37 Bizarre Food Pictures That Might Make Your Stomach Turn

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Everyone has slightly different tastes when it comes to food and eating. However, from time to time, we can all bear witness to culinary creations so vile, unfortunate, or misguided that one might struggle to find a single individual on this planet who would eat it. 

So some netizens decided to document and share the worst, most cursed food items they have ever encountered. From the dish now being the lair of insects to cooking standards so low they are underground, be warned, these images are not exactly pleasant. If you do stick around, be sure to upvote your favorites and comment your thoughts below. 

#1 I Was Eating This For A Good Minute Before Realising Those Weren’t Grains In My Granola

Image credits: Beatlemaniac9

#2 Woke Up Thirsty And Reached For My Drink

Pitch black as I took a sip it felt like some food had fallen in against my lips….stopped drinking and got my torch out – this is what I saw! (For the record yes that is a pint glass!)

Image credits: chrismikehunt

Despite all the wonders of modern science, logistical knowledge, and food regulations, something always manages to slip through the cracks. This is why it’s good that many of the unfortunate folks in this list documented their experience, so we all get a reminder of what the world would be like without some decent food regulations.

Of course, restaurants and food producers can’t exactly be trusted with keeping everything nice and clean, this is why most nations have agencies dedicated to regulating the things we eat. Even worse, companies will make completely untrue statements about their products, so it’s helpful to have a way to hold them accountable. 

#3 I Found These In The Fish I Was Eating

Image credits: Tickle_Till_I_Puke

#4 So I Was Eating A Poptart Today When

Image credits: HunnerWade

#5 Wtf Is This Thing I Found In My Can Of Sardines? Accidentally Ate Some Of It. Am I A Goner?

Image credits: reddit.com

Having bugs in your food is unfortunate and pretty disgusting, but the things we can’t see can often be just as bad. For example, radioactive sheep. If you haven’t ever encountered a radioactive sheep, congratulations, you probably have your own government’s food safety regulator to thank. For example, the Food Standards Agency of the UK only lifted some restrictions on sheep trade in 2012 that had been in place since the 1986 Chornobyl catastrophe. 

#6 I Didn’t Notice Until I Ate Them

Image credits: yoyoyoyo-yoda

#7 Just Eating Food At My Dining Hall When I Found This Guy

Image credits: reddit.com

#8 I Was About To Eat This… And It’s Still Alive

Image credits: WEXYLWOXYL

The US, for example, maintains the National Chicken Council, the National Pork Board, and the National Turkey Federation, all of which picked different nouns to follow the foodstuff they regulate for some reason. Jokes aside, these non-profits work to make sure meat and other products from these specific animals are clean and not dangerous for consumption. 

#9 I’m Pretty Sure I Just Accidentally Ate A Spiders Nest. I Want To Take A Blowtorch To My Mouth

Image credits: slowgold20

#10 Mmmmn, Extra Protein

Image credits: -Damien-

#11 Look Closer When Chopping Veggies. I Almost Ate This. I Don’t Want The Extra Protein, Thanks

Image credits: reddit.com

If these names seem a bit silly to you, just remember that they are still improvements, for example, the aforementioned National Chicken Council (the NCC) was once the National Broiler Council until 1999. The bad boy of the bunch, the National Pork Board, has gotten into some hot water for funneling money into the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) to limit lobbying. 

#12 This Is A Cashew. I Almost Ate It

Image credits: jadiepants

#13 My Sister Bought Some Strawberries From A Very Large Grocery Chain In Bc Canada. Comes With A Live Prize Inside!

Image credits: muttonwar

#14 Woke Up For Some Water. Thank God I Turned On The Light Before Taking A Sip

Image credits: NoYellowFlowers

However, smaller stores, bodegas, and eateries often bend rules in all sorts of ways or simply ignore proper cleanliness guidelines. Without regular inspections as well as whistleblowers from the public, it’s easy to see how any takeaway or ready-to-eat meal should be viewed with the utmost suspicion. 

