38 Pics Of Neighbors From Hell Who Got Shamed On This Online Community

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If you don’t have a neighbor horror story, you might consider yourself a lucky one, as quite a few of us have likely encountered an aggravating one or two. Some stomp around as if they roam from room to room doing cartwheels, others sing louder than they should—the volume often seems to be positively linked with lack of musical training,—a few start picking fights over matters that don’t even matter; the list goes on and on.

If one of these situations already evoked a sigh or flashbacks—we’re sorry; if not, scroll down to find one that likely will. Today, we have listed some of the most patience-testing, anger-inducing, plain-annoying neighbors out there, as shared by the ‘Mildly Infuriating’ subreddit. Covering everything from shoveling snow—or poop—into others’ territories to shooting firearms inside apartments, and so much more, these sure are some colorful examples of just how unhinged some neighbors can be.

#1 2-3 Times A Week, I Collect Syringes From My Balcony. This Is How My Super Old Neighbor Is Trying To Get Me Evicted, As She Believes That My Roommate And I Are Gay, And She Thinks All Gay People Are Addicts

Image credits: mtsiri

#2 Neighbor Took Delivery Of A Package That Our Business Purchased, Used The Contents, And Now Wants Us To Pay For The Scraps. Dafuq?

Image credits: BigMacDaddy99

#3 Built A 7 Foot Privacy Fence. Neighbor Raised His By 2 Feet And Put A Camera Facing Into My Backyard

Image credits: Magicisntreallyreal

#4 My Neighbor Chucks Her Dog’s Poop Over The Back Fence

Image credits: reddit.com

#5 I Put Up A Fence To Keep My Thieving And Incredibly Nosy Neighbor Out. He Then Puts Up A Camera So That He Can Look In

Image credits: harbinger_CHI

#6 People Are Robbing Grass At A Square That Is Being Constructed In My Neighborhood

Image credits: nicbsc

#7 My Neighbor, Everyone. He Parks Like This When His Wife Isn’t Home And Moves It Back When She’s Back So They Can Both Park On One Of The Few Spots With Shade. This Has Been Happening For Months

Image credits: reedtheraccoon

#8 Kids Are Having Fun With Friends So A Neighbor Reported To Hoa That They Must Be Running A Childcare

Image credits: JustJJ92

#9 Neighbor Installed Two Cameras Pointed Directly At Our Basement Windows

Image credits: Educational_Bit8972

#10 Received In The Mail From A Concerned Neighbor

Image credits: mahelke

#11 My Neighbor Shoveling His Backyard Into Mine

Image credits: allthepoutine

#12 Neighbors Boyfriend Living Above Us Accidentally Discharged A Firearm Through Our Bedroom Ceiling

Image credits: _AbacusMC_

#13 Someone Is Over The Package Theft In My Apt Building

Image credits: Optimal_Jaguar_8773

#14 My Neighbor Shot An Arrow Into My House Today

Image credits: this-is-cursed

#15 This Poorly Written Letter From My Passive Aggressive Neighbor Telling Me To Remove My ‘Legally-Owned’ Plants From My Property

Image credits: HedgehogSmoothie

#16 My Neighbor Thinks They Own The Public Street In Front Of Their Apartment

Image credits: estunum

#17 Til My Upstairs Neighbors Flooded Their Bathroom And Left It That Way For About A Week. Here’s How I Found Out:

Image credits: UltimateChaos233

#18 My Sons Accidentally Lost Their Football Over The Neighbors Fence Yesterday. This Is How It Was Found Back In Our Yard Today

Image credits: buddahsumo

#19 So For The 15th Time Now, Our Neighbor Called Out The Fire Department When I Started My Smoker. Claiming That I’m Burning Trash. At Least The Full Truck Didn’t Come Not This Time

Image credits: reddit.com

#20 Neighbor Tried To Saw My Door Handle Off Today Because She Hadn’t Seen My Cat In The Window For 3 Days

Image credits: reddit.com

#21 Someone Anonymously Sent This To My Neighbor

Image credits: cnotethegoat123

#22 Amazon Delivery Picture Of My Package On My Neighbors Porch. Asked My Neighbor If They Happened To Accidentally Get My Package. “Nope Didn’t See It”

Image credits: _The_Space_Monkey_

#23 My Neighbor Has Indeed A Bright Light

Image credits: TheNotTooDarkLord

#24 Went To A Friendsgiving, They Let Their Neighbor Know Ahead Of Time That They Would Be Having People Over, It Was 4:45pm On A Saturday And About 6 People Were There. He Knocked On The Door, Taped This Note To The Door And Ran Off

Image credits: gravityandlove

#25 We Were Going To Have A New Robin Family – Until Our Neighbor Poisoned His Lawn And The Parent Robins Ate From It And Died

Image credits: CatDadMilhouse

#26 Because I Work All Day And Can Control Where The Wind Blows. Was Mailed To Me (Probably By My Neighbor’s Wife), Envelope Postmarked The Next Town Over

Image credits: leinad1972

#27 Best Caption Wins

Image credits: reddit.com

#28 Neighbor’s Peacocks Crapping On And On My Stuff

Image credits: Dad_2_B

#29 Neighbors Of My Dorm Room Put This Sign Up Yesterday

Image credits: scoutodile

#30 Neighbor Parked Me (Blue Kona) In Again Last Night. I Have Probably A Dozen Texts Asking Them To Move Or Ask For My Space When This Has Happened In The Past. No Response. It Feels Like I Shouldn’t Have To Maneuver My Car So Much On My Own Driveway

Image credits: heymissspider

#31 Our Neighbors Solution To A Newly Poured Driveway On A One-Lane Road

Image credits: UnethicalTesticle

#32 Early Morning Shifts Bugs Neighbors

Image credits: Icy_Deer7055

#33 My Neighbor, Who Is Not Registered For Disability, Constantly Parks In The Disabled Spot. She Will Sit In A Spot Nearby Till It Opens To Make Sure She Can Claim It If It’s Blocked For Whatever Reason

Image credits: alexlove13

#34 Next Door Neighbor Parks Both Cars In Front Of House, Blocks My Mailbox And Leaves Theirs Open

Image credits: Negative_Permit

#35 Neighbor Drills Through Our Shared Wall To Secure A Fence Without Asking. Then Wants Us To Bolt The Bottom Because He Couldn’t Reach It

Image credits: Pure-Ice

#36 Neighbor Built A Pergola That Hangs Clear Over Into My Yard Space

Image credits: papi_pizza

#37 My Neighbor Borrowed My Hedge Trimmer. This Is What She Did To My Extension Cord

Image credits: Pieterbr

#38 Neighbors Who Have Nothing Better To Do

Image credits: Ezzy17

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3SWyjmE
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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