47 Funny Comics About Food That Are Full Of Puns And Jokes, By This Artist (New Pics)

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Have you had breakfast yet? If not, you might get hungry quickly while scrolling through the list of these tasty comics we’ve prepared for you today. The ‘Breakfast Club Comics’ by Brooke Karras offer a delightful serving of humor in the form of cute illustrations featuring various food products, veggies, fruits, and more.

The artist shared with us how she first got inspired to start her comic series: “Over breakfast one morning, I told my mom about my daily drawing challenge. We brainstormed ideas for a comic. The realization that food puns offer endless fun led to the birth of Breakfast Club Comics during that meal.” If you’d like to see the most recent works by Brooke, scroll down, and also read what we found out from the artist during our interview.

More info: Instagram | webtoons.com | tiktok.com


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics

As mentioned before, we reached out to the author of the “Breakfast Club Comics,” and asked some questions regarding her work. Asked how her journey with comics began, Karras told us: “I’ve been reading the Sunday comics ever since I was able to read. The diverse art styles in comics always intrigued me. About four years ago, I transitioned from traditional pencil-and-paper creation to digital art when I acquired a tablet. What started as a casual daily drawing challenge evolved into a genuine passion.”

“Art has been my companion since the age of 3, spanning drawing, painting, sculpting, sewing, singing, and music. It’s a vital part of my daily life, and while comics introduced a new dimension, art has always played a major role in everything I do.”


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics

We were also interested in getting more details about the creation of the whimsical characters in the Breakfast Club Comics. The artist shared with us: “My childhood cartoon favorites, like SpongeBob, Hey Arnold, and CatDog, have been my main inspiration. The absurdity in these shows provides a momentary escape from reality, and I aim to bring that laughter and silliness into my comic characters.”

Brooke told us more about her art education background: “Originally pursuing a business degree, a moment of realization in an accounting class led me to switch majors. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts. While formal education didn’t define my path, it reinforced the importance of following my passion and trusting my gut.”


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics

The artist has also shared with us which specific artists influenced her comic style and storytelling: “Artists like Will Henry, creator of “Wallace the Brave,” and the timeless Calvin and Hobbes have significantly influenced my style. I strive to craft narratives that make characters relatable and lovable for a diverse audience.”

Asked what aspects of the comic creation process Brooke cherishes the most, she answered: “Storyboarding and sketching are my favorite stages. The thrill of developing a compelling story and seeing it come to life with each sketch is incredibly rewarding.”


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics

We were curious if Karras recalls any memorable interaction with a reader related to her comics. The artist said: “Longtime patrons who’ve been with me since the beginning always brighten my day with their comments. Their humorous remarks about the characters and the consistent appreciation remind me of the positive impact my work has on readers’ lives, even if it’s just a small smile each day.”

“My ultimate dream is to see Breakfast Club Comics transformed into an animated show. Drawing inspiration from Nickelodeon cartoons, I envision my comics as vibrant animations. While it’s a dream for now, I hope to turn it into a reality in the future.”


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics

Lastly, Brooke gave some advice for everyone considering becoming a comic artist: “Just start. The initial step is the most challenging. Enjoy the process, ignore negative comments, and create for yourself. If your work brings joy to others, consider it a bonus.”


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


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Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics


Image credits: breakfastclubcomics

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/M9GQoup
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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