60 People Share The Bizarre Reasons For Their Most Recent Breakup In This Viral Thread

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Breakups are hard, but being completely alone is still better than being with a terrible partner. So it can, perhaps, be useful to hear other’s stories if you are on the fence about your relationship. Or perhaps you really like your partner and just want some more evidence that it can be a lot worse.

Somebody asked people online to share “Why did you break up with your previous partner?” and we’ve gathered the most interesting responses. From regrets to truly toxic situations, get comfortable as you read through, and be sure to upvote the most interesting examples. 


She got into a car with 2 men she met at a bar on a whim and drove 300 miles with them to a party city. Later, she bragged to me about how adventurous she was.

I’m glad she was ok, but I knew at that moment that she wasn’t right for me.

Image credits: Cosmicpowa


Because he downloaded Tinder where he met a girl, was texting with her for over a month, told her he was living with his cousin (we were living together) and then went on a date with her.

Image credits: ElderberryFlashy3637


We had too much in common. I liked women and she liked women.

Image credits: 8675201


She wouldn’t stop having sex with other people even though I specifically asked her not to.

Image credits: RandoAtReddit


I was a fool and didn’t try to reignite our spark when I knew I was fully capable. I guess I chose the easy way out but it was an L on my end and I regret it. I wish I could start over or try again because she was always unconditional and I didn’t appreciate it like I should’ve.

Image credits: PmMeUrTits4Science


Because his hobbies included saying hurtful s**t to me ?

Image credits: Aliszhe


She had WAY more life experience than me, she wasn’t getting much out of the relationship

Image credits: SelfSaucing


She cheated on me with a coworker and with another guy I thought was a friend. She was unable to comprehend why I’d throw away the 4 years we had together. Yeah, that was her frame of mind – not sorry about what she did, but upset that I couldn’t just accept it and move on.

Image credits: Evidence-Timeline


I could tell how many other partners she had every week by the different smells.

Image credits: Dariaskehl


Because I was immature and thought that my ex was a bad person but it turned out that I was the bad one.

Image credits: Mmillis1111


Her filing for divorce to marry a priest she had been flirting with was the last straw–I had to put my foot down and say that if she continued on that path I just didn’t think I could be with her anymore. Probably a bit harsh, but you have to respect yourself, you know?

Image credits: Horaenaut


She wanted to downgrade from being girlfriend to being my exclusive bang buddy right before her bday, she got a lot of gifts from guys I never heard about including a trip to Bali from Texas, told her that wasn’t for me.

Image credits: travelincp


I always knew she wasn’t the person I wanted to marry, but we had a very comfortable, loving relationship.

Then she told me she was moving to the other side of the country, and that it was a “her” not an “us” move. Took a few months to knock that one around the old noggin and then realize it was better to be single and alone then be in a relationship and be alone.

She was somehow completely surprised and completely heartbroken when I said I didn’t want to keep dating lol.

Image credits: Bucketsdntlie


She deiced we were in an open relationship behind my back.

Image credits: Hamlindigo_Blue


i came to her asking to talk about our problems and things i can do to help and in return i asked her for help. She laughed at me.

There were other problems but that was the nail in the coffin

Image credits: WhenAllElseFail


Cuz I’m a dumb**s and didn’t want to marry her after two and a half years of perfect relationship I didn’t want to have kids at that time and she got really depressed and we broke off.. I was 27 when we broke off and sometimes I feel regret everything was going super good we done lockdown 24/7 together never one dispute.

Image credits: moisebucks


The nail in the coffin was her making me pay for my birthday dinner at place she knew I didn’t like. I kinda realized that she didn’t actually care enough or thought doing the bare minimum was ok. We had other issues but it became obvious that she wanted someone to take care of her and I wanted someone who actually be my wife/partner/friend for life.

Image credits: thevoidthoughts


He said my feminist ideas are like a disease and patriarchy is norm

Image credits: No_Cranberry3306


He got a sex worker pregnant while he was stationed in Germany.

Image credits: Rheaismymami


I dated a girl that pulled the old “It was a test” thing. One night she told me she wanted to go out drinking, but didn’t want me to have sex with her when she got drunk. I agreed. She got drunk and threw herself at me. I refused and put her to bed. She was pissed. The next day she said it was all a test and I passed. I told her if she ever did it again, we were done. I wasn’t going to be toyed with. Well, we’re not together now. Guess why.