#15 I Drank The Water And Popped It Open

Image credits: EnigmaEcstacy

#16 I Was Eating A Hash Brown From McDonald’s On The Way Home When I Felt Something On The Bottom

Image credits: LinkBoyJT

#17 Found Some Extra Proteins In My Nesquik

Image credits: NotRed_0

Of course, most people are still wholeheartedly opposed to the idea of consuming insects, particularly if they just wandered into the dish. However, there are parts of the world where everything from silkworms to crickets are normal things to eat. Freeze-drying technology has allowed some of these “delicacies” to be available worldwide, so you be the judge. 

#18 After Taking A Few Bites Of My Chicken Sandwich, I Finally Looked At It

Image credits: theunoriginalDr

#19 I Did Say I Wanted More Protein

Image credits: anon

#20 Almost Ate This On My Bike Ride Today

Image credits: Lehman12

Much of the opposition towards eating insects can come from examples like the images in this list. Maggots and other sorts of insects in our food are generally indicators of poor sanitary conditions and possibly spoiled food. It’s hard to imagine eating something that your brain thinks is directly related to rotten foodstuffs. 

#21 Made French Toast And Found Plastic Inside The Bread I Was Eating

Image credits: Huuyu

#22 Ate Almost All Of My Pancakes At Ihop When I Realized This

Image credits: AlmostAriel

#23 I Was Enjoying My Thai Food, When Suddenly… Crunch. I Can’t Find The Rest

Image credits: reddit.com

In much of the West, there are still some significant regulatory limitations around eating insects. Even when they are classified as a novel food, i.e. an ingredient that does not have a long history of consumption, there are often regulations around how they can be prepared and stored. In most cases, like, for example, with the house crickets, the requirement is that it must be freeze-dried. 

#24 Last Semester I Got Food Poisoning From Food That Came From My University’s Dining Hall, But I Had No Proof. This Semester Is A Different Story

Image credits: autere

#25 As Far As The Whole Retail/Food Service Debate, This Is My Only Argument: A Customer Leaving A Bloody Paper Towel In Our Cookie Display

Image credits: KabbyCakes99

#26 Was Eating Chicken From The Local Food Truck When Suddenly

Image credits: reddit.com

We can’t just blame insects, in some cases, it’s humans behind a pan or deep-fat fryer that are the cause of all the misery. Despite multiple generations of knowledge, some establishments still don’t make sure to properly cook their meat. On the flip side, some parents are so deathly afraid of undercooked meat that their children only taste pork and beef that hasn’t been overcooked later in life. 

#27 I See Your Stamped Burger And Raise You An Even Worse Stamped Sausage Mcmuffin. Yes Of Course I Ate It

Image credits: reddit.com

#28 Inside My Krispy Krunchy Chicken Leg Is An Unusual Orange, Stringy Substance

Image credits: SomeY2KBullshit

#29 Brand New Bag Of Nuggets. Why Does It Look Like A Tiny Chicken Hatching Out?

Image credits: edgeofruin

The moral of all of this is that it’s best to know where your food and beverages come from and to always look before biting. If this wasn’t enough cursed food for you, Bored Panda has got you covered, check out our other article on the Cursed Foodposting Facebook group. It features horrible recipes, cooking fails and more bugs in places where they shouldn’t be. 

#30 Donuts At Our Locla 7/11 (Yes That Is Flies And Rat Shit)

Image credits: Aun0nym0us

#31 This Watermelon I Bought Started Foaming

Image credits: JQMan4

#32 Was Eating Breakfast At A Restaurant When I Noticed

Image credits: squidbilly89

#33 So, I Was Eating Grapes In The Dark And Noticed A Lot Of The Grapes Had A Web Like Substance On Them

Image credits: sickleshwam

#34 I Was Eating A Chocolate Santa And I Felt Something Stick To My Tongue. Cobweb!

Image credits: EvilEngineNumberNine

#35 This Was In My Stir Fry, Luckily I Hadn’t Started Eating Yet

Image credits: rhgla

#36 Was Eating Mussels When I Found This In One Of The Shells

Image credits: JellyFire

#37 I Opened A Blow Pop Today And This Came Out. I Still Ate It

Image credits: Beatlegirl2

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/phQCmkz
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