56 Heartbreaking Pictures That Show The Reality Of Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine

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At 05:55 Moscow time (02:55 GMT) yesterday, Europe entered its darkest hours since WWII. Putin announced a “military operation” in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region. Immediately, unprecedented armed violence on innocent people of Ukraine followed.

In the coming hours, repeated explosions were heard in Mariupol, Kyiv, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Lutsk, Kherson, and Nikolaev, as it became clear the whole country was under attack. Videos of the capital Kyiv blasted by cruise or ballistic missiles emerged, with roads getting completely clogged with cars as residents desperately tried to escape. In a bid to hide from airstrikes, people packed their bags, bundled up against the cold, and took shelter in underground subway stations. As the world closed its eyes for the night’s rest, here in shelters, men and women, elders and children didn’t dare to fall asleep.

Putin’s war already took the lives of 137 innocent civilians and military personnel on the first day of Russia’s invasion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. Today, Friday the 25th, the fatalities are likely to increase as the country waits for what Anton Herashchenko, an adviser to the country’s interior minister, called the war’s ‘hardest day,’ warning of potential tank assault on Kyiv.

Below are the raw and heartbreaking moments of the violent war happening in Ukraine right now. The war that many felt was impossible in the advanced century we live in today. So today the world stands strong for Ukraine.

Follow the live updates of the situation in Ukraine at the official page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

If you want to help Ukraine against Russia’s invasion, donate to Ukraine’s main charity fund “Save Life.” Scroll down below for the full charity list.


Image credits: ukraine_world


An 80-Year-Old Who Showed Up To Join The Ukrainian Army, Carrying With Him A Small Case With 2 T-Shirts, A Pair Of Extra Pants, A Toothbrush And A Few Sandwiches For Lunch. He Said He Was Doing It For His Grandkids

Image credits: Heathenstothemax


Red Paint Thrown At The Russian Embassy In Ireland. We Stand With You, Ukraine

Image credits: coonster121


Image credits: tweetholiic


Prayers In Central Kiev – War Is Hell. Manmade Hell

Image credits: alexander220204


Image credits: stefbeloved


The Last Samurai In Ukraine Right Now

Image credits: Artel8


Image credits: Keepingitreal09


Image credits: olegsurajev


A Ukrainian father says goodbye to his family, while he stays behind to fight the Russians

Image credits: idk_what_a_name_is


Image credits: MoodyAnon


Image credits: saimonifterajib


Image credits: lamiTWO


Wow, This One Got Me, Ukrainian’s Taking Shelter In A Metro Station, And A Man Protecting His Cat 🙁

Image credits: CombAgreeable


Image credits: WW32022


Image credits: esraaasaleh_


Russian Embassy In Munich

Image credits: kllgor


Image credits: John_Weak_lol


More then 10 thousand people in Vilnius, Lithuania, walked up to the Russian embassy to demand peace

Image credits: remigijussimasius


Brandenburg Gate In Berlin, Germany

Image credits: Nearsighted-Joker


Image credits: KazuoKaneshiro_


Image credits: Israroguereport


A lit up Ukrainian flag hangs in Lithuania as a symbol of hope


People are hiding in parking lots in Kyiv

Image credits: marusyaa.bond


Russian celebrities and influencers condemn war by posting these black squares on their instagram

Image credits: Leprekonas Blogas


Image credits: aletweetsnews


Image credits: YourAnonTV


Image credits: mustafa__bag


A woman cries while trying to flee Kyiv with her cat


Image credits: Snews_india


Ukrainian army official Facebook account shares how this soldier sacrificed his life to stop the russians from entering the capital by blowing up a bridge:


THE HEROES OF THE MOMENTUM. Pidled the city together with myself #stoprussia On this difficult day for our country, when the Ukrainian people give away to the Russian occupiers in all directions, one of the hardest places on the map of Ukraine was the Crimean intersection, where one of the first enemies met a separate marine battalion. In order to stop the promotion of the tank column, a decision was made to overthrow the Geniche Car Bridge. The engineer of a separate battalion sailor Skakun Vitaliy Volodymyrovich was called to perform this task. The bridge was replaced, but he didn’t have time to get out of there. According to the words of the brothers, Vitaliy came out of contact, and informed about what pídrivâ the bridge. There was an explosion right away. Our brother was killed. His heroic act significantly slowed down the push of the enemy, allowing the unit to relocate and organize defense. The Marine Corps Command will be concerned before the higher command about the awarding of the Skakun sailor Vitaliy Volodymyrovich state award. Russian invaders, know, under your feet the earth will burn! We will fight as long as we live! And as long as we are alive we will fight!

Image credits: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Image credits: gvprakash


Image credits: yamphoto


Image credits: DAMIADENUGA


Ukrainian Soldiers After Retaking Hostomel Airport Near Kyiv Today

Image credits: Ganesha811


Protester Burns His Russian Passport In Front Of Russian Embassy In Tel Aviv, Israel

Image credits: normieslayer1


Remains Of What Looks Like A Shot Down Russian Aircraft Over In Kyiv Right Now

Image credits: oh_hi_mark_31


Image credits: EmilioMorenatti


Image credits: sandumaiamd


Image credits: bellezze.di.roma


Image credits: aletweetsnews


The Breathtaking Bravery Of Russian Citizens Who Know They’ll Be Arrested, And Worse, For Protesting The War And Do It Anyway

Image credits: Ace-Ventura1934


Such A Powerful Image. Russian Woman Protesting Russian Invasion Of Ukraine. F*ck You Putin Rot In Hell

Image credits: 1980sTokyo


Image credits: Qadrisyedrizwan


Image credits: Pakistan_Jan_1


Image credits: MKomnos


Image credits: no_itsmyturn


Fans Of “Liverpool” Hung Out The Flag Of Ukraine During The Match With “Norwich”. Thanks For The Support!

Image credits: No-Breadfruit3358


Georgians ?? Supporting Ukraine ??

Image credits: tochinoshin


Image credits: BooGotMoves


Image credits: Aderaido


Rt, A Popular Russian Propaganda Platform Is Down #anonymous

Image credits: Hateshinaku


Image credits: anastasiia_yezhechenko


Dallas, Tx. USA Lighting Up The Downtown Skyline With The Colors Of The Ukrainian Flag In A Show Of Solidarity.

Image credits: mama_emily


Russians have turned out by the thousands to decry their country’s invasion of Ukraine as emotional calls for protests grew on social media.⁠
Some 1,745 people in 54 Russian cities were arrested on Thursday, at least 957 of them in Moscow.⁠
As sirens blasted in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, and large explosions were heard there and in other cities, Russians were signing open letters and online petitions demanding the Kremlin halt the assault, which the Ukrainian president said had killed at least 137 Ukrainians and wounded dozens more.⁠
One petition, started by a prominent human rights advocate, Lev Ponomavyov, garnered more than 330,000 signatures by the end of the day.⁠
More than 250 journalists put their names on an open letter decrying the aggression. Another one was signed by some 250 scientists, while 194 municipal council members in Moscow and other cities signed a third one.⁠
Several Russian celebrities and public figures, including some working for state TV, spoke out against the attack. Yelena Kovalskaya, director of a state-funded Moscow theatre, announced on Facebook she was quitting her job, saying “it’s impossible to work for a killer and get paid by him”.⁠
Russia’s Investigative Committee issued a warning on Thursday afternoon reminding Russians that unauthorised protests are against the law.⁠
Despite the pressure from the authorities, more than 1,000 people gathered in the centre of Moscow on Thursday evening, chanting “No to war!” as passing cars honked their horns.⁠

Image credits: aljazeeraenglish

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