Image credits: Spodson


She asked to take a break and then when the break ended and we got back together I was just no longer interested.

Image credits: wastrel2


She lied about stopping by my house and taking care of my cat while I was out of the country.

Image credits: JustAGuyInTampa


So many people in here broke up due to a big mistake their partner made, mine was different.

I broke up with my partner because we couldn’t see eye to eye on many fundamental values that made us who we are, and the changes to fix we tried to implement were never lasting.

I also felt a sense of disrespect from her, that she didn’t prioritize me/us. I want to be treated with the same love and respect I showed, and she just wouldn’t do that for me. After four years, when I broke up with her she just accepted it, barely any fight for us, that’s how I know it was over. I wasn’t her priority, and that’s okay. Our relationship died to a thousand paper cuts.

I wish someday I can ask her why she didn’t prioritize me/us, but I may never know the answer.

Image credits: godage


She felt she didn’t need to reciprocate as much. I planned the dates. I paid for the dates. Even planned hikes and picnics. She never offered once to pay except for my birthday. Never planned anything. We were on our way to my birthday present but traffic was bad and we ended up going to her favorite restaurant. Still haven’t had the cryo sesh. Told her that as a feminist she claims to be and the equality she desired it felt more like she wanted me to be a traditional man so she could excavate my resources like I wouldn’t notice after 1.5years. Thank god it was only that long.


Together for 3 years and I broke up with him because he had an affair for many months and decided to tell me at the begining of our 3 months trip to Central America.. He said he wasn’t sure if he loves me or her, he also blamed me for my depression and for not going to concerts with him ( that was his reason to find someone else).
So I broke it off, traveled solo for the rest of the trip..


Easy. She listened to all her friends’ advice on how our marriage should be. She also emotionally cheated on me. She said that she was unhappy and can’t love me anymore. I even cried asking her not to do this. She used the I cried in front of her as a weapon to mock and ridiculed me. Icing on the cake? She screwed the guy 4 months after the divorce was finalized.


He was diagnosed with a nasty case of lyingbastarditis


She did not appreciate the things i did for her. She didnt make me feel loved. And no more sex

Image credits: Financial-Cancel7799


Because I like my women like I like my coffee. Without 4 other guys d**k in it.

Image credits: elvarg9685


Because they threatened to break up with me first.

Image credits: Longjumping_Event_59


finally i get to talk about it LMAO: – way too h***y (so much so to where he would try to sext me every day) – unfortunately leading from that last point, took advantage of me because he was so h***y. – never tried or put any effort into the relationship, i always had to go and see him but never him come see me. – never gave me gifts. (and not in a materialistic way, i just mean when you see something at a store or think of your partner and you’re like “oh, i’ll get that for them.”) – always wanted me to do things and try things for him, but never the other way around. (example: always gave me a song to listen to or show to watch, but would never take any of my recommendations). – towards the end of the relationship, he purely based how much i “loved” him on how well i could pleasure him sexually. yeah, f**k you man.

Image credits: owo-o3o


She legit beat me with a metal bat if she didn’t get what she wanted or beat me with a frying pan. For hours at a time each day. Also, she thought it would be funny to say that if i tried to break up w her she would make a false r**e claim ?


She was just too childish. She had no direction in her life and really just hard to think of as a long term SO.


He was an abusive alcoholic who’d p**s the bed every time he drank too much, which shocker, was every day


A few reasons.

1) He had anger issues-which spread to a lot of other stuff

2) Inability to properly communicate (also linked to anger issues). I would do something (unknowingly) that annoyed him and instead of of telling me, he’d bottle it up and then use it as ammo in disagreements. Like…I can’t work on what I’m doing wrong if you don’t tell me what that is..

3) His parents are quite wealthy and they also come from quite a traditional background. His mom took care of everything. He didn’t know how to cook, clean, didn’t know simple things like debit cards having limits, etc. He was also ungrateful. He’d blow up at his parents a lot and then expect them to like buy s**t for him. He also said his dad should get him a job because “it’s the least he could do”. This was after he berated his dad for trying to help him find jobs cause he didnt like the ones his dad was selecting…

I could go on…


Cheated. F****d me out of 2 grand. Ruined my life.

Then she married a redneck, ballooned up to 300 pounds and had 3 ugly kids, so I guess I won in the end.

