You’ve probably heard the saying “Kindness costs nothing,” but let’s be real—it actually does. Not in money, but in effort, time, and a little bit of heart. But here’s the best part: the feeling is unbeatable. A small act of kindness doesn’t just brighten someone else’s day, it fills you with an incredible sense of joy, too. It’s a win-win where everyone walks away feeling a little lighter, a little happier, and just a bit more connected to the world.
And if you ever need a reminder of just how powerful kindness can be, the HrtWarming Facebook page is full of moments that showcase the best of humanity. Today, we’ve rounded up some of the most touching and uplifting posts that capture generosity, love, and unexpected acts of support. Whether it’s a heartfelt gesture from a stranger, a simple act of goodwill, or an inspiring story of human connection, these posts are sure to restore your faith in people. Keep reading for all the good vibes!
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We all know the internet has the power to change lives. Whether it’s raising funds for a life-saving surgery, helping lost pets reunite with their owners, or bringing long-lost friends back together, social media has become a powerful tool for spreading kindness. One simple post can spark a movement, reminding us that even in a world that often feels chaotic, there are always people willing to help.
This could be because there were 5.24 billion social media users around the world at the start of January 2025, according to an analysis by the team at Kepios. That means 63.9 percent of the total global population is connected online, sharing moments, stories, and sometimes, life-changing acts of kindness. With so many people plugged in, the ability to make an impact is greater than ever.
My neighbor is 96 years old and lives on the 3rd floor. This is his garden. When we moved in, he offered a plot to me and said I was free to water and take as I wanted. His caretaker said coming down was hard for him, so we planted sunflowers in hopes he could see them. Well, one finally bloomed!!! I called him up and told him to look outside. The joy he had was explosive! 🥰
Credit: Christine Esposito
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One of the most inspiring examples of social media’s power came during the pandemic when a mother-son duo in Mumbai became widely known for their generosity. They didn’t set out to become famous, but their actions spoke louder than any viral trend.
Together, they provided more than 26,000 meals to jobless migrant workers, housemaids, orphanages, and old-age homes, proving that a small act of kindness can create ripples far and wide.
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I dont have words to describe what this act of kindness meant to my boys. Jordan and Jaxson love the trash truck. Every week they wait for him on the doorstep, and when he rolls up they wave at each other, he honks the horn to them and drives off. Well today we weren’t home when he came and Jordan found a little surprise waiting for him from one of his superheroes, his very own trash truck. The fact that he took the time to do something sweet for my boys, is something I’ll never forget. Let’s remember to show our appreciation for the people God has placed in our life and that a small act of kindness can go a long way💕
Credit : Robby Epker
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Heena Mandavia and her son Harsh, co-owners of Harsh Thali And Parathas (HTP) in Mumbai’s Kandivali, quickly gained recognition for their efforts. While businesses were shutting down and people were struggling to survive, they decided to step up and help however they could. What started as a simple idea soon turned into a massive initiative, touching the lives of thousands.
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In an interview with Forbes India, Heena shared her philosophy: “An entrepreneur should aim at giving back to the society and community as well, while earning enough for themselves. We are okay with not earning the entire one rupee, we really feel good if everyone in the supply chain earns 20 paise.” For her, success wasn’t just about making money—it was about making a difference.
Let me talk about this picture for a second and tell you how much it means to me! When I was 5 years old I made this paper tie for my dad for Father’s Day. I worked so hard on it and was so proud. He told me that he would wear it on my wedding day and I giggled and went on with my day.
He hung it on his mirror in his room where it collected dust over the years and he would dust it off and again tell me “I will wear this at your wedding”. I was a teenager at this point and rolled my eyes and would say “okay dad!”
Fast forward to when my parents moved in to their new home. I no longer saw the tie hanging up on the mirror. I asked my dad what happened and he said it got lost in the move. I didn’t think anything of it until I got engaged. I jokingly said “well I guess you don’t get to wear that tie!”
2 years later it is my wedding night and as my father and I go to have our father daughter dance he pulls this bad boy out and we dance. He had hid it away to make me THINK it got lost in the move. I will cherish this moment for the rest of my life ❤️ love you dad!
Credit: Megan Becker-Towns
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She credits her kindness to the generosity she once received from strangers. When Heena lost her husband at a young age, she had no idea how she would support herself and her son. But in her darkest moments, help came from unexpected places.
A kind-hearted stranger sponsored Harsh’s education at an international school, while someone else stepped in to help her start her food venture. Those acts of kindness stayed with her, and when she had the chance, she chose to pay it forward.
Last weekend, my grandma, my mom, and I all earned master’s degrees from the same university (Western Governors University) and got to walk together in commencement. We were the first three generation graduates in the school’s history, a fact I learned during my grandma’s speech since she was also chosen to be the commencement speaker. You are NEVER too old to make your education a priority!
Credit: Asya Welz
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Their pandemic initiative started with a single request. One of their customers wanted to donate money to feed 100 people but didn’t want to step out due to the virus outbreak. He asked Heena if she could take care of it on his behalf. That one act of generosity lit a spark, and before they knew it, their small act of kindness turned into something much bigger.
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When Heena’s son, Harsh, shared an appreciation post on social media about their first food donation activity, something incredible happened. People from all over the country began sending donations online, eager to contribute to their cause. What started as one good deed quickly snowballed into a movement, proving that kindness only grows when shared.
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This story is a reminder that kindness is contagious. One act can inspire another, and before you know it, it has spread further than you ever imagined. When people see goodness in action, they are more likely to step up and do something good themselves. And thanks to social media, those acts of kindness can travel even faster, reaching people in ways that wouldn’t have been possible before.
The pandemic may be over, but Heena and Harsh’s generosity hasn’t stopped. “We still do everything we can to feed people in need,” Harsh shares. Their restaurant continues to support those facing hardships, proving that kindness isn’t just for emergencies—it’s a way of life.
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Stories like these remind us that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a massive impact. Whether it’s buying a meal for someone in need, sharing a fundraiser online, or simply offering a helping hand, every little bit matters.
Which of these stories touched your heart the most? Have you done something kind today?
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Autism is so funny. I visited my mom tonight and my 2nd son Zidane who is autistic was putting letters together and while I was watching him it looked so familiar because I saw it in a book he has home. I took the picture and when I came home, I looked for the book and took a picture of the book. From memory he put together the letters and they match. No way can I can remember the order of the letters and he did. Autistic person can be hard to deal with but the are so special.
Credit: Hayden Gonzales
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I didn’t even know she was struggling that day until I saw this picture. My youngest daughter was recently diagnosed with Autism. She functions fairly normal most days, but then there are others…
Yesterday the Wheatland Fire Authority paid a visit to the Wheatland Preschool at Wheatland Elementary and I wasn’t sure how she would do, but I dropped her off as normal with hopes of it being fine.
There were new people in her regular environment asking kids to try this and do this which would be AWESOME to most kids – but for her it can be overwhelming.
This sweet man let her cuddle and relax right there on his lap for who knows how long because he could just tell she was having a hard time.
I was able to get this firefighters, info and message him. Come to find out he has an autistic family member, so he was able to relate and help calm her a bit.
As a parent, this kind of diagnosis can leave you wondering how each day is going to be. If someone is going to show her compassion, or judgement.
And yesterday, it was compassion. 💛
Credit: Brittany Templeton
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Three years ago, my husband and I decided to take a leap of faith and sold our house in Alabaster to buy 10 acres of land. We decided to buy a single wide trailer so we could pay off the land in 5 years, and then we would build.
Friends and family questioned our decision and some thought I had lost it. I found myself questioning our decision a few times during the numerous set backs, distractions, and disappointments.
But through strong faith, two and a half years after moving in the trailer we were able to start building on our home and are just weeks away from moving in.
People (and sometimes you) may not understand the decisions you make, but it’s not for them to understand. God will make things happen if you step out on faith.
Credit: Tasheka Wilson
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A guy came through our drive thru today asking for a $208 gift card. Six months ago his wife passed away. She would come to Dunkin every morning and order a coffee. The guy said he wanted to do something in remembrance of her. He said that within 6 months she would have spent $208 on her coffee. He tells us he wants to use that gift card to pay for every car that comes after him until the gift card runs out. He parked in our lot with his son and watched everyone who got their free stuff. We were all amazed and touched at such a wonderful gesture. My heart goes out to him and his family for the loss of his wife. It’s people like him who make the world a better place. 💕
Credit: Moriah Wells
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This is my dad setting up for my moms wedding. My parents have been divorced for 16 years and they still constantly help and support each other like this. They’ve done every Christmas morning together, traveled across the country, and attended countless competitions, games, and big life functions and events, for their children and grandchildren, together – talking and laughing the entire time. Just because you’re not happy together doesn’t mean you have to be unhappy apart too. Thanks for being the best example of love. It might not be typical….but it sure is impactful.
