5 Regrets People Have on Their Death Bed and How to Avoid Them

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You’re reading 5 Regrets People Have on Their Death Bed and How to Avoid Them, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’re enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Ever thought ‘Am I missing out in life?’ Or ‘I’m sick of this job, it’s just the same thing day in, day out…’? You’re not the only one…

Bronnie Ware, the famous Nurse & Author has a book, The most common regrets of the dying, that reveals peoples most common regrets on their death bed. They are ‘I wish I lived a life true to myself, not what others expected of me’, ‘I wish I hadn’t worked so hard’, ‘I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings’, ‘I wish I stayed in touch with my friends’, ‘I wish I allowed myself to be happier’.

Well here’s the most common, lesser known regrets that I’ve researched for you…

Think ‘how can I increase my comfort zone?’

A common regret is ‘Not taking action and waiting for everything to be perfect, before getting out of your comfort zone’. Have you ever heard ‘life begins outside of your comfort zone’? It’s great advice, but can be off putting. Instead, think of it, as expanding your comfort zone. Humans have been proven to move away from pain, about twice as much as towards pleasure (unless you’re into something weird 🙂

There was a study showing that your brain adapts when you do something repeatedly, that was done by K. G. Pearson at Alberta University (2000). This means if you do something a lot, it’ll start feeling more natural and less uncomfortable over time. Your body will also attempt to adapt to it too.

So remember; ‘The more quality practice I get at this, the more my comfort zone expands.‘…

Pass up opportunities to learn a skill/course (mostly)

This’ll help you get rid of the regret ‘Not taking advantage of opportunities (e.g. learning a skill or course for a career)’.

Invest in yourself, invest in your own self-education and then take that knowledge and use it to help others get what they want and need out of life. In the process, you will acquire power and financial freedom.– Jim Rohn (famous author, entrepreneur and speaker)

That’s very true. But only if you do it ‘the right amount’. E.g. Going through books & free videos online etc. is valuable, but if you keep doing that, you’ll probably end up seeing the same stuff! Whereas if you discipline yourself enough to choose to look at a few of the best ones (if that)…then you can save up, to invest in yourself at a much higher level. You’ll see a much greater return on investment then.

Before you go and read more books or watch videos online etc. then…Have a think about why nearly all personal development books have links back to their creators?…It’s because they’re there to really help you even further.

Don’t hustle too much…instead look after number one and do what you want.

‘Not taking care of myself’ is another big regret…While you have to put a lot of work in to get something going…You don’t want to burn out! That doesn’t actually take as much as you might think, either…There’s been a recent wave of well known business owners, who’ve been going so hard for so long, that they’re suffering now…Even though they’re nowhere near retirement!

A Harvard BNI business study showed 25% of business owners felt moderately burned out. While 3% of them felt strongly burnt out.

Go travelling, see more cultures and meet more people…whenever you damn well please

But you’ll need money and a flexible job to do that, right? Well if you worked for yourself…you could. No Boss you hate telling you what to do, or when to work! You’d better be prepared to get back to business when you return though…because it’s never smooth sailing. Like that Corona Virus, that had a colossal surprise effect on businesses.

Choose your route to a deep fulfilling, more meaningful life

An Oregon University study (2007) using fMRI brain scans, found out how people felt when giving money to people in need. It stimulated the same parts of the brain, as food and sex. So helping people makes you feel good then!

Imagine how content you’d feel then, if you had a business helping people, while doing something you’re passionate about…e.g. personal development?…

Having painful regrets in life, is one of the nastiest feelings ever. So knowing what the most common regrets people have in life is great…because then you know what to avoid!

Imagine a fulfilling, peaceful life you can be proud of…being relieved of worrying over having painful regrets…To start you off, I want you to start taking action on one of these regrets today. Work on it, until you’ve got it handled. Then move onto the next… You’ll soon be well on your way to having a life free of painful regrets…

Stuart Jenkins is motivated to help personal development enthusiasts interested in becoming a Coach. If you’re interested in his free Coaching Industry Truths mini-course, then go to www.empowercoach.org now…

You’ve read 5 Regrets People Have on Their Death Bed and How to Avoid Them, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’ve enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

from Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement https://ift.tt/2XJSbDZ

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