27 The Nicest Compliments That People Have Received That Probably Will Stay In Their Memory Forever

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Back in college, I had to present a paper on cultural studies, which was my favorite thing to learn about then. After I was done, one of the judges in the panel came up to me and said, “I’ve never seen someone as passionate about this as you,” and I swear I have it permanently etched in my heart.

We all love receiving compliments, don’t we? When Reddit user Existing_Bins20 asked folks to spill the compliments they received that they will never forget, people were only thrilled to share. We have collected some of the best ones in this thread, so just scroll down and check them out!

More info: Reddit


Most recently my son’s girlfriend and he arrived after a long trip. She’s not from here but we always make her feel at home. She sat down and said “ I feel most like myself when I’m here”. It just meant so much to me for many reasons.

Image credits: Secret-Weakness-8262


In a restaurant with a group of friends after paying the bill the owner goes “you guys are the type of people this restaurant was meant for”.

Image credits: OwnCantaloupe4543


My coworker who was older, unmarried with no kids once told me “if I knew I could have a had a daughter like you, maybe I would’ve had kids” which meant a lot to me because I don’t have a great relationship with my own mother.

Image credits: Technical-Magician74


My dad told me “I’m proud of you.” Two days before he passed, and the last thing he said to me.

Image credits: otcconan


Context: I work with autistic kids.
A kid once said “I just want you to know you’re a hero in my eyes”.

Image credits: baby_minnow


About twelve years ago this older Scottish gent came into my store. Really nice. I was the only one who could understand him.

When we finished he called me a “good laddie”.

Image credits: jinhush


My dad and I do not get along at all (vastly different world views) but once a few years ago he said “I’m really proud of you. You’re so much braver than I’ve ever been. I don’t know where you got it from.” I think about it whenever I’m feeling anxious about a big decision.

Image credits: DeepFriedCrocs


Asian hairdresser – ” you look like Leonardo DiCaprio, you know when he fat” and then she did this chipmunk cheek thing.

Image credits: Revolutionary_Soup_3


A girl I worked with told me I was very well spoken. I used to be in speech therapy so that really meant a lot to me.

Image credits: Oceans1992


My teacher in high school wrote on my paper “This is above and beyond what I’d expect for any student, even in college. I have no suggestions for improvement.”.

Image credits: Low-Community-135


A girl said “That shirt is really becoming on you. Of course, if I was on you, I’d be coming too.”

We have two kids now.

Image credits: dtanker


Random lady at the McDonald’s drive thru said I had pretty eyes and when I got my food there was an extra nugget in my 4 piece. so if you’re out there random McDonald’s lady thank you, you made my worst birthday ever tolerable and pleasant for a moment.

Image credits: THE_LEGO_FURRY


My friend said his favorite thing about me is that I’m always nice to people at cash registers.

Image credits: beckjami


This one girl SNORTED laughter, SNORTED! That’s the best compliment an aspiring comedian could get.

Image credits: HeartonSleeve1989


I invited some friends to brunch one weekend and jokingly told them to come “After second breakfast, around Elevensies.”

One of them said, “Well your place is where we eat like Hobbits.”

Probably the best compliment I’ve ever gotten on both my cooking and hospitality.

Image credits: Fyrentenemar


My supervisor once told me, “you have no idea how valuable you are to this organization.”.

Image credits: orem-boy


“you make me feel safe and happy. You’re like my harbor in a storm” 🥹.

Image credits: Dwag0nsnyp3r


“You are looking good today” from the hottest co worker after losing 20 lbs and a haircut. I get one compliment every 7 yrs or so.

Image credits: Pantiesafteralongrun


I met this older gentleman while I was traveling. He was in his 90’s I think. Needed assistance to walk. We started talking and I told him I took a year off to travel. He said “I admire and appreciate your willingness to see the world. And you’re doing it now, while you’re young (35). Which is smart, if only I had that same courage. Now that I do, I can’t travel”. That really hit me.

Image credits: mayan_monkey


My mentor told me from his deathbed that he wished his son was more like me.

Image credits: Totallycasual


I’ve had multiple people tell me I have a voice for radio. The most common remark is that my voice is soothing and calming. I’ve heard it multiple times a year for my entire adulthood. I did smoke a lot of [illegal substances ] in high school lol.

Image credits: ObjectPublic4542


A female nurse practitioner was checking my prostate and she told me it was absolutely wonderful, using the same tone of voice one would use praising a great concert performance.

Image credits: dma1965


My husband once told me, “you look like weak men fear you.”.

Image credits: LifeIsTheFuture


As a man in his mid 30s. Every compliment from a stranger has stuck with me. From “I like that shirt” to “you have really good hair.”

So two!

Image credits: PaulGriffin


A student wrote ” you are the best human”.

Image credits: Ok_Meal_491


Had a friend of mine once tell me she liked the way I eat chicken wings.

I have literally zero clue what she meant, and I didn’t bother to ask, but that will forever stick with me I can’t lie.

Image credits: fatyungjesus


Mom saying im proud of you.

Image credits: maeannexq

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/dcG20u8
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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