There are a handful of brief points in life when time seems to stand still, and the decision you make right there and then has the power to fundamentally change your future for better or for worse. In some cases, your quick reaction can save your life. A stroke of luck or listening to your intuition can protect you from the worst.
We’ve collected some internet users’ stories from a powerful online thread where they shared how key actions and listening to their gut helped them avoid disaster. Scroll down to read them and for a reminder that every tiny little thing that you do really does matter.
I’m here today because I woke up late on Sept. 11th and decided not to go into work.
Image credits: butimstillill
Driving 80 miles per hour on a lonely interstate in the middle of the night. Decided to change lanes for no reason, and ended up missing a crumpled car in the middle of the lane I just left. It looked like a professionally crushed car that had fallen off of a truck. No light lenses or reflectors.
Image credits: Upper-Job5130
I woke up in the middle of the night because of a voice in my head yelling at me, telling me to lock a nearby door. I reluctantly got up, locked the door then fell back asleep immediately. About 30 minutes later somebody tried breaking in.
Image credits: TopSpinner22
If there’s anything we’ve learned over all these years, it’s that it’s important to listen to your gut. Your instincts are often right about something being wrong. When there’s a sudden, dangerous situation, many of us can barely think straight, so we rely on our subconscious. When it comes to making long-term strategic decisions, however, there’s more room for thought.
The Harvard Business Review explains that the average adult makes anywhere between 33,000 to 35,000 total decisions each day. Now, this might be stating the obvious, but that’s a lot of them! These decisions range to everything from what clothes you’ll wear and what you’ll eat that day to what you’ll say and what tone you’ll use.
According to Harvard Business School professor Gerald Zaltman, the vast majority (95%) of our cognition occurs in the subconscious mind. In other words, we’re making most of these decisions automatically based on our past experience of what is good for us and what isn’t. One issue is that when you let your subconscious make so many decisions, you’re running on ‘autopilot mode’, and you may miss out on opportunities to do better in life.
Not taking that pill. And then decided to quit all d***s. 🤞🏽🙏🏽 two months sober.
Image credits: DonOday_
When I was in 9th grade I was walking to church on Sunday morning. My friends stopped and asked if I wanted to go riding with them. I thought about going but something stopped me from getting in the car. Later that afternoon 2 of my friends in the car died in an accident.
Image credits: No-Independence-6842
Was in a bombing. Knelt down to sign something when the detonation happened. Glass shards were a hair away from ki**ling me. The person who gave me the paper to sign technically saved me, they’re fine too.
Image credits: anon
As per the Harvard Business Review, journaling—physically writing down your thoughts—can help you make more balanced decisions because you’re engaging both sides of your brain. “This benefits you in two ways: your logical, rational side is employed so that your feelings can’t exclusively run the show, and your creative and imaginative side is employed so that you can see beyond black-and-white, limiting thinking,” Amanda Reill writes.
The important thing when making big decisions like whether to change jobs or move cities is to be very honest with yourself. You need to go beyond just the pros and cons and really look into what your core wants and needs in life are, what (ir)rational fears you might have, and what real or imagined challenges might be stopping you from taking the leap.
English is not my first language, sorry if I make some mistakes.
My friend and I were chilling at a skate park. There was a Basketball hoop made out of stone. I was sitting right underneath that hoop. Suddenly I got the urge to stand up, Seconds later this massive thing came crashing down where I sat seconds before.
I didn’t comprehend it in that moment but I often think about it from time to time and a shiver goes down my spine.. my friend was scared as f**k..
Image credits: anon
Grabbing a middle schooler’s backpack as she was about to cross without looking and staying on the sidewalk instead of crossing the road. (I was in high school at the time)
The reason?
The red car that had almost ran me over a few weeks before was barrelling down the street at high speed.
Car zooms past at the moment the kid and myself would have been in the middle of the road.
Same driver. I recognized the shade of blonde hair.
Image credits: MerryMelody-Symphony
Fell asleep at the wheel, woke up and corrected my steering without panicking.
Drowsy driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving. Never again !
Image credits: Nielas_Aran_76
In the meantime, Verywell Mind points out that the key to making good decisions, solving big problems, and living your best life comes down to developing lots of small, interconnected habits. For example, you should try to gauge whether you’re too overconfident in life so that you don’t overestimate your abilities.
