35 Times Women Had Enough And Said “That’s Not How Women Work”

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Recent data reveals an alarming education gap that continues to fuel period stigma and misinformation, as nearly one in 10 men (8%) believe menstruation attracts sharks in the sea. With half the population experiencing a period every month, it’s hard to wrap your head around what a lack of knowledge men have about women’s bodies.

And it doesn’t end with periods. The common image of women perpetuated by our society is that they are glitter-farting, strawberry-scented, soft and smooth creatures of hairless wonder. Just typing that feels disturbing, but sadly too many people hear that kind of nonsense told to them every single day.

What’s your ‘That’s not how women work’ moment?” redditor u/Gamestar02 asked women on Ask Reddit, and the sigh-inducing responses started rolling in. And you wonder, how did we get to the point where this is acceptable?


I was on my period and I had horrible cramps. One of my guy friends came over to keep me company but he wasn’t really prepared for how much pain I was in. I was crying bc it hurt so bad and the poor guy really wanted to help but didn’t know what to do so he just suggested that I ‘ push out all the blood at once bc that usually helped him when trying to stop a nosebleed ‘. After he said that I looked at him like ‘wtf’ and he said ‘ what? Doesn’t it stop hurting once all the blood is out?’ I explained to him what happens to a female body when we get our period and he was just shocked, it kinda cheered me up tho bc I thought it was hilarious.

Image credits: Concrete_cats


A guy once told me he know I was a virgin because my boobs were small. That boobs grow every time a woman has sex.

Image credits: Bitchcat


Had a guy friend in college who seriously thought women leaked blue liquid during their periods, like what you see in maxi pad commercials.

Image credits: karaokechameleon


Person on TV gives birth. 5 minutes later, belly is flat and back to normal.


Image credits: Aceandmace


There was one guy online who tried responding to womens’ complaints about expensive period products. He started by saying ‘a tampon holds 4-12 mls of fluid… women lose about 40 mls per cycle …

Image credits: heidismiles


And at the opposite end of that spectrum of male ignorance you have NASA scientists who packed a few hundred tampons when Sally Ride was going up for a few weeks and checked with her to make sure they had enough

Image credits: Raddatatta


My (female) bff (male) was my date to the prom. Because of my awful luck, I happened to be on my period.

As we exited my car, I grabbed a handful of tampons to toss in my clutch and my date asked me “Omg are you having 8 periods??”

Yeah he thought you used 1 tampon per menstrual cycle. If only- the $ I would have saved over the years!

Image credits: farts_n_darts


My (x) husband asked me why I hadn’t had my period in awhile…… I was eight months pregnant.

Image credits: eminva02


The first guy I dated wanted to go swimming, but I told him no because I started my period and felt sore and crampy. He asked me if I could finish it before the end of the day so we could go swimming the next day…bruh, I wish it was that easy!

Image credits: robo-dragon


Once had a guy ask me if it “felt good” when I wipe after I pee. I wanted to be like, does it feel good when you hold your thing when you pee?

Image credits: Destah1998


My (male) manager at a past job tried to tell me when I was pregnant that morning sickness shouldn’t affect my work because it only happened in the morning.

Image credits: MiladyWillDo


Tampons are NOT pleasurable and are not the same as dildos.

Image credits: moonlitcat13


Asked my boyfriend to buy me some tampons since he was going to the store, he sends me a picture of a box showing sizes (R for regular and L for large). He asked if I needed left or right ones.

Image credits: Abject-Entrance-2924


A man once told me I was “too pretty” to have clinical depression. Not even kidding

Image credits: harlotScarlett


Had a very amusing convo with a gentleman once. Dude was confused why we would need pads. He asked why we didn’t just go to the toilet more often on our periods. He thought that we were able to hold our period in line you do with pee and pads are only if accidents happen. So his reasoning is that if women would be more careful we wouldn’t need menstrual products.
Props to him, he was apologetic after I explained it to him and overall respectful.

Image credits: RRay108


“I prefer girls who wear little or no makeup”

*references girls with tons of (pink and neutral colored) makeup*

Image credits: GSG_2022


The best situation I can think of was something a friend of mine said once. His sister was breastfeeding and said something like „I don’t know if I have enough left“ to her baby. So my friend kindly suggested that someone else can volunteer and asked me. I said well I’m not lactating, since I don’t have a baby and he was honestly shocked to learn that only women who actually gave birth are able to breastfeed. He was convinced every woman just casually has boobs full of breastmilk at all times. He was 25 at that time. I will never forget this.

