50 People Share The Non-Negotiable Rules They Have In Their Homes, And Some Are Very Strange

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Having people over for drinks, backyard parties or, most recently, Thanksgiving dinners can be one of the most enjoyable things in the world. Many of us love inviting visitors into our humble dwellings, and we always go the extra mile to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Fluffy pillows, soft lighting, scented candles, soothing music, you name it, making our guests feel at home tends to make us all happy and warm inside, too.

But some people may have a different idea of what being a respectful and courteous guest means. Then, it can do homeowners well to set some boundaries and stick to them from the get-go.

So to gain inspiration from people who firmly draw the line, Redditor cigarandcreamsoda reached out to fellow members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community: “What is a non-negotiable rule in your house for everyone?” As the thread immediately became a hit, we at Bored Panda have gathered a list of some of the most interesting responses down below. Continue scrolling to check them all out, upvote the ones you agree with, and be sure to share your own unyielding house rules with us in the comments!


You don’t get to hug my kids if they don’t want to hug you. I don’t care if you’re the grandparent or what.

Image credits: Business_Loquat5658


Don’t feed my dogs, anything. I don’t care how cute they are looking at you.

Image credits: stickystarz


Knock first! Bathroom, bedroom or study room. Knocking is a slowly forgotten art of respect.

Image credits: karmawhobiiih


No outside clothes on the bed

Image credits: mrrizo


Don’t put stuff on the stairs. Almost died once. Never again!

Image credits: kaidomac


Shoes off!

Image credits: flpacsnr


Clean up after yourself.

Image credits: bartholomew_m_quint


No homophobia. No transphobia. No racism.



Image credits: MissKate89


If there is a cat on your lap, you don’t have to get up for any reason.

Image credits: onionsthecat


One of the biggest rules is actually for when people are leaving my home, and it’s a very simple one, “Text me when you get home safely.”

Image credits: SnazzyPants01


If there is food in the house, it is available to anyone. Company included.

Image credits: MeGrendel


Unless you’ve explicitly been invited to spend the night go away at the end of the night. I’ll call you an uber, I’ll pay your cab if I have to, I’ll give you a ride to retrieve your car tomorrow, but go away.

I like hosting, but only friends who also leave without basically being shoved out the door eventually.

Image credits: Missscarlettheharlot


Don’t f**k around with someone when they are asleep. If someone is asleep, they’re off limits, no messing with/pranks and no waking up without good reason. It wasn’t until talking to my friends who had siblings who would pile things on them, move the bed, wake them up in the middle of the night (just general sibling hijinks) And realised how important the ‘leave sleeping family members alone’ was in our house growing up

Image credits: Yaboijustlikesgoats


I have timid cats, leave them alone. If they come up to you, fine. Don’t be chasing them around the house trying to pet them or pick them up. You won’t be invited over ever again.

Image credits: coffcat


Don’t tap on the aquarium glass.

Image credits: Kangaroodle


If you pee on the toilet seat clean it up!!!

I am a single parent with 2 boys, I know I’m not the one peeing on the toilet seat but apparently they don’t either.

Image credits: Southern_Anything_39


Noone gets in without at least 5 days of warning and an exact arrival time. I need to f*****g clean.


Nobody gets humiliated. For nothing. Joking around, banter, discussions, arguments, all fine. Humiliation, as in name calling, laughing down, patronising, unhelpful comments that just hurt and don’t do anything else – no.


Minimum pants (underwear) at the dinner table. Remarkably something you have to enforce quite often with small children.

Image credits: Capable-Dream6768


Do not mistreat the dogs.


No slamming doors.

Image credits: thetinyhurricane


No smoking

Image credits: Fortune_Teller01


Since my friends have manners, I have no rules. If you aren’t a friend, you’re not in my house


If the cat sits on your lap, you must pet the cat.


One side of the kitchen sink stays empty!

We have one of those two-basin stainless sinks and it drives me absolutely bonkers when I have to remove and stack dishes just to get water to make coffee in the morning.

Image credits: Rokhnal


Car doesn’t go in drive unless everyone has their seatbelts on.


Help cleaning up the dishes after a meal is graciously appreciated. But, don’t even think about putting my knives or pans in the dishwasher. I will happily hand wash them myself.

Image credits: PeachPreserves66


It used to be to not pee on the carpet.

My wiener dog disagrees with that rule

Image credits: jrsobx


don’t look outside between 2:35 and 2:38 am


If the TV is on, your phone volume should be set to zero or else wear headphones. Same goes for any other electronic devices. There are few things more annoying than volume wars in the living room.


The dog lives here – you don’t.


I live alone with my dog. When my friends come over, they make comments about my dog being on my furniture or that he sleeps in the bed with me. It’s my house and my dog’s house. If they don’t like it, they can leave.


If u take a cold one from the fridge you replace it with one from the box out in the porch. And if there are no beers left u go to the store and get more immediately. This is our main house rule that I had to follow ever since I was a little kid.


Don’t EVER touch my God damn thermostat ……..EVER!


Do not let the cats out.


If i want to sit on my countertops don’t tell me i f*****g cant.


Put the lid down on toilet! We have shelves by the toilet and I don’t know how many stuff jumped into the toilet.


Clean after yourself. Let people have their turn to speak. If things get heated, take break before you say s**t you’ll regret afterwards.

And always, always, close the dog gate after you walk in lest the dog go on an endless adventure.


No water above cardboard!

I like board games, my partner likes plants. Plants that need watering. Gravity makes water go down so when there were plants above my board games, it was only a matter of time before ‘the incident’ happened. Now we have the above rule.


Who ever has the higher standard for a chore does the chore.

When I do the dishes, I do the dishes. When my wife does the dishes, she does the dishes, makes coffee, and wipes down the counters.

When my wife sweeps, she gets the major areas. When I sweep, I move all the furniture and toys, then sweep every room, under every bed, then spot mop, then vacuum all the rugs and carpeted areas.


If it’s on the table, it’s everyone’s property. Stuff yourself, don’t even ask.


The one rule in my dad’s house is one that he won’t tell you: don’t poop in the upstairs bathroom. The shame of having to ask him for a plunger is just not worth it.

Image credits: goshpenny


You *will* give my dogs at minimum one pat and one “good boy” each or you’re leaving.


Don’t leave time on the microwave!


Those allowed in, Mi Casa, Su Casa.. All I need to know is if the dog has been walked (never required, always allowed) and if ur joining for dinner. I hate buying/prepoing food for no one to turn up.


The chair that looks like a golden throne that is in the middle of the livingroom on that raised dias? That is my chair and mine alone. Your seat in the pillow on the floor at my feet.


No food in the bedrooms


No phones at the dinner table


No pants/no outside. This was a mantra in my house when my boys were toddlers.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/dDcbiPT
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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