Credit: Meagan Dreher
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This morning at preschool drop off, I could tell my daughter noticed some of her new classmates staring and whispering when they saw the fresh bruising on her face from her latest treatment to keep her port wine stain birthmark healthy. Instead of getting upset or self conscious, Lydia simply walked over to her cubby, pulled out the copy of Sam’s Birthmark and handed it to her teacher to read to the class. She isn’t even 3 yet but her resilience and ability to self-care blows me away. I cried nearly the entire way to work – not because I worry how her peers will treat her in the years to come but because I know this girl is gonna do big things!
Credit: Kelly Wilson Bossley
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On my flight back to Georgia I saw this man, who was a stranger to this woman, offer to help her because she was pregnant and alone on the flight and her son was upset and fussy. He did not complain, he just told her that he was a DAD, and wanted to help her so she could rest. This MAN walked the aisle most of the flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta comforting this woman’s son as if he was his own…I was in tears….because it showed me today that there are still GOOD people out there in a world full of turmoil. Big UPS to this DAD and all the DADS out there…you are the real MVPS!
Credit: Andrea Towns
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I just got pulled over because my head light was out. I told Officer Adrian McKinney that I had the replacement bulb in my car for it, but couldn’t find anyone to get it out. He asked me to get it and show him, then asked me to pop my hood. He fought with the headlight for at least 15-20 minutes but he was handier than a pocket on a shirt and fixed it for me! It was hot, muggy and dark. He also ended up with burned fingers trying to help me out. He didn’t have to change it for me. He could have written me a ticket. But he took an oath to protect and serve, and he did just that tonight. Thank you Officer McKinney!
Credit: Lee Riley Darbyshire
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As I was sitting eating my double cheeseburger at Wendy’s, I glanced over at this older couple, and thought ‘That’s sweet’ And continued with my meal. But when I looked again, in between bites, I saw this gentleman feeding his wife. My whole life I’ve yearned for a love that strong. The gentleman got up from his seat to throw his food away and I couldn’t resist asking how long he and his wife had been married. He looked at me and asked me to guess his age but not to guess too low. After a few guesses he told me he was 96 and his wife is 93 who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. This is their date night. He also told me that if they make it till June, they will be celebrating 75 years of marriage!
Getting all the way to the end of the line with the person you started out with is one of the most glorious things on the face of this earth. Could a couple be more blessed than to have that happen? To share a deep love and bond that only grows as we age, that is a beautiful thing.
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Jaycee (😎 and I were born with the same rare condition. When I visited San Diego recently, we happened to be there at the exact same time. We got to hang out together and I gave Jaycee a handmade butterfly shawl to keep. She is just as happy and sweet as she looks like!
Credit: Wilma Westenberg
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You know this guy? I don’t, but I did see what he did in Fostoria Kroger today. When the older man in front of him didn’t have enough money to pay for his food, or his card wouldn’t work or something, he started walking out with nothing. I heard this man volunteer to pay for it… and he did! That was awesome! We need more people like him! Thanks buddy! If my parents ever needed help and my family wasn’t there, I hope someone like you will be around.
Credit: Julie Miller
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My aunt gave me this picture of my grandparents last night. They met on a blind date. He proposed 3 weeks later… but wouldn’t marry her until he got out of the army. She waited 4 years for him. 4 years later they were married, and had 7 kids! When he retired, he would set the breakfast table every morning and would wait to eat until she woke up. When he got sick with Alzheimer’s and we would watch him, I remember him asking us to write down his address. My mom wrote it down on a napkin. He folded and stuck it in his back pocket. He would then periodically pull it out and check, because he ‘couldn’t miss dinner’. Love is beautiful.
Credit: Ally Ferreira
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So this guy comes in to buy a pair of shoes because his are literally falling off. Anyway his card wouldn’t work so he left.
15 minutes later he comes back in with a cop and we’re like ‘Is there a problem officer?’
