6 Ways To Create A High Conversion Squeeze Page

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The web makes it possible for marketers to acquire a large audience. However, if you don’t know how to convert this audience into cash, then you are losing the game. But why is that so? Well, this is simply because the internet does not have money lying somewhere for you to grab anytime you feel like. Rather, you have to get this money from someone else. You must be able to sell them something in order to get paid. But how do you close deals? That’s what a squeeze page is all about.

A squeeze page is the most important thing for every network marketer looking to leverage their income by attracting people to sign up for offers. In the internet world today, a bigger list is better compared to a smaller one. Assuming the list only captures high quality email addresses, the money you’ll reap here is unbelievable. A high conversion squeeze page will help you target the right audience by giving them value and getting personal with them.

So here’s what you should do when you want to create a high conversion squeeze page :

1 Your headline

The headline of your squeeze page should answer the burning question of the person landing on your squeeze page for the first time. If it does not address their question, then you need to change it. Visitors ask the question of ‘’what’s in it for me’’, and that is what your title should focus on.

2 Give them something they can’t resist

People generally expect a lot from online marketers, and unless you convince them, you won’t get their email addresses. To make it easier for you, provide them with something such as a free eBook, video training or a white paper.

3 You need content that is entertaining

Potential customers are always looking for information about products and services on the web. That’s the reason why they landed on your squeeze page anyway. But there’s a difference between a squeeze page that prompts visitors to give their valid email addresses and that which makes people leave immediately upon staring at it. You can’t afford to have such a large number of people leaving because those are opportunities. So instead, you’re going to use inviting colors, cool-looking graphics, background and content that is worth reading.

4 Identify your audience

Your squeeze page can’t address more than one group of audience. When you focus on one audience, it enables you to focus on their frustrations and needs too. Once you understand them, you can always tailor your copywriting to address their issues. It’s as simple as that.

5 Your page design

Your page must be simple and good-looking. Too much clatter must not distract visitors from the ultimate goal of capturing their email addresses.

6 Sign up form

Obviously, after you convince them that you have the best product or service in town, you’ll need to capture their email addresses, and at this point, they become leads. Your sign up form should be visible enough and should be located at the bottom of the page.

In summary, you should always check the following when designing a high conversion squeeze page: One target audience, a well-designed squeeze page, an attention-grabbing headline, an amazing free offer, and an obvious sign up form.

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