Hello! I started creating comics in late 2020 as a way to keep improving my art skills and to also be able to entertain people with my art and my kind of humor, and not to mention, to keep myself from getting bored.
So, I finally got to work on a couple more comics to add to my collection here on Bored Panda. So sit back, grab a bag of chips and a drink, or even some pizza if you want, and read away. Enjoy!
More info: twitter.com | Instagram | gramhir.com
#1 It’s Dark In Here
On Instagram, I started making comics readily during late 2019 but originally started drawing ever since I could talk. My father taught me how to draw and out of curiosity, I followed in his footsteps in painting and drawing. After that, I just kept watching his techniques. After a while, I discovered the internet, specifically YouTube, and all the creators it holds. I took inspiration from various YouTube animators and artists. And that brings us to this day.
#2 Change Is Inedible
#3 Hey There, Handsome
I wanted to make comics to both improve my art skills and still be able to share them with people and make them engage with my art. A couple of influences I can name include a YouTube animator named JaidenAnimations. Her character design is what I took inspiration from into drawing my style today.
I enjoy drawing in my free time. I am currently still a student, so my content can be quite spaced out.
#4 Self-Control
#5 Mimi Goes Shopping
The amount of time it takes to fully finish one comic usually depends on my general mood. It takes usually an hour or more to a day when I’m in a particularly happy and motivated mood. However, when I feel down and unmotivated, it can take weeks or even months.
I enjoy doing the line art! I invest a lot of time in the coloring of my drawings. Each frame must have a vibrant and lively feel to it, but not so vibrant that it might hurt people’s eyes.
#6 Imaginary GF
#7 Problems
There’s a lot of illustrators out there and it might seem that everything is already created. That is why, to be completely honest, I don’t find it very easy to come up with new ideas. My ideas usually stem from memes I find while scrolling on Instagram, Google, Reddit, or Facebook.
#8 Renaming Animals Part Iv
#9 Renaming Animals Part III
#10 Lazy Is A Strong Word, Mate
#11 Baby, It’s Cold Outside
#12 The Gentoo Penguins
#13 Fun Facts With Mimi
#14 Marvin The Seagull
#15 Koi-Koi Says
#16 The Tingly Feeling
#17 3 Am Mood Be Like
#18 Koi-Koi Is Back
#19 Parakeet
#20 Three Words
#21 Love Can Be Strong, But
#22 I Would Like Coffee Please
#23 You Are A Beautiful Pineapple
#24 I Am Fluent In Silence
#25 Home Is
#26 Jokes About How Hot You Truly Are
#27 A Person Who Disturbs You Loves You
#28 Be Like The Blue Whale
#29 How To Deal With Enemies 101
#30 Congratulations! You Have Pleased Mimi
#31 Say Hello To Derpy Axolotl
#32 Meet Koi-Koi The Fighting Fish
#33 I’ll Honk When I’m There
#34 Such Beautiful Words
#35 Having Trouble With Math
#36 This Is My Sister
#37 You Are A Smart Cookie
#38 Salmon Of Truth
#39 I Have Something To Confess
#40 Based On A Real Story
#41 Oh Glob
from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3nPXxZZ
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda