30 Times People Went Through A Character Arc In Real Life

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If you think about your favorite characters from literature and film, one thing they most likely have in common is a compelling arc, which is basically a distilled summary of the journey they went through over the course of the story and the inner change it inspired.

But this phenomenon isn’t exclusive to fictional realms. And the subreddit ‘Character Arcs‘ has plenty of examples to prove it. From finding out their true sexuality to getting a job, here are some of the strongest and most original real-life transformations that were shared by the online community.

#1 Homosexual Awakening

Image credits: Alhruz

#2 Princeton

Image credits: jakspedicey

#3 Dinosaurs

Image credits: Gently-Weeps

#4 Sleep Is For The Weak

Image credits: Banthrox

#5 Adamboard

Image credits: villekissa

#6 Found In The Comments About Hogwarts Legacy Not Involving J. K. Rowling

Image credits: SirFancyDuck

#7 Acceptance

Image credits: Anthman_

#8 From The Channel Nilered

Image credits: dutifon

#9 Happy Ending

Image credits: BLANKTWGOK

#10 Redditor Posts In Local Subreddit Asking For Directions To A Bridge. Other Members Put 2 And 2 Together And Call The Police, Saving Their Life

Image credits: maddielovescolours

#11 Maybe A Little Bit Earlier Next Time

Image credits: Pickle_200

#12 They Saw The Error Of Their Ways

Image credits: Existing_Mechanic_84

#13 Hope This Counts

Image credits: Supernihari12

#14 Wholesome Arc

Image credits: ori1kenobi

#15 He Has Been Saved

Image credits: Minute_Suggestion_86

#16 Murdering Arc

Image credits: elguachojkis7

#17 Don’t Mess With Gordon

Image credits: That_Raccoon_Boi

#18 Banana Dog

Image credits: BoyoOftheNorth

#19 It Happens To The Best Of Us

Image credits: SomeLoser74

#20 When It’s Not Wednesday Act More My Dudes

Image credits: kalyugikangaroo

#21 Real Life Progression

Image credits: bitchyswiftie

#22 Purr Arc

Image credits: YusufTariq

#23 Why Would You Not Wash Your Rice In The First Place Bro???

Image credits: NinjayajniN

#24 Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology Is Indistinguishable From Magic

Image credits: zudduz

#25 Reddit User Comes To A Realization

Image credits: Em9500

#26 Found It!

Image credits: Eingi

#27 Redemption Arc

Image credits: EarFap

#28 A Frog Learns The Error Of Its Ways

Image credits: Pieguy_____________

#29 He Realized His Mistake

Image credits: Kirbytofu

#30 The Prophecy Is Fulfilled

Image credits: Jlegomon

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3ka5iCw
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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