You should also take the time to evaluate the risks you do (or don’t!) take in life and how things can go wrong. Meanwhile, you should also get into the habit of reframing problems in a way that helps you find solutions, take breaks to let your mind rest, consider your biases, and reflect on your past mistakes. It’s also helpful if you’re aware of and clearly label the emotions that you feel and how they can affect your choices.
And, at the end of the day, it’s never a mistake to treat yourself with kindness. You could, for instance, consider how you’d advise a close friend to tackle the same issues that you’re up against. This should help you be more objective and take a lot of your emotions out of the equation.
I went to ride my bike and almost forgot my helmet, I honestly debated grabbing it since I was only planning on doing a few miles; last minute I decided I might as well have it and then half a mile out I got hit by a car. Helmet was busted as hell but other than a concussion I was fine.
Image credits: SunfireElfAmaya
I was in high school, and driving home from a robotics team party when it felt like instinct took over, and I slammed the brakes from 50 mph. A car plowed through the intersection in front of me, hit a curb, and left with a drunken weave. I realized that if I hadn’t stopped, I likely would have gotten hit. At that point I found the nearest parking lot, and had a panic attack for an hour before driving to my parents.
Image credits: zoeartemis
I was caught in a bar brawl. Tumbled to the bottom of a crowd and was pressed to the floor when some psycho was on my back choking me. Couldn’t move and couldn’t breathe. I thought that was it. I was gonna die on the floor of a New Jersey nightclub. Suddenly I remembered a move my wrestling coach taught us to break grips. I found his thumb, folded it like a fist and squeezed as hard as I could. It c*****d like a stick. I could hear him scream in my ear and he hopped off. I pushed up and swung my way out. I was choked so hard that both of my eyes were full blood red, no whites and I cracked a molar. That was a close one and who knows what would have happened if I didn’t recall that one random move or if I never wrestled to begin with. Scary.
Image credits: anon
What are some deeply intuitive or split-second decisions that you’ve ever had to make that completely changed the course of your life, dear Pandas? Have there been moments where you (accidentally or otherwise) avoided major catastrophes?
What were the best decisions that you made without fully understanding why you made them? We’d love to hear all about your experiences, so feel free to write your thoughts in the comments below.
Nowhere near as extreme as some of these, but I used to go for walks in a nature park right behind my neighborhood, usually with headphones. On one such walk, I happened to look down to see the foot I was currently stepping with was about 6 inches from coming down on a diamondback rattlesnake. It was arched back, ready to strike, rattle going, but I couldn’t hear it over my music. Leapt back immediately and walked around it without issue, but holy c**p, it gets my heart going just thinking about it.
Image credits: pownij
Previously I was a biker. I’m sure you all know the risks. One time it was any other day riding to work. I pull up to the lights and check the car next to me. Girl mid 20s on her phone – revved my engine to get her to look at me. She doesn’t. She proceeds to go straight on into my lane.
I had planned for this. Half the reason I don’t ride now is other people being morons.
Image credits: contradiction_762
Deciding to go to A&E over the “gas pains” in my abdomen instead of going to sleep (I was already in bed).
Appendix was about to blow by the time the surgeon got to it that same night.
I remembered something specifically about looking out for pain when you lift your left leg, and since healthcare is free here, decided not to chance it despite the symptoms being relatively mild.
Image credits: proximalfunk
I was driving on the highway on a dark moonless night. Suddenly with about 30 yards of distance, I saw 4 lines on the road in my headlights. I had about 1 extra second to swerve lanes after I realized it was a F*****G COW.
Image credits: hamsterwheel
When I was 9 I loved sleeping in my older brothers water bed upstairs when he decided to live with my dad instead. One cold January night I decided against it for some reason. I ended up sleeping in my own bed downstairs. A massive earthquake hit in the middle of the night and the headboard with tons of shelves on it ended up crashing down onto my brothers water bed. I would have been seriously injured if I had been sleeping in that bed that night!
Image credits: anon
Almost went to the midnight showing of The Dark Knight in Aurora, Colorado when and where the shooting happened. Changed our minds enroute because a friend called us and we had to turn back and get them.
Image credits: nouseforachef1
Not going to see Great White at The Station probably saved my life.