The cop is like ‘No there’s no problem but if you still have the shoes I’d like to go ahead and buy them’
So him and my co-worker split the cost of the shoes. There was no one else in the store and it wasn’t to “pretend” to care. Just a genuine act of kindness.
I didn’t get the cop’s name but this didn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated by me or the customer. 🙏
Credit: Alicia Danielle
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This is one of the best managers I’ve ever had. In the midst of our 2nd shift tonight, we had this couple come in with their sleeping grandchild. While Doug was checking on all the tables, he saw they were trying to balance holding him and eating, at the same time. This man proceeded to ask to hold the baby, so they could fully enjoy their meal. This brought tears! Definitely a wonderful man and great daddy—he has twins! You don’t see such kindness very often, anymore! This is my manager at Cracker Barrel.
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My boyfriend Nick and I wanted to visit Fiona the Hippo for our first anniversary when he surprised me by proposing! We’re so happy Fiona could be there on our special day! We had been talking about marriage from the beginning because we have always known we were meant to be. Here’s to many more years of going to Zoos with you! ❤
Credit: Hayley Roll
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We decided to become foster parents 8 years ago. After almost 6 years as foster children this sibling group of 4 is finally ours. We wanted to adopt since my own 4 were becoming adults. It has been an emotional roller coaster and very draining as the years went by full of appeals but these kids are our world and we knew we had to hang on to keep them together. We met some wonderful people along the way but my favorite was my licensing worker who kept encouraging us through it all!! Our adoption was last Wednesday the 15th. The kids have not stopped smiling since. 🙂
Credit: Paula Diane
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I graduated High School this week. When my dad said he had a present for me I thought I was getting some cheesy graduation card. But what I received was something truly priceless. Following the ceremony he handed me a bag with a copy of “Oh The Places You’ll Go” by Doctor Seuss inside. At first I just smiled and said that it meant a lot and that I loved that book. But then he told me, ‘No, open it up.’
On the first page I see a short paragraph written by none other than my kindergarten teacher. I start tearing up but I’m still confused. He tells me, ‘Every year, for the past 13 years, since the day you started kindergarten I’ve gotten every teacher, coach and principal to write a little something about you inside this book.’
“My early teachers mention my “pigtails and giggles” while my high school teachers mention my “wit and sharp thinking.” But they all mention my humor and love for life. It is astounding to receive something this moving, touching nostalgic and thoughtful.
Credit: Brenna Martin
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This is my daughter Isabella Grace. Izzy was born with Down syndrome. When I first found out she would be born with Ds, I was devastated. I was told of all the negative sides of Down syndrome and all the things she may never do. I wasn’t told about all of the joy she would bring into my life. Now we are 18 months into our Ds journey and she has changed my life for the better. Izzy is the best teacher I have ever had. She has taught me to treasure every milestone.
Credit: Cristy Proctor
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I snapped this picture the other night at the end of a long day. I was tired. I was irritated. I had sent my husband a text telling him that I knew it wouldn’t make a difference, but I wanted him to know that I was feeling fed up with how much he works and with all that I have to do everyday by myself. The full time job, cooking dinner, bathing kids, weekend trips without him, keeping up a home, you name it I was resenting it. I have to have these little moments once (ok several times) throughout planting and harvest season. Then this happened. He came in, fixed his plate and sat down to eat all alone. He was tired. He was hot. He was exhausted. Rather than complain, he said he was sorry I was tired and felt that way. Charlotte joined him and talked his head off and even ate most of his dinner. He didn’t complain. He shared, and it hit me. Do I wish that we saw him more than an hour or so a day? Yes. But, the love he has for his craft is something to envy. Farmers work in a thankless profession. It’s always non GMO this and organic that, and let’s not even talk about the stress from Mother Nature. This is a man who is working to uphold 4 generations of blood sweat and tears and showing his children the value of hard work and discipline. So while I felt frustrated, I really should have felt thankful. I got to sit down to dinner and hear all the stories from the day with the kids. I got to give them a bath and hear their squeals and giggles. I got to snuggle and love on them for 3 hours more than he did. He is the one sacrificing, not me. We will keep on keeping on until the next rainy day when we get a few extra hours with our hard worker. In the meantime, the next time you slip into that comfy cotton shirt or eat delicious farm fresh food, thank a farmer. Where would we be without them?
Credit: Katie Spence Pugh
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My dad and mother on Valentine’s Day; they’ve been married 53 years and she is still his queen. She just went into a nursing home, this is true love.
Credit: Glendafaye Wehrman
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So, I came into Mason Dixon Family Restaurant today for lunch and an elderly woman with special needs was telling a waitress that her foot hurt. The waitress stepped with her to the side, took off her shoe and helped her. She reassured her, fixed her shoe and spent about 10 minutes with her.
In a world where so much is wrong, please take the time to look for what is right. So much love and grace. I was so touched I had to take a picture to share this.
Credit: Carlotta Shelton Lopata
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My mom is pushing 50 years old and still looks like my twin. I am 18 and we are both currently in school. I’m going for business and marketing. She’s going to further her education in Nursing. My entire family is close, I’m the only boy of 5 children, and the second youngest. Our mother is thankfully very relatable and understanding. I take pride in how beautiful of a mother I have, inside and out.
Credit: Kemonte Guthrie
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While I was in Liberty I asked this gentleman why he was buying so much milk… let me introduce you to Rick who is retired from the marines. He is buying milk and other groceries to make sure no kid in his neighborhood goes hungry. This was not his first time distributing items. He is not asking for anything in return, he said some of his families will not leave the house to go get the free lunches for the kids or go to the store. Rick is a true hero and I told him good Karma will be coming his way.
Credit: Valerie Johnson
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I always think my dogs are probably annoying to all my neighbors and we try to be considerate as possible…this one car stops in front of our house every single day and honks to call the dogs outside into the front yard. Today I went over to introduce myself and they had their paralyzed senior dachshund in the front seat. They told me that this is the highlight of his day to take a ride around the block and come see my dogs. He was sitting on his daddy’s lap so happy and barking back at them…made my day ❤️
Credit: Erika Gitomer Abrams
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Sweaty, baby strapped to my back, three year old insisting that her belly hurts and NEEDS her donut that she forgot to eat after lunch, 6 year old using everything in sight as a weapon, 7 year old wanting to spend the only dollar he has. This. This was my trip to the grocery today. While I was bagging up my groceries (thanks Aldi) and trying to quietly keep from losing my ever loving s…, the lady next to me asked if I have one of those phones that takes pictures. Trying not to convey my annoyance to someone else adding to the million questions that make up my day, I replied that, yes I do have one of those fancy phones. She asked to take a picture of me with the kids. At the grocery. Together. She told me that she wishes she had photos of herself doing every day things with her kids. She validated the fact that a simple grocery trip is hard. She told me that what I do matters. She doesn’t miss what made the days hard, but she misses what made them sweet. I will always cherish this picture and the message that came with it.
Credit: Nomadic Imagery
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While at an auction yesterday, Hayden fell in love with Taxi- an 8 year old hound that was going to be auctioned off. With $160 in his pocket, Hayden struggled with the idea of bidding on her and ultimately decided he had to have her. With a little help from a bud of his, Kenny Low, Hayden had $325 to bid with. He was sure that would be enough. As the bidding started he was feeling confident. The excitement building with each raise of his hand. He held the bid at $325 and for a brief moment thought the dog was his. Then bidding took off again and he was out. His heart sank when he realized she wasn’t going to be his. The bidding finally ended at $475 and Taxi was bought by the couple who own Black Mountain Outfitting. When the man was giving his bidding number he hollers out- “for the young man up front, give him his dog.” Clapping and cheers ring out through the place as Hayden goes over and shakes the man’s hand and gets “his dog”. People. Are. Beautiful. Live in these moments. Cherish them. Learn from them.
Credit: Kara Dempster
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This past week I had a mother call and request a 1 night rental. All she wanted was a whole day and night to spend some time with her daughter. When I ask if she was sure she didn’t want to stay 2 nights, her voice fell, and she told me she could only afford the one night. This mama wanted to give every dime she had to spend with her daughter. 😢 I was telling someone her story and let’s just say I was able to call her and tell her to come on Wednesday. This woman acted like she had won the lottery. Not because of the extra night. Because of the extra precious time.
