Ever met someone who makes you wonder if they grew up in a cave? Whether they display a lack of manners, an extreme sense of entitlement, or an acute refusal to be held accountable for their actions, it’s obvious they have zero home training.
Somebody asked the internet, “What’s a sign someone definitely wasn’t raised right?” and netizens were only too happy to share their opinions. Here’s our collection of some of the biggest red flags that scream poor parenting.
More info: Reddit
Not treating customer service staff well.
Image credits: londisan
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When they’re unable to admit they are wrong or made a mistake.
Image credits: SupportWontRespond
Raising kids is basically a long-term social experiment where the stakes are your sanity and their future therapist bills. Do it right, and you get a responsible, kind adult. Do it wrong, and you could end up with a full-grown menace who thinks shopping cart etiquette is optional. So, what makes the difference? In short, parenting styles.
We all know that one kid who never had to lift a finger in their life because their parents were always hovering like an overprotective drone. Helicopter parenting means shielding kids from every possible failure, scraped knee, and slightly critical teacher comment. The result? Adults who panic when their Wi-Fi drops out for five minutes.
Making fun of someone for something they can’t control.
Image credits: Visual-Piano-1768
They don’t realize what’s normal in a relationship, because they assume the relationship their parents had was normal.
Image credits: RareCicada415
Zero civic-mindedness. It costs 0$ to throw your litter in the bin, refrain from parking in disabled bays, return your cart after use, stand and wait in line and the list goes on. If you can’t even teach your kid which side of an escalator to stand on, you probably didn’t teach your kid much else.
Image credits: fckvapiano
On the other side of the spectrum, we have free-range parenting. These parents believe in ‘natural consequences.’ This sounds grand until little Timmy finds out that jumping off the garage roof is a terrible idea—the hard way. While independence is great and all, kids probably shouldn’t have the same level of supervision as a houseplant.
Then there are the parents who believe that their child is an infallible little deity, no matter how many tantrums, stolen lunches, or questionable “pranks” they pull. These are the parents who storm into school demanding to know why their ‘sweet baby’ got detention for setting a trash can on fire. Spoiler alert: this is how you get adults who refuse to accept consequences.
People who use their phone on speaker in public, or watch videos without headphones/earbuds.
Also people who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom. WTAF.
Image credits: xtingu
They expect never to be uncomfortable. Discomfort of any kind is a frightening or foreign concept to them.
Image credits: Icy_Construction_751
Someone who won’t even listen to someone who has a different opinion, just immediately yells and says they’re wrong and not even try to see it from a different perspective. Usually someone who lacks empathy as well.
Image credits: Its_ya_girl_abs_
Permissive parents take the ‘cool mom’ thing a little too far. Instead of enforcing rules, they believe in ‘letting their kids make their own choices.’ Seems progressive, right? Until you realize those choices include unlimited screen time, skipping homework, and eating nothing but Sour Patch Kids. Sure, a kid should have freedom, but maybe they shouldn’t be negotiating bedtime terms like a corporate lawyer.
Strict (or authoritarian) parents, on the other hand, mean well, but raising a kid under a military dictatorship doesn’t always lead to stellar results. These parents enforce rules with the iron fist of a 16th-century monarch. Sure, their kids might have perfect grades and impeccable manners, but come adulthood? They’re either rebellious chaos engines or incapable of making a single decision without their parents’ say so.
They’re unaware of people in their immediate vicinity. A variation on spatial awareness or situational awareness as it relates to spaces where people gather.
Image credits: blackeyedsusan25
Poor treatment of animals or using pets as accessories and not family members.
Image credits: MuppetBonesMD
No manners.
Image credits: PM_ME_UR_FEET_69
Of course, there’s also the case where parenting styles clash and kids get inconsistent messages, which can lead to confusion about how to behave. That being said, different parenting styles can also complement each other, so it’s worth parents exploring and discussing each other’s styles and finding common ground for the sake of everyone’s sanity.
Parenting isn’t just about keeping tiny humans alive—it’s about making sure they don’t turn into full-grown nightmares. Every style has its ups and downs, but one thing’s for sure: kids need guidance, discipline, and, yes, a little bit of independence. Otherwise, we end up with adults who microwave foil, cut in line at the grocery store, and think ‘customer service’ means ‘verbal punching bag.’
Unprovoked Violence.
Image credits: tomjohn29
Talk and act with no respect or consideration for other people.
Image credits: beautywow
Narcissism. This is learned behavior from a parent that had a personality disorder.
Image credits: Smoothsailing4589
The examples on this list are just some of the downsides of poor parenting, but we’re sure there are plenty more. What kinds of bad behavior have you come across that made you think someone must have been raised in all the wrong ways?
We’d say netizens really delivered when it came to answering OP’s question. Which do you think are the worst results of a questionable upbringing? Upvote your favorites and don’t forget to leave a comment if you can relate!
When the happiness of the person is making fun of others.
Image credits: Thera_Margaret99
People who feel the need to comment on others appearance.
Image credits: Manymuchm00s3n
Stealing. I was friend with a girl at 19-20. She was an only child, her parents had both good wages and provided all she needed. She would steal just because she had the opportunity to do so: a bike left with its keys on it (when we left a party), or an iPhone that a drunk person lost. I was so mad at her. Why do you need to steal that instead of just be good to these strangers?? Ffs.
Image credits: Reasonable_Drop_7101
Won’t put their shopping cart in the return.
Image credits: macts
Image credits: Correct-Jellyfish124
They lack empathy and kindness.
Image credits: ronnyjottenobvs
Never take any accountability for their actions.
Image credits: No_Reason8645
Zero respect for others’ time.
Image credits: PhilosopherLanky4075
They never tell the truth, gaslight you, use everyone one as an object, no respect of boundaries, think of women as objects for there personal pleasure, maid, chef etc. blame you for everything.
Image credits: IntoStarDust
They’re anxious that you’ll abandon them, or will suddenly hate them one day without explanation.
Image credits: Suitable_Being_4584
They think you can just eat all the food in the cupboard without replacing it themselves. god d**n rich pieces of s**t thinking the food comes from the sky.
Image credits: TheJuggernautReturns
They are super passive-aggressive.
Image credits: Curious_Inside238
Not holding open a door for the person right behind you.
Image credits: RootHint
They neither have any boundaries nor will they respect anyone else’s.
Image credits: GoodieLil2Shoes
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