We know it’s been a tough year, dear Pandas. But it’s time to start the healing process. And we hope this list, full of animals staring deep into their owners’ souls with love in their eyes, will bring a smile to your face and give you the energy to give it your all this week.
We’ve collected some of the most wholesome photos for you to enjoy from the very wholesome r/Catsmirin and r/DogsMirin subreddits (worth following, definitely), so go on and give each pet a gentle pet by clicking the upvote button next to the pics. Pssst, hey you, yeah you… you’ll find some more soul-gazing pets in Bored Panda’s earlier post right over here. Go on, you know you need it in your life. (I gotta tell you that working on this article has done wonders for me!)
You’ll also find Bored Panda’s interview about how social pets are and how they respond to shifts in their owners’ moods with the Arizona Humane Society below, so read on to learn something new!
#1 Just Rescued My Baby Girl From Being Put Down A Month Ago! Most Loving Dog I’ve Ever Known
Image credits: notmelania
#2 How She Looks At My Husband
Image credits: alaelh
#3 I’m In Love With Theses Eyes
Image credits: reddit.com
A representative of the Arizona Humane Society explained to Bored Panda that how we, the owners, act and behave can have a significant impact on our pets and their behavior.
“A few studies have found that pets can mirror their owner’s moods and can be sensitive to human’s feelings of stress and anxiety,” the AHS representative detailed that our furry little friends pick up on your body language, tone of voice, and other cues that can indicate our agitation.
#4 Was Told To Post Rey Cuddling Up With Me On The Couch
Image credits: javawong
#5 Princess Betty And I Had Almost 16 Years Of Loving Gazes But This Is My Favorite
Image credits: icouldusea-hey-yo
#6 Delta Loves Her Dad! This Picture Just Cracks Me Up Haha
Image credits: Honbesdl
However, the pet expert told Bored Panda that we shouldn’t be worried too much about ‘infecting’ animals with our anxiety or feelings of stress. “Pet owners do not need to worry about this particularly, as pets are more of a social support for us just like we are social support for them.”
Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that we can do whatever we like without feeling responsible for our pets. The AHS rep said that we’re still in charge of our pets’ physical and mental healthcare that’s necessary for them to live long and happy lives, full of affection (and, hopefully, soul-piercing stares full of love).
#7 Max And I Have Been Together For 17 Years And He Still Tries To Guilt Me Into Feeding Him Early
Image credits: mastodonpizzles
#8 I Call It “Mutual Mirin”
Image credits: Primary_Purple
#9 This Kind Stranger Just Wanted To Play, I Obliged Him And He Loved Me For It
Image credits: 613TheEvil
“Giving our pets the physical and mental care they require, along with lots of love and safety will ensure a lifetime of reciprocated love and affection between our four-legged friends and their human family.”
#10 Charlie Looking Up At Me
Image credits: unicorndanceparty
#11 Harlee Only Has Eyes For Her Dad, Not His Quesadilla
Image credits: wolfinsocks
#12 She Loves Her Dad
Image credits: rijoys
Earlier, I spoke about bonding between cats and their owners with Dr. Kristyn Vitale from the Human-Animal Interaction Lab at Oregon State University.
“Our research has demonstrated that pet cats can form stable, affectional attachment bonds with their owners,” Dr. Vitale told Bored Panda.
#13 Lolita’s First Night At Home!
Image credits: reva_r
#14 Abby Mirin Me While I Work
Image credits: showmeyouranklesbaby
#15 Adopted This Lil Guy A Few Weeks Ago, He Was The Last Of His Litter Adopted Because He Was So Shy. Now He Won’t Leave Me Alone!
Image credits: lovelyflo
“The majority of cats have the capacity to use their owner as a source of comfort and security, especially when faced with stressful or unfamiliar situations. Our research has also shown that cats can be very social toward their owners, especially when their owner pays attention to them,” Dr. Vitale said.
#16 Callisto Mirin My Husband. She Only Has Eyes For Him!
Image credits: callistobear
#17 His Daughter Taught Him How To Take Selfies And This Is What The Result Was
Image credits: TheToxicLogic
#18 One Time I Got The Rare Double Mire
Image credits: AwkwardBalloonMan
However, there’s still plenty about cat-human bonds that’s still unclear. “Kittens aged 3-8 months and adult cats display secure bonds with their owners. However we don’t yet know how long it usually takes for cats to forms bonds with their owners,” the expert on animal bonding gave us an example.