You see, she had just found out she has Alzheimer’s and she wanted to spend as much time as she could while she still knew her daughter.❤️
Spend time with the people you love….they aren’t gonna be around forever. ❤️
Credit: Amy Murphy
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Last week at school Tanner had someone take his shoes and put them in the toilet. This absolutely broke my mama heart 😔… Then tonight a senior from his school showed up at our door. After hearing what happened he wanted to buy Tanner new shoes. This act of kindness has me in complete awe. I am forever grateful to this boy for being there for Tanner and for reminding us all what it means to just be a good person. ❤️
Credit: Meghan Hendrix
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At the age of 28, I found out I was pregnant with quintuplets. Immediately, my doctor talked to me about selective reduction. When I said no, he sent me to a specialist who repeatedly asked me to consider reducing my pregnancy to triplets or even twins. This went on for several months. My husband and I never considered this, not for a second. God had given us these tiny children and He would take care of them. 20 years later I look back and can’t imagine our lives without any of them. After graduation, three joined the military to serve our country and two are pursuing careers in the medical field. They are all responsible adults who love God and make this world a better place. I chose to save their lives and now they are saving the lives of others.
Credit: Susan Thompson
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“DAD! Stop the car!!!”
That was the cry from my son in the backseat as we were leaving the Panera parking lot.
I hit the brake and Harrison suddenly rolled open the side door of the van and raced over to three men sitting outside.
The men are veterans, and my son has made it his quest to thank a veteran…wherever they may be…for their service.
He got back in the van, excited and out of breath.
“Dad, those three men were at D-Day. One was a paratrooper, one was a pilot, the other stormed the beach. Isn’t that awesome?!”
So here’s to my now teenage son, who is showing me every day how to be a man.
Credit: Jamie Holmes HQ
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I was at the Sam’s in Houma today. I loaded up my basket with more than I was planning to go in for as it normally happens. As I was walking out to my car I realized I never asked any workers if someone was available to help me load up the 57lb bag of dog food that someone was nice enough to place in my buggy. I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant. As I got to my car, a Sam’s worker was picking up baskets in the parking lot right next to my car. Before I could really even ask him if he would load the dog food into my car, he started to unload my WHOLE buggy into my car!! Thank you so so very much Kendell for helping me!!
Credit: Melissa White Ledet
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I was in a Dr’s office for an appointment today. This elderly gentleman had missed his appointment earlier today, and the receptionist was about to send him away when this other gentleman stepped up and said, he can have my appointment and you can reschedule mine. The most commendable act of kindness I have witnessed lately. They both were able to get in eventually.
Credit: Bobby Upchurch
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So here I am sitting at a tire shop in Oro Valley AZ when 3 OVPD officers come in, all of which I happen to know. I said hello to Sgt Gracie and began to chat. He said they were just on a disabled vehicle call with an amazing 97 yr old man/WWII vet. His tires were very bad and he had a flat. Money was tight for him. The squad all came together and bought new tires for this gentleman’s car. The officers were incredibly humble and said “hey, we gotta take care of each other right.” These selfless acts of kindness happen every day in law enforcement. Take care of your law enforcement officers, they certainly take care of you and your loved ones!
Credit: Mike Yawman
Image credits: hrtwarming
I had the pleasure of meeting Jessica today. She was doing her job at Kroger, outside wrestling some very heavy carts in the wind. I walked by just in time to hear a grumpy lady in a car roll down her window and proceed to scream at her for being in her way. This poor girl was so embarrassed she was almost ready to cry. I put my arm around her and told her she did nothing wrong, she was doing a great job and some people are just grumpy.
We walked into the store together and she wanted me to stay while she told her manager what had happened. Even retelling the story she got visibly upset again. I assured the manager Jessica had done nothing wrong and handled herself very well. I asked if I could take her picture and she asked..What for? I told her that I wanted to share with the Facebook world that I had met a beautiful young lady today and she just may get famous😉 This smile said it all.
I followed up with the manager and asked how many special needs people they hired there. He stated at least 12 and they never turn them away if they want to work. Shout out to Kroger in New Albany!
Credit: Michelle Bulmer
Image credits: hrtwarming
This sweet lady did something very nice for me this morning. I didn’t grab anything from the house for my lunch so I stopped at the McDonalds in Taft. Doors are locked and this McDonald’s worker that was on her break says to me, “I’m sorry Sir but we are only open for drive through.” I said, “well that sucks, I’m driving a big rig.” As I turn away and started back towards my truck she says, “Sir, I’ll go inside and get you something, what would you like?” She used her break to meet my needs and I think that she deserves some appreciation, because I sure do appreciate what she did for me. Us truck drivers are running and doing our best to get product back into the stores to fill the shelves as quick as we can. She showed a little human kindness. A lesson that I think we all can learn from.