Image credits: mrl_a


I’m at the store with my friend stocking up on pads, tampons, etc. As I’m putting boxes in the cart, my friend starts generally complaining about the prices. Understandable, so I agree. We finish up in the aisle and as we’re walking away, a full grown 30-something looking man mumbles, “just hold your pee like everyone else.” We were so taken back that we didn’t even say anything. I never realized before this moment how utterly dense some people can be.

Image credits: out_of_nutella_again


When my ex and me discussed how the morning after pill worked and he was genuinely surprised that women don’t know whether they are pregnant the day after unprotected sex. He was sure morning sickness would kick in the day after.

So, not only was he unaware how female bodies work, but also how Plan B works.

Image credits: smutny_smok


Guy thought he needed to use a condom with his pregnant gf so she didn’t get pregnant again. ….like she could have two babies of different ages in her.

Image credits: GypsyGarden_73


On tv shows shows women go into labour and like 5 minutes later baby is out. They make it seems like baby shoots out of there like a rocket nope it takes like 6 hours of hard labour.

Image credits: rowenaravenclaw0


I’m a gay girl. A guy once warned me not to date women who had been married, because I’d never be able to satisfy them.

Still not quite sure what he meant. But anyway, he was so wrong.

Image credits: suspecrobot


“You don’t spontaneously generate a vaginal opening when your first period comes. You had your entire vagina at birth. No, I’m not pranking you.”

“You don’t insert tampons, of any size, into your pee hole.. No, that’s NOT where the blood is coming from. Well actually.. Your urethra might be bleeding now if you’ve been trying to shove a tampon applicator up it..”

**Shortened versions of conversations with two of my female friends growing up**

Image credits: MissRiss_


If more sex meant looser vaginas, having a kid would mean a catastrophe down there. Clearly women have multiple kids, you’d think the logic was simple that it doesn’t work that way.

Image credits: Thanmandrathor


My boyfriend told me to shower in cold water so my period would temporarily stop

Image credits: taco_slut16


An old boyfriend once explained that if I was having cramps, I just needed to do what his ex did: “there’s this one yoga pose that will make that shift in the uterus that usually takes a few days happen in just a few minutes. It drops, and then your period is done in one day instead of four or five”. He couldn’t elaborate any further, (what “shifts”? What “drops”?) But he swore he was 100% right his ex cut her period down to one day with yoga.

Image credits: trashytamboriney


I was told by an incel that women who have pre marital sex would have tendencies to cheat more than men who had the same. Boy is just mad he’s in his 30s and still can’t get laid.


I heard this with my own two poor ears from my own mother: “When a woman shaves her leg, hair shouldn’t start growing until the next 4 or 5 days. Only men grow hair every day.” MOOOM


My 53 yr old ex husband could tell when I was attracted to other men cause my nipples would get hard (I never wear a bra) like dude, sometimes I get cold, and no that 87 yr old man trying his best not too fall over while walking isn’t doing it for me, trust me


The “men age like wine, women age like milk” phrase. Then you look at pics of women like Selma Hayek and Catherine Zeta-Jones and take a glance at most men around their age. Maybe, just maybe, some people are blessed with amazing genes while the rest of us look like dehydrated potatoes by the time we hit 40. Got nothing to do with genitals. I have only ever heard this phrase uttered by men who cannot seem to keep any woman around for more than a year at the time.

And in the spirit of equality I will say that there is definitely a female equivalent to this kind of attitude and they too cannot seem to keep a man.


Sometimes I’m really astounded at some men’s lack of emotional intelligence. I used to think that was a made up stereotype to excuse men’s rude/shitty behaviour, but a lot of men really have no idea how carelessly hurtful they can be.

One time a male coworker was telling me about how his girlfriend’s apartment complex had a bedbug infestation, and how stressed the whole ordeal was making both of them. He then told me that this experience was really taking a toll on his mental health, and asked me if I thought she would understand if he asked her if they could take a break from seeing each other until “the whole bedbug thing was over.” I was like dude, if you can’t support her through this how can she expect you to ever stand by her through literally any other hardship in the future? He was adamant that “she wouldn’t see it like that” and went ahead with his plan. They had a huge fight and she dumped him.


When a guy commented on a post asking what woman think and said women only care about looks. Like sure, some people of either gender are like that. But I surely don’t care if he’s a 10/10 if he can’t hold a conversation.

Image credits: Cosplay-gurl


women’s nipples don’t spin around

i swear

Image credits: teacherbooboo


I was complaining about my period, and this awful guy goes “just p**s it out for f***s sake”

Image credits: ThatOneTheatreGhost


Basically anytime a teenage boy tries to describe anything in or about the female body or brain…

So confidently ignorant! So exquisitely condescending! Makes you want to pull your hair out some days…

Image credits: Emu_on_the_Loose

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