Image credits: National_Progress417
Years ago, I parallel parked my car on a busy street in Hollywood where I lived at the time. The street was on a hill and my car was parked on the downhill side of traffic a couple hundred feet from a blind curve in the road. I checked for cars and got out of the driver’s side of the car, being careful not to step too far in the street. There were no cars going by at the time.
Suddenly, a voice inside my head shouted “FREEZE!!! DON’T MOVE!!!” I instinctually froze and pressed myself up against my car even though I had no idea why. Out of nowhere a large city bus came barreling around the curve going at least 60mph and missed hitting me by just a couple inches. I can still feel the wind from the bus on the back of my neck at it blew past me. If I had taken just half a step back to lock my car door, I would have been flattened and that would have been it.
Even worse, my future husband was with me and would have witnessed it all. It still shakes him up to think about how close he came to losing me that day.
Image credits: Sgt_Booler
I got a couple, but I’ll go for the biggest one.
Fell snowboarding, and had a splitting ‘migraine’ the next day. Went to the GP, deciding after a night without sleep it was worth the early phonecall and appointment. He took one look at me and proceeded to give me a course of oral steroids and schedule an MRI. I was completely dissociated, just kinda thought maybe he was looking to see if I’d twinged my neck.
Damage **at C1**. For context, C1 is your first vertebrae at the base of your skull and by damage I’m referring to spinal cord damage. A very small lesion and some swelling which was now being treated by the oral steroids course. After the course, another MRI showed the area of damage more clearly – I also now had a severe movement disorder, and minor issues with my breathing alongside chronic neuroinflammation which would eventually result in another lesion (C5/6) that hit 4 years later, paralysing me.
BUT if my GP hadn’t seen fit to prescribe outside of his remit and give me those initial steroids there is no telling if that C1 lesion could have enlarged and just straight up k**led me at 21. My neurologist tells me that he did possibly save my life that day.
I was in an accident back in 2008. I was going to college on my motorcycle (pretty common where I come from). It had just ended raining. I was about to overtake a vehicle when a tuktuk came out of nowhere from the street. Hit the break real hard but still rear tyres touched I was in air. That when it dawned on me that it is either my right arm or my head. Chose let my right arm get crushed and saved my skull. Properly healed on 50days. Have trouble writing with my right hand ever as I cannot handle pen properly. Learnt to write with my left hand and went on with my life.
Image credits: sindhichhokro
I made a horrible decision to intervene in parking lot machine robbery.
As I was at the caged gate of the parking lot he swung his crowbar at me. Somehow I moved in the right way to avoid his strikes. I still don’t know how his crowbar didn’t hit me. He also screamed like a gorilla. But I didn’t die that night. And I was very close to it. Never felt so stupid and also so relieved he didn’t tag me. H****n is bad kids. It will make you a coin robber who almost became a m******r for like 8 dollars in coins.
Image credits: mdotca
Driving 220km/h on the German autobahn when a van moves into the left lane without looking. Thankfully I reacted fast and managed to avoid him.
Image credits: Th3_Accountant
I was carried away by a current while swimming at a beach. The beach was protected by a rock formation but I stupidly swam past it and I was swept away. The rest of the coastline was more or less a sheer rock cliff. I managed to spot a very tiny spot that I could swim ashore to but the waves kept throwing me against rocks that sat just below the surface. I decided to try to swim ashore by grabbing onto the rocks between waves and to hold on for dear life as the waves came over me so that I don’t end up like shredded cheese. I managed to get to shore and I later realised that if I hadn’t done exactly what I did I’d be dead.
Image credits: PckMan
Me and my friend were crossing a tall train bridge in his hometown while mildly intoxicated. We had called his mom to ask when the train went by and she said that one went by daily around noon; it was 4:30ish so we were all set. We got halfway across when we heard the train whistle. The problem was that we were above a river valley so the whistle echoed and we couldn’t tell which way it was coming. We ended up scurrying back the way we came and the moment we jumped off onto the embankment, the train barreled around the corner immediately in front of us. If we had chosen to continue across rather than turn back, we wouldn’t have made it.
Image credits: CarelessStatement172
Riding my bike from Uni in the dark, and as I passed a silouhete of a person on the edge of the path, I stood up on the pedals. They struck me with a bat, landing the blow on my biceps. I was able to keep my balance/grip on the bars and ride through it.
Staying seated on that bike would have been my face meeting that bat. Plus, who knows what to follow on tbe ground.
