work. Yet very few people ever learn this lesson, nor do they want to hear about it either, they think they’ll be the one person that can find that magic trick (they won’t).

Image credits: llcucf80


Humans HATE to admit to feeling jealous, yet it’s usually very clear to those around you.

Image credits: TurquoiseLady


Everybody picks their nose, it’s what happens next that sets us apart.

Image credits: weristjonsnow


You can do everything 100% right and be the best in the world, but sometimes it just comes down to pure chance.

Image credits: Johnlc29


A lot of the time, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

Image credits: CaptWoodrowCall


Trying to love someone more won’t fix the relationship. Hoping simply loving them will solve the problem won’t always work. Never assume you’re the exception.

Image credits: Keynei


Life is actually easier the more responsible you are.

Image credits: PowerInThePeople


Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right.

Image credits: KaJuNator


If you work hard, the guy who works smarter will probably beat you and make it look easy. Work smarter. My policy is, “There is an easier way to di anything, you just have to find it” . Some my disagree but it’s gotten me quite far, and I don’t intend on stopping.


Once you’re an adult most people don’t care about your well being.

Image credits: toriabastet


The human condition is one of pain and loss.

Image credits: Lara_Lor-Van


Most people are parakeets and mindlessly repeat whatever is regurgitated in their environment or social milieu. We’re all guilty of it to varying degrees.

Image credits: Adonis_by_Proxy


Looks really, really, really matter.

It’s f*****g dumb, and not right, but it just seems to be this constant in life.

The better you look, or the better you MAKE yourself look, you will notice people are more pleasant to you.

Image credits: FriendsForEternityLH


Adults still have no idea what the f**k they are doing. I never knew that as a child.

Image credits: wvutom


You can’t actually be anything you want in life. You can try and more power to you for trying it, but your personal skill set and the way your brain works may not enable you to do whatever you can dream up.


People are very often rewarded for being truly terrible human beings.

Selfish, greedy, narcisistic, sociopathic, all traits that will help someone get ahead in life by walking over the backs of others.


Some relationships are forced. Every day feels like a 2nd job after getting off work. If you find yourself “going to work after work”, you need to start asking yourself if the relationship is really a relationship and not a second job.

Thank god for my second wife for opening my eyes to what a “relationship” really is.


We’re rich because others are poor.


that life waits for no one. life is so short and it just *ends* and we’re all not gonna matter one day. so move on and do whatever the f**k u want in this life.

Image credits: No-Collection-2165


You might not like it but you need help. Everyone needs help at some point or another whether mentally, emotionally or otherwise.

Most of us are painfully aware of the need at some time but admitting to it and acting on that need goes unheeded.

Image credits: Zetsubou51


The “good guys” are not always “good” to you.


Just try to be the best person you can be for the people around you. They’re all you really have at the end of the day.


It’s not your business what someone thinks of you.


People making conversation just for the atmosphere to not be awkward. It’s okay to have silence, but in a close knit area like a car/sauna people will just generate random small talk conversation for effectively no reason at all which makes everyone psychologically more awkward and uncomfortable. Sometimes silence is fine guys. And also awkward eye glances etc just be natural.


Working in the customer services industries (retail, restaurants, etc.) are difficult. Physically, emotionally, and mentally difficult.


Sleep is super important and no sleep culture is a stupid way of justifying it.


That the next few decades are going to be a living hell for the majority of people on this planet. What we’re experiencing at the moment in terms of freak weather, inequality, and economic and political instability are just the start, and we’re going to look back on this period as relatively easy living compared to just about every educated projection of what the future holds for us.


All those bad things you hear happening to other people can, in fact, happen to you too because you aren’t special.


Some of the dumbest animals on the planet are happier than the smartest people.


All American news is biased.


Things as they are, are not at all sustainable.


People in power (politicians, the rich, etc) don’t give two shits about you or your troubles. None of them will change your life.

Hell, I’m neither and have my own troubles to deal with.

Edit: I am usually caring to neighbors and friends. Two jobs to pay for my wife’s cancer bills while also trying to raise our 2 kids because she’s in the hospital kind of saps your time and energy.


That the American 2 party system is not good for the USA.


Celebrities aint s**t.


That people do pee in the swimming pool.


Having a baby will not save or fix your relationship.


Cars destroy countries in more ways than one. Environment aside, it has destroyed communities with redlining. It has made us dependent on paying for “convenience” when it actually destroys actual chances of convenience, ie walkable cities. I’m not saying you can’t have your truck, Kyle, I’m just saying that we shouldn’t be forced into using only one option; ESPECIALLY when countries like the US are so large.


Propoganda works on smart people too


Your hard-earned money losing value is a bad thing


That people who put others down are insecure.


You can work your a*s off and still not get as far as other people who have network.


You can make no mistakes and still lose.

You can make nothing but mistakes and still win.


Cutting taxes on the rich helps nobody but the rich.


No one ever thinks about you as negatively as you fear they do nor as positively as you hope they do, and no matter what they think about you, it doesn’t last long, and it doesn’t mean what you think it means.


I can totally believe it’s not butter


The laws of supply and demand also apply to housing.


Big touch screens in cars are incredibly stupid and dangerous.

Yes a lot of people know and admit this, but car makers haven’t gotten the message. Not substantially enough.


Even if you think you wiped yourself totally clean another wipe is always necessary


NFL refs are gambling. To many obvious blown calls missed in the last few seasons. NFL has their own Donaghy situation.


There’s a lot of stupid people out there. Seriously, nearly half the population is less than average intelligence.


Most people that talk about politics are not an expert and don’t know 100% what they’re talking about. Probably not even near 100%. Or even 50%. Including me. Including you.

That’s why I try not to have too strong opinions. Sometimes I fail, but y’know I try. It’d be nice to be more active and knowledgeable in the world and in my country, but I feel like it takes more than a few google searches and news articles to understand the subject.


You are responsible for all your problems in life.

It may not be your fault, and it may be unfair, but you are still responsible.


MONEY CAN BUY HAPPINESS!!!! Those who say it doesn’t are shopping in the wrong places


Some people are dumb. Like seriously. No, I’m not even joking. They. Are DUMB. like not mute. Dumb. Like they somehow got past high school but still… How are you even functioning. Go you. Congratulations on fooling the system. Go eat your cheetos and mountain dew. [pats your shoulder].


Social customs don’t exist outside of the society that created them. Therefore, if enough people get off their asses and actually take action to create societal change it can be very easily achieved.
People love to virtue signal but most of them don’t actually do anything to put their money where their mouths are.


Life ain’t fair, and the world is mean.


Attraction is pure luck.


expecting limitless growth from a limited planet will lead to the extinction of our species


When people say we’re better than this, we’re really not.

We killed the buffalo to kill the native Americans. We gave them smallpox infected blankets.

We imprisoned our own citizens for having parents born in Japan, but not Italians or Germans.

We freed the slaves only to reenslave with Jim Crow laws.

We’ve done evil and have to wage war against our worst instincts or we’ll do it again.


Nobody is the villain in their own story.


If you’re attractive, society treats you extremely well.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/5heg9l6
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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