Image credits: hyugafan


He choked me in front of my son, so out the door he went. Zero remorse for that jack**s


Because i tried for 8 years and nothing was changing, underlying issues that were never resolved. i wanted that nuclear family but realized it’s not worth dealing with the arguments and the hostility from her. i was unhappy and she blamed me for it. plus BPD ADHD and Bipolar. and then she brought up her BFF male to stay with us to help us out since i gave up. and then she suggested a “trouple”. i almost considered it because she broke me down to that point. The last straw was when it was after covid restrictions i went to a friend’s housewarming and she gave an ultimatum to come back immediately or else i’ll be locked out. so i got locked out from my own place and she had her BFF male stay inside with my child. now they are married within 7 months of leaving and i’m happily spending my weekends with my kid and with someone who helped give me my sense of self-worth back.


Tried to convince me I was crazy and to off myself


She was texting the whole time we were together but would take her hours to text me back. Pretty self explanatory


I truly grew to hate him. Even the sight of him made me wanna break his neck.


Because she cheated multiple times, and still (for some reason) decided she still had the moral high ground. An awful human, with such a high opinion of herself


Because she was only at her best when she wasn’t the sickest in the room. When I got better she was left with herself. Neither of us liked who we saw but she was married to the destruction of alcohol because she thought it was the best she deserved.

She drank herself to death a couple of years ago.

Image credits: Rounder057


You definitely shouldn’t reveal your stance on the age of consent a year into the relationship. With a very, very different answer than the start of it.


After 3 months I asked if we could sometimes hang out on a week night if we were both busy during the weekend. He freaked out and ended things because it was moving too fast. Then sent me multiple texts and calls 3 days later begging for another chance.

I gave him one because he told me his previous partner a year before me had died and he was nervous about getting into a relationship again but really liked me. I understood that he had trauma and agreed to take things slow. We talked about trying to see each other more often agreed to be exclusive, but absolutely nothing else changed. I gave him another 3 months and saw him maybe 3 times? He just wasn’t ready for a relationship yet and I was fine to take things slow, but as soon as I felt like a side piece he only saw when it was convenient, I couldn’t do it. Even if he had a good reason to be hesitant, I couldn’t ignore that I felt disrespected.


I closed myself off. I stopped going to her about issues, hopes, aspirations – I self sabotaged and convinced myself that it wasn’t working, which caused a spiral of other issues to become much more prominent.

Looking back, I think it would have been okay if I’d seen that and fixed it, but it was my first truly serious relationship, and I learned all this far, far too late. That being said, I think I’m glad I broke up with her – if I wasn’t fulfilling such a basic part of a relationship, and not smart enough to realize that, nor that it was stemming from internal issues, I was harming her more than loving her.

She has a new partner now, and she’s been a fairly different person with him. I think that’s a good thing, she seems happier. I hope that continues, and that they blossom.


Because she was very possesive and controling, so much that she got to the point of being aggresive when she didn t get what she wanted


She was selfish, emotionally immature, and very manipulative


We were only together 7 ish months but we were like an old married couple. No sexual attraction anymore and zero banter. I feel bad cause he was happy. I just know he’d be happier with someone else


I met someone else that showed me how bad my current situation was. Made me rethink my entire life. And a week later I broke it off after 15 years together.


She cheated on me. The guy she cheated with wound up regularly beating the hell out of her, and when I gave her three number to an abused women’s shelter instead of a key to my house to help her she tried to act like it was all my fault.

B***h,***you*** sucked his d**k. Not my fault.


I’ve never broken up with anyone. All four LTR women I’ve had in my life broke up with me. They all are just f*****g head over heels for me at first until they really get to know the true me. Then they’re always of the opinion “You’re a good person but…”


Took a swing at one of my friend’s girlfriends.


He didnt love me anymore, and did not have the courage to break up himself. So I did.


1. Codependency
2. Poor communication
3. Sexual incompatibility
4. A lack of willingness to seek care for mental health

Image credits: ricecrisps94


Our lives were going in different directions and we didn’t feel a strong enough attraction to try to stay together.


He was self centered, treated me like a sex object, wasnt meeting my emotional needs. We were long distance as well which made it that much worse


She wanted to have kids I did not


Routine settled in.


Because she had zero respect for me or anybody else.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/aiBSx0n
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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