38 People Share What Things Are Criminally Overpriced

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We’re all about fair pay. But we’re also aware of greedy companies exploiting people and cutting corners wherever they can for maximum profit. And while it’s ridiculous to pay $5 for a T-shirt, as there’s no way in which it could have been made ethically, it’s also absurd to pay $140 for insulin in the US.

And it’s not just companies selling products. In the last 3 years, rents have increased by 2.61% on average per year, which is 169% faster than the real average wage in the US. Also, in the last decade, rent inflation outpaced currency inflation by 40.7%. And it feels like we can do nothing but watch. One Reddit user, Coach_Carter_on_DVD, asked people what things are so overpriced, it sounds (and in most cases should be) illegal. The users were eager to vent about the most insanely expensive things, with prices that have no explanation but disgusting greed.

Over 21.2k comments later, Bored Panda selected the most popular responses on this topic. And even though they’re infuriating, we hope that they can also serve some educational purpose. Maybe you’ve been paying this insane amount of money without ever thinking about how unfair it is, or maybe they will encourage you to take action, vote for politicians who are doing something about the cause, and look for cheaper and more ethical alternatives. Either way, don’t forget to upvote your favorites, and be sure to share anything infuriatingly overpriced that we missed on this list!



Image credits: BluebirdSea3787


Ticket website service fees!

Image credits: dumbname2727



Image credits: No–Platypus



Image credits: MissMona1121


Airport food and drinks. $7 for a granola bar. $6.95 for water. $22 for beer. $17 for a chicken wrap. $9 for trail mix. It’s criminal.

Image credits: smut_troubadour


College books.

Image credits: Beard341


Ink jet cartridges.

Image credits: timnbit


I know everybody is going to give better answers, but for the life of me, I cannot understand why suitcases are so expensive.

They’re just plastic shells, a zip and some wheels, yet they sell for hundreds.

Image credits: fegigo2527


Human pharmaceuticals. My dog needed a chelation medication that my vet specifically said was on the pricy side but recommended a pharmacy that she worked with. I called with prescription in hand, and they quoted $3,000+ for a month’s supply. Then the rep stated they accidentally read the cost for humans. Dog cost was actually $60. Same dosage, same pill count, but adding chicken flavor and putting a little dog on the label dropped the price 98%.

Image credits: Frigididator


Mental healthcare.

Image credits: _my_troll_account


Inhalers. I have a cr**py high deductible plan and pay $220 a month for something I need to breathe.

Image credits: smilesam


Anything with the word “wedding” attached; photographer, cake, etc.

Image credits: Tsquare43


Adobe software.

Image credits: Overall_Sandwich_671


Feminine sanitary products. Or just products targeted towards women in general. Especially in the US, I never realised how much women there were paying for pads until I visited family there. Might as well use dollar bills as pads at this stage.

Image credits: irishrelate


Gluten free food, especially since you generally get less of it than the gluten version.


Bottled water. Seriously it’s water. Turn the tap and it’s free.

Image credits: Fuzzy-pig


Baby formula, if you can find it.

Image credits: WindInMyLegHair



Image credits: twolimes



Image credits: nodberto7


Anyone Christmas shopping right now might notice how ridiculously expensive kids toys are.

Image credits: pureshores86


Eyeglasses. Because of a blatant monopoly.

“Luxottica controls 80% of the major brands in the $28 billion global eyeglasses industry….” (Forbes)

Image credits: Scottfos72


Diapers should NOT be this expensive especially considering how often they’re used.








Being poor.




Gas prices.


Members of Congress. Only the corporations and billionaires can afford them.


Beef jerky.


Dentistry in North America. Seems like most other countries understand having decent teeth is a human right, North America just sees dollar signs.


Beer at an event.


Health insurance that actually covers anything without $15,000-$20,000 In deductibles/copays and Insulin.




On a small scale? Hummus. Seems like everywhere in the US, a small tub of hummus is like $5 or more and marketed like it’s some kind of exotic, bougie foreign condiment.

Dude, hummus costs nothing to make, I would almost wager it’s cheaper to make than ketchup. And it takes almost no time. You pretty much throw s**t in a blender and you’re done. I had some friends over, and one of my friends didn’t believe me. I walked into the kitchen and 10 mins later walked out with a massive bowl of hummus that just about everyone agreed was the best hummus they’d ever had (because they’d only ever had storebought c**p).

It’s super cheap, super easy, and I promise you, your homemade hummus will likely taste better than that Sabra b******t.


My husband needs rituximab infusions due to a rare kidney disease. They are $16,000 each. That’s $16,000 per four hour infusion. And they aren’t covered by our insurance.


Epi-pens in the U.S. I mean, at least it’s not something I need to use regularly, but those things are SO expensive. I’m just trying to not die if I accidentally eat a peanut. Thankfully I found a much cheaper alternative, but they’re hiking their prices now too.


Have you seen the price of lettuce in Canada?

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/9kqBc3P
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