Dogs have been around humans for over 30,000 years now and have earned themselves the title of humans’ best friends. But ever since they were domesticated, the species has gone through dramatic changes due to selective breeding. Whether the changes were physical or mental, people have bred dogs for their own advantage, sometimes causing the animals some severe health problems.
However, it was only in the 20th when the process became more sophisticated as new methods of selective breeding were discovered. Hence, the way popular dog breeds look today may differ greatly from how they did a century ago. Therefore, Bored Panda has made you a short list comparing how these 18 popular dog breeds looked 100 years ago versus how they look today. Scroll down below to see the full list!
More info: Dogs of All Nations
#1 Basset Hound
The hind legs of the basset hound became shorter, while the ears became a lot longer. Their face also became shorter, and the skin now has more folds than it did before.
Image credits: dogsofallnations
#2 Dachshund
Today, the sausage dogs have a longer face and body. Also, a chest that’s slightly wider and hind leggies—shorter.
Image credits: homedesignfordogs
#3 Pug
These cuties are roughly the same size they were a century ago, but they were bred to have bigger eyes and flatter noses. Unfortunately, it has been linked to breathing problems and other health issues.
Image credits: Wikipedia Commons
#4 Bull Terrier
The face of the bull terrier became shorter, while the jaws as well as the bridge of the nose became larger. The body shape became more muscular and legs—shorter.
Image credits: dogsofallnations
#5 Old English sheepdog
The Old English sheepdog used to be much shaggier than it is today. Apart from that, the looks haven’t changed much over the last 100 years.
Image credits: dogsofallnations
#6 West Highland white terrier
This cutie hasn’t changed a lot during the years (probably because he was already so darn cute), but the fur became a little bit longer and thicker.
Image credits: dogsofallnations
#7 Newfoundland
While they appear rather similar, Newfoundlands were likely much smaller than they are today. “Dogs of all Nations” writes that the breed weighed somewhere around 100 pounds back in 1915, whereas today, Newfoundland males can weigh up to 150 pounds.
Image credits: dogsofallnations
#8 Scottish Terrier
The coat of the Scottish terrier is now much longer, and also has a slightly different texture, which makes it softer. 100 years ago, their coat used to be wiry.
Image credits: dogsofallnations
#9 German Shepherd
Over the course of 100 years, German shepherds became larger, while their fur became longer and thicker. The skeleton has changed slightly too, while the chest of these majestic dogs is now wider.
Image credits: Wikipedia commons
#10 Irish Setter
Irish setters haven’t changed much, except for a longer and thicker coat they now have and a slightly thinner body.
Image credits: Wikipedia commons
#11 Airedale Terrier
These cuties haven’t changed much, except for a shaggier coat and a longer face with more fur.
Image credits: unknown
#12 Great Dane
These long-legged dogs used to weigh less than they do today. According to “Dogs of All Nations,” they used to weigh around 120 pounds, while today, males can reach up to 175 pounds.
Image credits: unknown
#13 Chow Chow
These adorable balls of fluff weighed around 50 pounds a century ago. Today, they weigh up to 75 pounds. In addition to this, the faces of Chow Chows became more wrinkly.
Image credits: dogsofallnations
#14 Boxer
The body shape of the Boxer was obviously altered, while their faces used to be longer and more downturned than they are today.
Image credits: dogsofallnations
#15 Dobermann
The body shape of Dobermann became more slender, while the ears look slightly different, too. Also, they’re not as aggressive as they used to be a century ago.
#16 Shetland Sheepdog
During 100 years, the Shetland Sheepdog has doubled in size, while its fur also became longer.
Image credits: unknown
#17 Rottweiler
As you can see, Rottweilers today don’t have a docked tail anymore. Also, their coat is now coarser than it was before.
Image credits: Wikipedia Commons
#18 Saluki
The Salukis have become even taller than they were before. Today, they are also thinner, have longer ears, and legs that are thin and long.
Image credits: unknown
from Bored Panda
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