Image credits: Magumbo_Sweat
When I was in my early 20’s I was working with a company laying deep services for new neighborhoods. In the winter, at the end of the day, the laborer crew would spend a few minutes scraping mud off the excavator tracks.
One day I was in between the two tracks scrapping away mud. Suddenly, my colleagues are shouting (almost screaming) my name. Although I didn’t see it, it instantly occurred to me that they would only be that terrified if the excavator was still in motion and I was about to be pinned between the rear counterweight and the track.
I dropped to my knees and rolled away with less than a second to spare. The rear of the excavator swung across where I had just been standing. Had I been any later, I’d have been cut in half.
The operator had thought we were done. We didn’t mention it to anyone… you know how you are at that age.
Once in a while I still think about it. Scary stuff.
Image credits: mikeInCalgary
13/14 walking home and it started to storm, storm. Man in car, that I recognized from neighborhood stopped and asked if I wanted a ride, sure jumped in. Our house was on a really long hill (back when they built houses into the landscape instead of flattening everything), at a point he should have started slowing down he started accelerating, just opened the door and rolled out onto the asphalt at 30-35.
Image credits: Drifter74
Maybe not died but been serious injured and facially disfigured.
Rescue dog for some reason freaked out and attacked me. Right before it happened I sat up and gently pushed his face away from mine (he had been whining and trying to lick at my face while I was stretched out on the couch). Some instinct told me to sit up and push his face away and do it now.
Ended up with a huge hole in my arm and he kept coming trying to take me down. If my husband hadn’t been there the dog would have kept going til he got me down and kept me there.
Image credits: NeverEnoughSleep08
My work flew me into Costa Rica (prefer not to specify city) at night and got to my hotel around 7 or 8 pm, and I wanted something to eat as I hadn’t eaten in hours. I remembered seeing a Subway just up the street from my hotel, put my earbuds in and walked to Subway.
Got there and got the sandwich and began walking back to the hotel, when I get a block away and a white van drives up quickly in front of me at a crossing, and this man starts yelling at me in Spanish (I can faintly hear it through my earbuds).
For a split second I gave myself the choice to stop and figure out what was going on, or to start walking faster around the back of the van and just keep looking forward. I took out one of my earbuds so I could hear better and began walking quickly around the back of the van and could hear a sliding door open while the vans backup lights turn on and it starts to backup.
I started speed walking away and at the last probably 20 feet it would take to get to the hotel I began running. The feeling of trying to remain calm while booking it had started to turn into fear, and once I got into the doors of the hotel I looked back up the street to see the white van speeding off in the opposite direction.
I still don’t know if it was actually what I think it was that was going to happen or if I just misunderstood the situation. Either way, I personally believe that split second changed my life, because normally I’d stop and try to figure out what’s going on in any other situation.
Image credits: brrnsy
Was about 15 was partying with my friend and these 4 girls. Men to women ratio was off so one girl calls her cousin and his friend perfect we are all hanging out drinking smoking listening to music. Someone brings up the idea that they want Dunkin’ one girl was sober so everyone piles in. Something in my gut told me to not get in that car. Two three hours later no one shows back up. Pre cellphone days so I wait awhile figure I got ditched missed out on the fun didn’t think about a crash or anything because the girl who drove them was super responsible ,head on her shoulders ,going places in life. Make my way to a different party have a blast figuring I’ll get back up with my boy either later in the night or that morning. Next day we wake up we’re sitting around making breakfast recovering from the night before. Someone turns the t.v on and BREAKING NEWS Turns out they stopped for smokes and decided that for whatever reason robbing the convenience store is a great idea. As they smashed and grabbed the girls cousin turns around and shoots the clerk K**LS the guy. They all were caught arrested blamed each other.
his friend. Same as above
My friend . 15 years to life
The three girls 1 got life ( the driver ) other two 15 years to life. We were all 15,16. My boy JUST got out I’m in my 40’s . But mostly I feel bad for the driver she would have absolutely made the world a better place. Sometimes you need to listen to your gut.
Realizing that me being gone would have long-lasting effects on everyone that knew me.
At the time, I had just returned from living overseas with my parents to being back Stateside living with my brother, who was living with his wife while they were still dating.
The first month was fine, but then she started to open up about her myriad problems with me. It got to the point where we would constantly be getting into arguments. The problem was, I wasn’t working and I was only going to community college–my brother was my only option for housing; he knew that, she didn’t. But it then caused them to have arguments frequently.
