Growing up in a European country and never witnessing what it’s like to go to an American school, watching American high school comedies, to me, has always been a pretty surreal experience. I’m sure that most of you fellow non-Americans reading this article could relate to me on this.
There are so many things about American schools that have always seemed utterly fascinating to me. For instance, you get letter grades instead of number ones, schools have swimming pools inside them, there’s a club for almost anything, you have to get a hall pass to go to the bathroom during class, and lunch meals are usually pretty bizarre. The list goes on. With that being said, Bored Panda invites you to look through this list of tweets from non-American Twitter users in which they share things that they find the strangest about American schools. Feel free to explain to us the things we don’t understand or add your own in the comment section!
Image credits: morosexuaI
Image credits: scultator
Image credits: chromaticaution
Image credits: hilaryagro
Image credits: bieberexhale
Image credits: TROUBLET0NES
Image credits: ShadyFennec
Image credits: kirstyclyne
Image credits: Iivingxproof
Image credits: bettesbich
Image credits: Nonisbitch
Image credits: argentdols
Image credits: insatiate0
Image credits: lisaislovesick
Image credits: http_taehyungs
Image credits: balletquartet
Image credits: wintersfalcvn
Image credits: _smell_ya_later
Image credits: CryinInATaxi
Image credits: sapphicnile
Image credits: livculture
Image credits: LazarusRags
Image credits: alienrat
Image credits: bollobas
Image credits: ERODAVOL6
Image credits: unsaidalex
Image credits: hemsbucky
Image credits: aidansarson7
Image credits: 00lisa0
Image credits: UnamusedSnorlax
Image credits: prostrider
Image credits: ThaumPenguin
from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda