31 Tweets That Might Hit Too Close To Home About The Lies Our Parents Told Us Just So We’d Behave Or Do As They Said

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Some might argue that when you love someone or when someone is significant to you, there are situations where little white lies are necessary – and although telling them might have some positives if your intention is to get through the day and stay in that happy bubble, is this truly the case for parenthood? 

Perhaps you’re saying that the tooth fairy won’t come if they don’t head to bed soon just because you don’t want them to get cranky, or maybe you tell them that the park is closed when you want to go home and unwind, or you use the “we’re out of sweets” trick because they’ve had too many. Sometimes, you want to skip the “why?” game, and it’s understandable. 

However, what’s amusing is that plenty of people recall the same white lies their parents told them when they were little, and today, Bored Panda has gathered a couple of the best ones! 


Image credits: kingtorc

There’s no more blissful thing than becoming a parent – however, it is a 24/7 job. 

First of all, there’s pregnancy, a process that spares some and stresses the life out of others. For the majority, it isn’t a goddess-like experience: hormonal fluctuations, constant sickness, sleepless nights, and excruciating backaches – most likely it will suck, and although it is a magical thing, it can take a toll on your physical and mental health.

Creating a new life is not an easy procedure, and it’s crucial to have the necessary support around you to ensure both your own and your future child’s well-being.


Image credits: Scott_Bethany

Despite the fact that complaining about being with child is widely considered taboo, it’s important to remember that if you’re not in a “jumping for joy” kind of mood because of what pregnancy is doing to you – it doesn’t mean that you aren’t thrilled about becoming a mother, nor does it mean that you won’t be a terrific one.

Raising a little human is one of the most turbulent, surprising, rewarding and hilarious adventures of our lives – so take it easy on yourself.


Image credits: ArmandDoma


Image credits: 80sjams

Now, the raising part. It’s easy to get lost in what’s good and what’s bad, especially nowadays when all our lives are so easily curated on social media, confusing impressionable folks and first-time parents. 

It’s a tough thing that you’re just going to have to wing. There’s no podcast, no “how to raise a kid” book that’ll be able to carefully guide you while also guaranteeing a successful outcome – because, in reality, everyone’s different.


Image credits: gIitering


Image credits: ashleyav__

However, honesty is really the best policy. And although telling your little one that Santa Claus knows if they’ve been naughty or nice is not going to translate into their adulthood and turn them into liars per se, it’s in your best interest to minimize the usage of fibs and remember that these seemingly innocent untruths are depriving your child of the opportunity to handle conflict.


Image credits: leonardcowalski


Image credits: DrAmirKhanGP


Image credits: TheWeirdWorld

Whether it’s the uncomfortable subjects you’re not yet prepared to discuss, you’re lying for your own convenience, or you’re complimenting them on that quick dance move they learned – it’s totally up to you to decide if being a little dishonest with your offspring is the best move. However, if you’re ever in doubt, maybe consider telling them a simplified version of the truth.


Image credits: Sciferthebox


Image credits: MissLeslieG


Image credits: tinnkky

Remember, as long as you’re keeping your little one’s interests in mind, you’re making the right decision! Bored Panda hopes that you’ve enjoyed this hilarious ensemble of what seem like universally renowned white lies told by parents. Let us know which one stuck with you till adulthood.


Image credits: Amyluvzcoffee


Image credits: riibrego


Image credits: Gregggyboy


Image credits: SusanCalman


Image credits: methsyndicate69


Image credits: mattcoyney


Image credits: kittyhouseknife


Image credits: svgjean_


Image credits: itsmichellehann


Image credits: sunshineskies7


Image credits: HitRewindPod


Image credits: rgennaro222


Image credits: KamexVGM


Image credits: AuthorErinChase


Image credits: theartfulpear


Image credits: TylerIAm


Image credits: singletontales


Image credits: ryanhopely


Image credits: kenzmohr

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/ociIShe
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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