I would wake up most mornings to listen to her complaining about everything to friends or family over the phone–I was sleeping on their futon in the living room.
One of these conversations, she made it clear that when they do eventually get engaged that I wouldn’t be invited to the wedding.
One morning, when both my brother and her were out of the house, I went into his closet to find his pistol. I was kneeling there staring at it for a long, long time. My body compelled me to bring the barrel up against my chin.
I never pulled the trigger. I put the gun back where I found it, called my dad in tears. To this day I never told my brother that I was on the verge of s*****e because I thought in that moment it would make things better for him to not have to worry about me, anymore.
I wouldn’t have died, but my mom would’ve. Last year my mom had this problem where she didn’t pee for 3 days. She didn’t make a big deal about it until she mentioned it to one of our coworkers. We work with special needs children so we work with nurses every day. The coworker had mentioned that it is not normal or good and we should schedule an emergency appointment with her PCP. There was an availability that day around 2, it was currently around 10-11 so she took a small nap. After the nap she was a complete ragdoll, I mean 100% body weight. She could barely talk, on the drive to the doctor’s office she got worse just mumbling and raising her eyebrows. Thank f*****g God the nearest hospital is LITERALLY across the street from her PCP, so all I had to do was turn right instead of left. She was admitted right away and after a day or so she was put on dialysis. She isn’t permanently on it, she only needed it for a few days. I think like 3-4 days, but the doctors at the hospital said that if I didn’t take her to the hospital she’d be dead.
This isn’t really a spit decision. But I’m going to go ahead and tell my story.
One night I decided to go to bed earlier than usual after playing video games. Later on that night, I heard some gunshots near my window and hit the floor to escape the gunfire. When I got off the ground I noticed a bullet in my doorframe. The bullet trajectory just so happened to cross the area where I play every time late at night. If I didn’t decide to bed early that night I probably wouldn’t be here to share this tale.
Step on the brakes for no reason other than a bad feeling in the midle off the street, sudently two Cars racing pass on the next corner with no head lights.
When someone had a gun to my my head, i immediately grabbed it. Right after, they pulled the tirgger. Burned my hand and my ear, and couldn’t hear s**t out my left ear for 4 days. Yeah, they tried it. Will never try again.
I was driving across an intersection with a hedge blinding my driverside. I pull up a bit, see no cars oncoming, so I cross. Look out the driverside widow to see a truck speeding towards me and will hit. Split second instinct, hit the pedal to the floor. Still got hit in the rear bumper, but had I not floored it, probably would have hit me directly.
When I was 14 I was walking to the river with two girlfriends when I stopped to get a pebble out of my shoe. Fortunately the other girls stopped with me because 2 seconds later a vehicle came plowing up onto the sidewalk and slammed into a brick wall just metres from us and EXACTLY where we would have been had we not stopped seconds before. It was wild. We could feel the force of that car hit the wall and there is no way we would have survived. Not sure what happened to the driver tbh.
My son is a lifeguard. One of the girls in the pool got a suddenly intense headache. He sat her down and looked her over. There was fluid coming out of her ear. He put her on a spinal board just to be on the safe side, and called emergency. He found out later that the fluid leaking from her ear was spinal fluid she’d had a rupture of some sort that caused her spinal fluid to leak out her ear. If he hadn’t spotted that, she would have died later that day.
A bit of a story, but here goes.
Back in 2020, I was in an a*****e relationship. Not so much direct physical violent (although that was there); instead, it was constant mental and emotional abuse with some sexual a*****t thrown in. This was particularly damaging as I struggle with mental health. To be honest, I was contemplating ending my life for most of the last 6 or so months her and I were together. One day, her and I had a MASSIVE fight that ultimately ended the relationship.
Her and I ended up splitting up during quarantine, roughly around mid April. Most of the people I was close to were immunocompromised, some lived states away, and the rest just weren’t good for me to be around in my fragile mental state. Aside from a few nights at a hotel I was gifted from my parents (one who lived 15 hours away, the other one is badly immunocompromised), I slept in the bathroom at work. She (and whatever flavor of the week she was dating) continued to harass me, call my work, call my parents, and (later, during summer) somehow found the contact information of a girl I had just begun dating and began harassing her as well.
