23 Illustrations By Italian Artist Show Her Daily Struggles During The Quarantine

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Silvia is a talented young art director and illustrator from Milan, who decided to explore the day-by-day paradoxes during the Italian quarantine with a series of minimal and funny drawings.

“Ever since I was a child, I always chose to laugh about weird, uncomfortable, or even sad situations. I like making fun of myself and I was hoping that by sharing my thoughts I would find people that could relate to my view of the world so that we could try and navigate these incredibly strange times together,” says Silvia.

More info: Instagram


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf

“I think it’s a pretty lazy style – hahah – the truth is that I really want the idea behind the post to prevail, not so much the drawing, so I try to keep the overall illustration at a minimum. I’m a huge fan of the New Yorker style of comics, that’s where I mainly draw inspiration from, but also memes and general internet culture” says Silvia about her drawing style.


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf

“Probably nothing, I live in the city so I miss nature a lot these days. Honestly though, I’m kinda worried that what’s coming next it’s going to be even weirder that it was during lockdown. Oh well, more weird comics am I right?” says artist when asked what she will miss about this quarantine.


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf


Image credits: silc.nf

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2SMsXBO
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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