#19 I Originally Posted This On Another Subreddit. Was Told It’d Be A Good Fit Here
Image credits: diggyrex
#20 Koji; 12 Weeks Old And Already Mirin. I Love This Little Fellow
Image credits: myapurple
#21 Stepdad Was Adamant That We Weren’t Getting A Dog. He Still Calls Her A Gremlin, But I Think Their Love Is Pretty Mutual
Image credits: lializzy
“We do know that at least in kittens, these bonds do not easily change. When we followed up with kittens, 81% of them displayed the same attachment type as they had previously (either secure or insecure). If a kitten was secure the first testing session, they were likely to be secure upon follow-up. Although we don’t know how long these bonds take to form, they seem to be relatively stable once established.”
#22 So Much Behind Those Eyes
Image credits: boxer44
#23 We Knew She Was The One When She Started Mirin My Partner When We Visited Her. Getting Her In 1 Week And The Waiting Is Hard To Do!
Image credits: bendygrrl
#24 Volunteered At The Local Shelter And Got To Meet This Sweet Baby
Image credits: morganleigh_18
According to Dr. Vitale, we can maintain the secure bonds that form with our pets by being receptive to them, especially during situations that are very stressful. “In humans, we know that attachment bonds can be impacted by how the caretaker handles negative experiences. So if you know that a stressful event is going to occur, such as if you are moving or taking the cat to the veterinarian, it is particularly important to remain calm and provide positive attention to your cat. This can help the cat continue to see you as a source of comfort and security.”
#25 I Think He Loves Me..?
Image credits: reddit.com
#26 I Don’t Deserve Her, To Be Honest
Image credits: OutgoingOrange
#27 He Turns Me Into A Puddle Every Day
Image credits: abbiemosk
What’s the bond like between you and your pets, dear Pandas? Do they gaze into your soul with eyes full of love or do they just let you know that they’re hungry? Do you have any gorgeous photos of your pets to share with us and the other Readers? Drop us a line or share a photo in the comment section at the bottom.
#28 My Perfect Girl
Image credits: im-actually-a-cat
#29 Got (Gay) Married A Year Ago Today. Here’s Our Flower Pup ‘Mirin Us Brides
Image credits: howlingoffshore
#30 A First, Cautious Mirin
Image credits: golden_fellatio
#31 He Loves His Daddy
Image credits: reddit.com
#32 I Was Told My Little Guy Needed To Be Here
Image credits: reddit.com
#33 This Is My Favorite Picture Of Us. She Was My Best Friend
Image credits: Carpedicks
#34 Melt My Heart Why Don’t You!
Image credits: ritafirefly
#35 Emma Mirin My Husband
Image credits: akcitygirl
#36 My Pup Doing A Morning Mirin
Image credits: zcecsyc
#37 Mirin Daddy
Image credits: we4donald
#38 Stella Loves Long Walks, Cuddles, And ‘Miring Her Favorite Human
Image credits: ejg62
#39 Simon, My Very Best Boy
#40 My Little Guy Arlo Likes To Stare At Me While I Work All Day Every Day
Image credits: krusty-toast
#41 Mirin Or Begging??? The World Will Never Know
Image credits: abbykaitlan
#42 Heard Stella’s Look Of Love Belonged Here. She’s The Only Thing Getting Me Through This Breakup
Image credits: skp4583
#43 Husband Came Back Home After A Couple Days. This Is How The Cat Looked At Him While He Slept
Image credits: naazu90
#44 Mirin While Being Rocked To Sleep
Image credits: heyjudesmellthis
#45 My Puppy Mirin At A Mere 12 Weeks
Image credits: Nicolee28
#46 She Wiggles And Yips Incessantly… Until Her Uncle Is Holding Her
#47 Let A Mangy Stray Dog In From The Cold One Day, Years Later And She’s Never Stopped Looking At Me Like This
Image credits: bitchpizzas
#48 Tilly Mirin Me Her Human
Image credits: itsbeenadelight
#49 Scout Likes To Cuddle Inside My Sweaters, But She Likes The View On The Outside Better
Image credits: coolforcatzzz
#50 The Polar Vortex Has Been Hard On My Old Girl. It’s Currently 62 Degrees In Our House, So Domino’s Mirin My Body Heat And Early Monday Undereye Bags
Image credits: seitanictemple
#51 Jaxx Loves His Daddy!
Image credits: coolgirlveryfriendly
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