While I am eternally thankful for my boss giving me shelter *and* giving me an air mattress, it was so incredibly lonely in that bathroom. I remember hugging a pillow and convincing myself, through tears, that the pillow was my friend and that I wasn’t alone. I spent my birthday, which falls towards the end of April, alone in a grocery store parking lot bawling my eyes out. Never in my life was I so desperate for a hug.
After a couple months of this, my mother found me a new apartment. Quarantine restrictions had JUST lifted in my state (I live in SE Wisconsin). While I still had to keep a massive amount of distance from my mother, it was still nice to see someone who actually liked me.
As a bit of background, I am very interested in meteorology. I love stormchasing and dream of making a career of it, or anything related to meteorology for that matter. I had not chased a single storm for over a year, for obvious reasons. The week I moved in, I saw on my weather app that there was a storm scheduled to hit about two hours or so away during the weekend. I went and chased it, and, for the first time in years, I started to recognize the reflection in the mirror.
A week later on Friday, I realized that I badly wanted to chase another storm. So, I began checking my weather apps. Nowhere in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, etc was forecasted to even have rain. So, in desperation, I dug deeper and found that there, in fact, was going to be a storm. Issue was, it was all the way near Rapid City, SD. Eleven to twelve hours away from me.
I decided at noon on Friday that, once I got off at 6:30, I would pack a bag, eat dinner, talk to a couple friends, and then take off to South Dakota, driving through the night. I had never been to South Dakota nor traveled by myself, and I had never driven through the night before. But, screw it, what do I have to lose?
I was in southern Minnesota on I-90 around 4AM, about to break the South Dakota border. I was exhausted, losing strength, and about ready to give up. I tried to check into a hotel, only to find that I had forgotten my cards at home and that the hotel did not take Apple Pay. Regardless, something told me to keep going. Something told me everything would be okay. So, I plodded on into South Dakota.
Then I saw the sunrise. That sunrise was the light at the end of the tunnel. It was a beacon of hope that my past tried to convince me no longer existed. That sunrise told me that the excruciating pain, loneliness, and s******l ideations were temporary. It was then that I learned everything was going to be okay.
I still remember audibly screaming “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this! I’m actually doing this!”. It was always my dream to travel the country to chase storms. I turned the nightmare I was living into the dream I always wished for. I took so many pictures, videos, live streamed both chases (two for one weekend!), took in the alien landscape I found myself in, and finally felt human again.
Not only was I free, I actually believed it too. Ever since then, although I still struggle with mental health, I have a new purpose. The driver’s seat became my home, the open road became my best friend, and the sun became my wife. I didn’t care if she wasn’t human. The warmth, guidance, and support was all I ever wanted in marriage. The unlovable, burdensome, and ugly man turned into mother nature’s devoted husband. I finally found love.
Ever since then, I have continued to regularly travel the country on a whim. I have chased storms in Kansas, tasted wine in California, got lost in the desert in Arizona, saw the rocky mountains for the first time, walked along both coasts, went to the beach in Florida, and so much more. I ended up driving to every state in the lower 48 that summer (took three months) AND doing something in each one.
The decision to chase my dreams saved me from ending my own life. All I had to do was see the sun.
Was in the Maldives with my wife Boxing Day 2004, we would always go snorkelling every day, late morning after breakfast out to the drop off or reef. That one morning, the only day we didn’t, because it looked a little choppy….. The tsunami that morning k**led over 230,000 people and took anyone on the beach or sea of our island far out to sea…..
I was piloting a small training aircraft, with an instructor (I had full control), when a slightly larger light aircraft flying ahead, but to our far right field of view, seemed to be creeping in a bit too near towards us. The instructor yelled for me to watch out.
I immediately cut the throttle and applied the air brake, just as that aircraft swerved right in front of us, with less than 10 metres clearance.
Was nearly a mid-air collision.
The instructor had many swearwords for that aircraft and took down details to report them for dangerous flying. He also praised my response and said I was a natural.
Back when I was about 14 or 15 years old I was riding my bike. It was maybe about 8pm and my friend and I were coming back from a festival.
