45 People Share What Historical Myths Make Their Hackles Rise

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Even though there is only one true way of how historical events actually unfolded, there sure are many myths and legends that surround them. And while some seem way too far-fetched, others can be quite convincing, which is why they often become rather widely known.

A netizen going by the moniker of ‘sewistwrites’ recently turned to X (formerly Twitter) to learn more about such convincing yet not necessarily accurate historical myths. She shared that the ones that make her hackles rise relate to corsets and romance, this way starting a thread, which covered everything from Columbus to salt, and beyond. Scroll down to find more historical myths shared by the netizens on X and see what other bits of historical information might not be entirely true.


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from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/WJUbBNp
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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