Credit: Jeremy Hill Sr.
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
I met this little guy yesterday during lunch at Big John’s. He’s 5 years old and a patient at St. Jude. He and his family are from Oregon and they are staying at the Ronald McDonald house. I gave him a Marion Fire Department t-shirt and it put a big smile on that sweet face. I pray that God will heal this young man and give him the opportunity to live a long productive life.
Credit: Woody Wheeless
Image credits: hrtwarming
“After leaving out of the store today my daughter did something that really made me stop and think. There was this guy sitting there crying and she asks me ‘did you see that man crying? What’s wrong with him?’ I said yes but I’m not sure maybe he’s just sad…She said, ‘maybe he’s hot and thirsty’ she walked over to him and goes ‘hi sir be happy it’s a nice day it’s not raining. Are you hot? Why don’t you go home the ground is dirty?’ He says I have no home but I will be ok. She looked at him with the saddest face and goes ‘so that means you’re homeless. So you have no food because you have no refrigerator.’ She gave him a few dollars out of her purse and her drink and said, ‘Please go eat. It would make me happy. I like McDonald’s you should go there.’ I could tell she made his day. On top of that 2 more people came up and gave money as well. We had a small conversation and he explained his trailer burnt down and he lost everything including his wife. I felt for him. It just warms my heart. A 6 year old lead by example this morning. AWESOME! Kids see no color and that’s exactly how it should be. It’s not just a statement saying that the children are our future, it’s a FACT. That gives me a little more hope for the world.”
Credit: Kenyatta Lewis
Image credits: hrtwarming
Image credits: hrtwarming
This was my beautiful wife this past January getting ready to go in to take her exam for Chief Petty Officer. She was in between chemo rounds, and fighting fatigue, chemo sickness and chemo brain. When she got home and I asked her how she did, she said “I prayed my way through the exam so it’s all in God’s hands.”
Today, the Navy publicly released the advancement results for Chief Petty Officer and she was selected! For those of you that don’t know, being selected for Chief is a huge milestone in her career. I am SO proud of her!
This year has been a tough one on her, but she never stopped fighting. She always relied on her faith. She never gave up. She is a true FIGHTER.
Congratulations, Chief Select. I’m proud of you and I love you! ♥️
Credit: Grayson Rogers
Image credits: hrtwarming
“My girlfriend lost her purse with her passport and way too much money in it. This dude found it, contacted her, and got it back to her with everything still in it! 10/10 bro. Thanks.”
Source: DBreezy867
Image credits: hrtwarming
“A year ago my wife left me and my girls. I finally got the finalized divorce papers in the mail today! That means I officially have custody of my two tiny monsters! I’ve also lost over 70lbs in the last year, working to get healthy and watch these two grow up. Haven’t been this happy in forever.”
Credit: adamhasabeard
Image credits: hrtwarming
My wife and I were stopping at the store to get get dinner, and I saw an older gentleman laid down in the road in front of the store, so I pulled over and rushed to his side. Another guy was next to him checking his pulse and said he couldn’t find it, so we pulled him out of the road, and immediately begin chest compressions. The two of us worked on him for about five minutes or so while a whole bunch of onlookers just stood there. The paramedics finally arrived and took over, and after shocking him several times and what felt like a lifetime, were able to stabilize him, and get him to the hospital. Police officer came over and told us he had a massive heart attack. He then shook my hand and congratulated us for saving this complete stranger, and said had we not been there and acted as fast as we had that he would of absolutely not made it. This morning the family contacted me and I went to the hospital to meet this man. Turns out he had Vfib and died three times at the hospital and had we not sprung into action as fast as we did he wouldn’t of even made it there. The doctor told me that people have less than a 10% survival rate, and couldn’t remember the last time he saw somebody survive this. This man Stephen is super awesome and incredibly funny. Every year he is Santa Claus for the kids in his town and hosts an event called “meet santa” at the high school, and he even promised me were gonna toss back a few beers when he’s fully recovered. You never know what kind of situation might unfold at any moment, and simply knowing what to might be the difference between someone going home to their family or not.
Credit : Reddit/frigginnathan
Image credits: hrtwarming
from Bored Panda
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