As we we riding up a hill in the city downtown some kid, maybe 17/18 years old ran up to me and pulled out a gun and put it to my stomach. My friend being scared, rode off… leaving me alone and the kid demanded that I come with him across the street (busy main road), he told me he knew me, which he didn’t and said his boys wanted to speak with me. As I followed this teenager, about 2000 feet, we approached an ally (kind a long ride between houses, just a street and peoples car garages) his buddies openly he door to a old school caddy, they were about 6 or more of them, all strapped with guns.. and a voice in my head said throw your bike in front of you and run like a sob… or they will k**l you… so I did exactly that and around the corner was a 24/7 hour donut shop and I called 911 on a pay phone inside. Eventually cops came maybe 1 1/2 hours later, didn’t do anything, but the gang bangers did take my bike. It was a nice BMX. I believe had I not run, they would of shot me. They would not of cared or thought twice about it. We had lots of gangs in our city.
This happened many years ago, but something I’ll never forget.
About 11-12 years ago my husband and I got into a fight and ditched me at the bar. I was gonna call a cab but these guys , there was 4 of them, said they’d give me a ride I was in the back seat and in the middle when an overwhelming feeling of deep dread washed over me and a well of panic was setting in and a voice in my head told me “ you need to get out of this car or you’ll die!” I made an excuse that I needed to use the bathroom, like right now or I’m gonna 💩myself !! I didn’t care how it sounded because if they weren’t gonna let me out I was gonna scream bloody murder. Luckily they let me out and I hide until I felt safe enough to come out. I immediately called a cab and arrived home safe and sound. But that really scared me. To this day I still firmly believe if I went with these men I would’ve went missing.
It’s definitely not as crazy as some of the other replies but asking my partner out for our first date. At the time I was really struggling between a mental health crisis, 2 a*****e ex’s, family drama, and the list goes on. He doesn’t know how incredibly grateful I am for him, without him I certainly wouldn’t be alive. Sending that text was the impulsive decision that saved my life.
I was hiking Mt LaConte in TN. Some friends I was with were a bit more active than me and I was slowing my pace but told them I would be fine so they went ahead a bit. As I was going along the path, there was a ledge on a mountain side that was part of the trail that also had hand ropes setup by hikers from what I would assume awhile ago. On this day of the hike, there was black ice in the most random areas and unless you were really looking for them, they were invisible to the eye. Well the ledge was plenty wide but I decided to hold on to the railing anyways. As I started to go around the side my feet slipped on black ice and due to my insane drummer hand grips I was able to keep myself on the mountainside with my feet dangling off the mountain. There was a couple that was hiking as well that I hadn’t noticed yet as they were way behind me and the female screamed like she witnessed a murder. They both said they were sure I was a goner.
I never was in a life/death situation like this before I honestly laughed in relief after and became a master of looking for black ice as I finished my hike up and down the mountain. As it didn’t stop my passion for hiking, I certainly will be doing my best to go in warmer climate seasons to avoid such a situation again.
10 years old, looking in the trunk of my mom’s street parked Honda. I heard tire squealing close behind me. I jumped straight up. Drunk driver slammed into the back of the Honda , then I landed unhurt on the hood of his car.
Deployed to Kandahar air field, Afghanistan in 2011z Just another pt morning, we got to do it on our own because large groups could be seen as a target. Well there’s a perimeter road that goes behind the gun range, and curves back toward the barracks, and that was my usual run route. I was ready to leave, when I had this feeling that I should stay today, and did a workout video instead. About the time that it would have taken me to reach the curve behind the range, it was hit by a mortar. Myself saved myself that day.
I had just finished exercising and had what felt like a sudden onset pulled muscle in my shoulder blade that hurt like the proverbial behotch.
I wanted to drive myself to the hospital, but I just looked at my wife and said screw it, call an ambulance. She described my symptoms, and thank goodness they recognized what it might be and got there quick.
As I was waiting for the ambulance, the pain started shooting down my left arm.
When they got there, as I was describing the symptoms, I passed out. Just a momentary dizzy spell enough for me to say “oh my god” and then I woke up on the floor with my shirt off and my wife screaming for all the wrong reasons. They had used a defibrillator on me. I asked the EMT if I had died and he said no, my heart was confused. It was beating, but something went wrong. It wasn’t pumping hard enough.
I went to the hospital (passed out and was shocked awake for a second time on the way) and right into the cath lab. I learned what a widowmaker heart attack was that day.
I strongly suspect my wife and I would not be here if I drove myself in for my “pulled muscle.”.
from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda