You’ve likely been in a situation where you plop on the couch and veg in front of the TV, exhausted after a long day at work. You suddenly hear your stomach grumbling, but the lack of energy has hindered you from whipping up a nice home-cooked meal.
In these situations, we always have the internet to call on for help. But if you have no time to watch a full YouTube recipe video, here are some lazy meal suggestions from the Reddit community.
Whether it’s beans and rice, a unique twist on avocado and toast, or a bowl of Honeycombs, these are guaranteed to curb your hunger with almost zero effort.
Pesto pasta.
Pesto, penne, cheese. Boil pasta, drain and add cheese and pesto. Love it.
Image credits: anon
Bagged Caesar salad and grocery store rotisserie chicken.
Image credits: estergin
Costco has like a 5 lbs. bag of gyoza that take like 10 minutes to make and very little effort. Eat with a side salad, EZ meal.
edit: here’s my not so secret anymore dipping sauce recipe, a couple bits of bacon microwaved for 10 seconds, combined with dark soy sauce, normal soy sauce, hot sauce, and a couple drops of rice wine vinegar. It’s very meaty and savory.
Image credits: BainbridgeBorn
Breakfast for dinner, and there’s a good variety for that.
Soup and PB&J sandwiches.
I also keep several (homemade in advance) containers of pasta sauce in the freezer. All I need to do is heat up the sauce and make whatever pasta and dinner is done.
My husband’s favorite ‘meal’ as a kid was mac and cheese and baked beans. So, sometimes we do that. (yeah, I know, but he loves it and I don’t mind)
And when all else fails, Chinese or Mexican food.
Image credits: moviesandcats
Snack dinner. Salami, cheese, crackers, olives, nuts, glass of wine. I’m happy.
Image credits: weensucks
Egg roll in a bowl – ground meat of your choice, and a bag of two of coleslaw or broccoli slaw mix, sautéed with some soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, garlic, and a splash of sriracha. Good stuff, and takes like no time.
Image credits: Kesarin
Cereal. No cooking involved and it’s ready within 2 minutes depending on how fast you get the bowl, spoon, milk and cereal of choice all together.
Honeycombs! Dinners done!
Image credits: Phydoux
D**n guys, I just throw frozen chicken nuggets and fries in the oven for 20 minutes. That or a frozen pizza.
Image credits: PrateTrain
Instant ramen with an egg thrown in and chopped romaine lettuce.
Image credits: iamalwaysrelevant
Frozen vegetables is the ultimate shortcut in cooking.
I have been dealing with depression for a long long time in my life. Sometimes I wouldn’t think about feeding myself for weeks. But, this one thing has changed things momentarily.
Don’t get me wrong. All those microwavable meals and instant ramens are always in my pantry. But there is one thing that really helped me to break my depressive routine. I could so easily cook meals and prepare a main dish without thinking more. I don’t have to make sure that the vegetables haven’t gone bad by sitting in the fridge for too long. I don’t have to think about if I can use the whole head of cauliflower before it goes bad. I don’t have to think about chopping the vegetables. And I don’t have to think about dealing with the rotting remains of the vegetables.
I just want to highlight something that has really worked out wonders for me. Hope some of you can benefit from it.
Love to all.
Image credits: ra14lysa
Surprised to see everyone’s naming foods that still require some cooking. If I’m too tired to cook that means I’m ordering food 😂.
Image credits: anon
Pasta with jar sauce.
Image credits: gscrap
We don’t have central a/c, so in the summer time, it’s anything that won’t heat up the kitchen. Breakfast, pork bowls, sandwiches, oatmeal and fruit, etc.
Image credits: eva_rector
Avocado toast made with naan and avocado mash. Or grilled cheese and tomato soup.
Image credits: punkolina
Some sort of pasta aglio olio. So much better than the sum of its parts and the most tedious part is waiting for the water to boil.
Image credits: angelicism
Beans and rice. The added bonus is it means I know I won’t have to worry about tomorrow’s lunch either which is comforting on those kind of nights.
Image credits: shmargus
Everything In The Fridge Salad + canned chickpeas
I always have veggies around, and a can of beans somewhere. Leftover roasted veg or whatever i made last night goes in too
Or- microwave baked potato + canned black beans + salsa, and avocado if it’s around.
Image credits: ttrockwood
Cereal while standing over the counter or a popsicle lol
If I’m marginally less tired, I like a pan toasted sandwich (like Cajun turkey breast with provolone and a light drizzle of bbq sauce or rosemary bread with pesto and mozzarella) or scrambled eggs on a toasty corn tortilla with cheese and Cholula is fast and tasty. Fruit smoothies with almond butter in them is another good easy one.
Image credits: Hortonthepuppyprince
Annies box with frozen veggies.
Image credits: legendary_mushroom
White rice with furikake, salmon roe and a raw egg. It’s perfect.
Image credits: Sirnando138
Spaghetti or raviolis – if kids are home. If kids aren’t home, some combo of string cheese and nuts and a salad.
Image credits: searedscallops
Tuna melt. Whip up some tuna, I always keep caramelized onions on deck. slice of cheese, on the panini press. Takes maybe 5-7 minutes.
Image credits: lookssharp
I always keep ingredients for udon on hand: frozen udon noodles, frozen shrimp and fish cake, a supply of boiled eggs in the fridge, and bottled udon broth concentrate. Topped with fresh green onion which is one of the easiest things to grow from scraps.
Other easy Asian meals that require little planning (we usually have a pot of rice going): frozen gyoza, frozen mackerel (just pan fry from frozen a few minutes on each side), noodles topped with shrimp/chicken and any veggies we have with a soy sauce/sesame oil sauce, bibimbap with any meat/mushrooms and veggies we have with gochujang/sesame oil.
If I didn’t need to cook for my family most nights I’d be fine with just eating cheese lol.
Image credits: hurricanepopcorn
Two fried eggs on toast. If I can muster up the energy to dig thru the freezer, I toss some tater tots in the pan too.
Image credits: Platinumkate
Frozen pizza, just slap that bad boy in the oven, hop in the shower and it’s done soon after you are.
Image credits: Oh_No_Its_Dudder
Egg rice! Just a fried egg over rice with soy sauce and sesame oil. Or frozen dumplings with some miso soup.
Image credits: chapmanh9
A nap usually.
Image credits: patheticuselesslife
Tuna cassarole
Frozen burger & onion rings
Kasias frozen meat pierogies
Frozen dumplings from asian market
if alone
Mcdouble and small fry $3
Salami sammich with mustard and fake cheese over the sink, no plate
Grilled cheese ,,& tomato soup (last time added gnocchi to the soup), pretty tasty.
Progresso soup and cool ranch doritos
rice & black beans
Leftover tortilla chips with a sprinkle of cheddar and a touch of salsa.
Cereal, anytime
Flour tortilla, buttered one side, put on pan, add fake cheese and fold it 3 times, repeat and fry both until brown.
Eggs, i can do eggs and the eggo frozen pancakes and be happy.
Image credits: spimothyleary
Meals that I freeze when I’m not too tired to cook for exactly that purpose.
Image credits: figgypudding531
Image credits: MikeLemon
Quesadilla with chopped kimchi inside.
I’ll make a jazzed up ramen; often times it’s just ramen with some leftover chicken and some fancy garlic oil I keep in the cabinet and a soft boiled egg. Other times, I’ll chuck some garlic in the oven to roast, pour myself a drink, and then add that to the concoction. You can level up depending on how fancy/tired you’re feeling. Want some scallions cut on a bias? Go for it! You got furikake laying around? Hell yeah!
Other times, I eat a can of tuna over the sink with some cajun seasoning and a glass of wine.
Rice, kimchi, egg and spam.
I just made a pb&j.
Good canned fish, microwaved frozen broccoli, microwave baked potato.
Salad, cereal, or pasta, sometimes i just go straight for dessert.
Panini sandwiches on my George Foreman grill! We have them so often, I could make them in my sleep.
Also, Target’s store brand makes frozen ravioli and tortellini. They’re super good and cook in no time!
Omelette – cheese and mushroom, some mixed dried herbs. Bit of decent buttered bread along with it, and some sort of salad with a bit of vinaigrette.
Ten minute meal.
Microwave a hot pocket (bacon egg and cheese) for 2 minutes. Go sit on the couch. Forget about the hot pocket in the microwave. Go to bed hungry 4 hours later. Wake up. Open the microwave to heat up yesterday’s coffee. See hot pocket. Scoot it over and put coffee next to it. Heat both up. Cry. Go to work.
Bread alone
Nachos, I buy pre shedded cheese. And make a “7 layer dip” but just with what I have in the fridge…guac, salsa, sour cream, pepers ect.
Stay with me here: Risotto.
Me and my SO tried out one of those recipe delivery services, mostly just to make decision time in the evening a bit better. It was OK, but the thing I’ll ways take away from it is that you can bake a risotto.
Chop everything up, fry it off a little, dump the rice in, put the stock in, bring to a boil then whack in the stove til it’s done.
It’s certainly not a super super lazy dish, but if I’m much lazier than that it’s usually just takeaway.
Pesto from a jar.
Crustless quiche. 20 minutes to put it together. Take a shower, make a simple salad and pour a glass of wine while it’s in the oven. It’s a go to weeknight meal for us.
Alfredo, but even less complicated than the one above: just cream, garlic, parmesan, tomatoes.
Pita pizza— pita bread, tomato sauce, shredded mozzarella. Bake til crispy like a thin crust pizza!
Ramen noodles, then I sometimes put pepper, by personal preference though
Grilled Cheese.
Costco almond butter and a spoon
Probably Mac and Cheese
Chicky nuggies.
Chef Boyardee straight out of the can.
Jimmy Dean pancake sausage corndogs. Tastes great and makes the entire house smell good in the process.
Butter noodles.
from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda