125 Pics Of Rescue Dogs Who Got Adopted Into A New Home And Had A Heartwarming Transformation (New Pics)

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The genre of before-and-after never gets old. Pictures of dogs are an immediate mood-booster. But pictures of dogs who got rescued and are now doing 100 times better are even more heartwarming. Around 3.1 million dogs get adopted every year. On the other hand, around 390,000 don’t get rehomed and are euthanized.

But the puppers in these pics are not part of that statistic. They are the lucky ones. We like to melt some Pandas’ hearts from time to time, that’s why we collect these precious rescue dog transformation pics. These dogs’ stories are a testament to what a little bit of luck, a kind human heart, and a true connection between a pet and an owner can do.

#1 It’s Been A Year Since I Adopted Kenai. You Don’t Notice A Change Until You Look At The Old Pictures

Image credits: xxDisturbed

#2 One Year Later Our Sweet Ruby Is Thriving

I found her on the side of the highway during a road trip, hundreds of miles from home. None of the local rescues would take her. The obvious broken leg also turned out to be a bad bone infection, and vets couldn't save it. That doesn't stop her or even seem to slow her down!

Image credits: Serenity-BrownCoat

#3 My Newest Foster, Gizzie, Is 8 Weeks Old And Has Demodex Mange, Entropion, Anemia, Skin And Eye Infections, A Corneal Ulcer, And Heart Murmur. After A Few Months Already Feeling Way Better

Image credits: codycodymag

#4 Jeff, A Stray I Found A While Back. Before And After

Image credits: -HIGHHIGH-

#5 Cotton’s Before And After, One Year Apart. He Was Rescued In A Hoarding Case With 30 Other Dogs (All Suffering From Mange And Malnutrition). He Went From Under 40 Pounds To 80 In 12 Months

Image credits: AgreeableMacaron4229

#6 I Found Him Badly Attacked And Injured, Left To Die. A Few Months Later, He’s Doing Great In His Forever Home

Image credits: SnooHabits9187

#7 Tucker Before And After We Adopted

Image credits: shes-wandering

#8 Luna Was A Stray In Egypt And Now Is Living The High Life In Canada

Image credits: DPEilla

#9 Elsa Was Found In A Ditch With A Broken Leg, A Broken Jaw, And A Large Abcess In Her Neck. I Just Couldn’t Say No To Bringing Her Home. It’s Been Six Months Since And She’s The Silliest Dog

Image credits: Master_Performance88

#10 Because Adoption Matters

Image credits: Catherine5025

#11 Before And After. We Adopted Lily From A Humane Society Near Los Angeles Six Years Ago. Now Lily Is The Happiest Little Girl

Image credits: wednesdayMD6

#12 Our Beautiful Rescue Boy. His Name Is Kung Fu

We found him at a temple (we’re in Thailand), and we think he was possibly abandoned by previous owners and got attacked by the dogs already living there. Now he seems to have forgotten all about his past, thankfully.

Image credits: no-coffee-no-life

#13 Before And 1.5 Years After Adoption

Image credits: flatsensation

#14 Joker Was A Bait Dog For I Don’t Know How Long. It Amazes Me From The Moment I Met Him All He Needed Was Love To Heal

Image credits: forestfae333

#15 My Brother’s Dog, Ricky, Before And After Adoption

Image credits: ChiefWolfy

#16 The Difference A Few Months Can Make

Image credits: hitman21actual

#17 This Is Gertie Before vs. After. She Was Dumped At The Shelter At 8 Weeks Old And Was There For Four Months. However, We Adopted Gertie, And We Love Her Very Much

Image credits: reddit.com

#18 Two Years Ago, We Rescued The Dirtiest, Most Diseased, And Starving Tripod Dog. Today, He Is Gorgeous

Image credits: PM_ME_IRONIC_

#19 I Fostered This Girl From A Shelter, They Said That She Wasn’t Going To Make It Much Longer. After A Few Months, She Slowly Got Over Her Fears And Is Now A Very Confident Girl

Image credits: kingkongaintwrong

#20 My Recent Foster, Leiah, Was Saved from Euthanasia. It Took Many Weeks Of Medicated Baths To Get Her Hair Growing Back And Extra Feedings To Get Her To A Normal Weight

When Leiah was healthy enough, we found her forever family. She has a wonderful dad and dog sibling who love her very much.

Image credits: justaredditaccountx

#21 Six-Month Difference. She Has Made Almost A Full Recovery And Is The World’s Biggest Lap Dog I’ve Ever Seen. Meet Itchy

She was brought into our local shelter as a stray (she was starving in the winter and apparently walked up to someone’s door). The shelter vet said it was the worst case of mange and malnutrition that they had ever seen. They were going to put her down that night unless someone was able to take her right then and there. Our friend (who already had five dogs) immediately came and picked her up and kept her for three days before calling us.

We fell in love immediately. All she wanted was love. She immediately ran into my lap and, although she was very skittish towards men, started licking me and jumped right into my arms.

Image credits: BCA1

#22 Gizmo Before And After A Little Bit Of Love

Image credits: mrscatmom98

#23 My Neighbor Called Me Because She Saw An Emaciated Dog On The Side Of The Road. This Is Her Progress Since Rescue. She Had To Be Hospitalized For 2 Weeks And Is Recovering

Image credits: Hoperosaliex

#24 Met This Poor Abandoned Girl At A Work Site. Couldn’t Take Her In My Work Truck But Came Back 3 Hours Later And She Was Still There. She Has A New Home Now

Image credits: QuincyArch

#25 Koda Before And After

2 years ago, I brought an anxious boy with a mess of at least 30 stitches on his back. He had no leash manners and was very needy. At first, he needed to walk about 15 km/day just to calm his anxiety. Now he’s a confident, happy boy who knows he’s home. And his coat is straight-up luxurious these days!

Image credits: zooglia

#26 Tater Was A Stud Who Lived In A Backyard For His First 2 Years. We Arranged Rescue With The People Who Had Him, And Since Then His Sunburnt, Infected Skin Has Healed Tons

Image credits: deadanonymously

#27 This Is Why We Foster. The Difference A Few Weeks Can Make

Image credits: downwithship

#28 My Wife And I Found Niro At 3 AM And Have Officially Become His Foster Parents. He Is The Stinkiest Little Booger And Is Definitely A Daddy’s Boy

Image credits: HernandezFam2020

#29 Before And After Abraham Being With Us For 1 Week. He’s The Sweetest Boy And Is Living A Good Life Now

Image credits: Character_Pace2242

#30 Finally Adopted! Before vs. After

Image credits: momhair_dontcare

#31 We Adopted This Very Sad Looking Girl On Saturday, And She Already Loves Her New Family

Image credits: reddit.com

#32 I Found This Babie In Kandahar 5 Years Ago, Half Starved And Mangy, And Now He’s Living The Dream Life

Image credits: iRecond0

#33 My Rescue Dog’s 6-Month Transformation

Image credits: misusyaya

#34 This Is Our Girl, Pinky! Saw A Post Regarding Her Needing Rescue From A Riverside, CA Shelter And Got Her Out Of There The Next Day. We Adore Her

Image credits: madsenliz

#35 From Being Dumped On A Construction Site To A Couch Potato Who Wears A Cozy Winter Jacket For Walks 

Image credits: SlightlyConfusedBrit

#36 With Love And Care, Everything Damaged Can Be Healed

Image credits: jaldt

#37 Our New Rescue Pup, Tiki. Before Us, She Was Chained, Starved, And Left With A Broken Leg. We Promised To Give Her The Best Life She Deserves

Image credits: LaurenZNe

#38 When We Adopted Boone, He Was Only 20 Pounds, Malnourished, Wounded From Attacks, Covered In Mange, Smelled Like A Sewer, And Afraid Of Everything. Now, He Is A 50-Pound Sweet And Derpy Dog

Image credits: Chalkdust-torture

#39 This Is Dakota, A 15-Year-Old Border Collie I Rescued Last Week. He Aged In Reverse After Being Groomed

Image credits: aroweeee

#40 Hero Was Dumped In A Ditch At The Side Of The Road With Just His Head Sticking Out Of The Water. Luckily, Someone Found Him, And He Lived For 5 More Years, Fed, Healthy, And Happy

Image credits: Mean_Brilliant5062

#41 My Rescue From The Day We Met And To This Week

Image credits: Zuritick

#42 My Husband Calls Her “My Most Improved.” Meet Captain Blueberry. She Has Come So Far. Once Fear Was Gone, A Sweet, Curious Personality Came Shining Through

Image credits: choagland

#43 We Finally Met Our Goal Weight! My 25 Lb Baby Before vs. After

Image credits: mariekenna-photos

#44 The Photo That Made Me Go Get Him And What His Life Turned In To

He was left behind when a family moved out. For days alone with only a cut-open dog food bag in the cement and dirty backyard. We weren't prepared for a dog, but I knew I had to get him out of there, even if it was only to get him to a vet and give him a safe space till we could find somewhere else for him to go. In a few days, we will celebrate his 7th birthday. The best spur-of-the-moment decision I've ever made. He's getting old and his cancer is back, so it won't be too long before we lose him, but we will love him till the end of time and give him everything he wants and needs until he tells us he's ready.

Image credits: Amos_Dad

#45 One Year Ago, We Rescued Her From Under A House. Now She’s A Happy Pup

Image credits: Kelso11987

#46 Bringing Daisy Home vs. Now

Image credits: plantgelina

#47 From Scared Puppy To Travel Princess. Little Lola Living The Life

Image credits: FluffyLikesSocks

#48 Fed Junk Food And Never Given Any Exercise Her Whole Life, Shiloh Couldn’t Walk More Than 10 Meters Before Having To Stop And Rest. 3 Months Later, She’s Lost 30 Pounds

Image credits: mikerich15

#49 Wesley’s Before And After. Now He Runs With Other Doggies In Dog Heaven

Wesley was heartworm-positive, limping, and listed as age 5. He’d been at the pound for 3 weeks, and he was not neutered.
I explained that I’d pay for the heartworm treatment (the shelter typically pays) and promised them I was not looking to breed him. I believe in neutering/spaying. I had my vet email confirm a neuter consult that was coming Monday, signed legal documents about getting him neutered, etc., and off we went.

Apparently, he’s actually 3.5 years old, and he’s a total goofball. He also was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma 2 weeks ago. We have a week or two left. I'm glad I saved him. Glad he didn’t die with sadness on his face.

Image credits: PhuckingPhabulous

#50 My Cousin Found Ellie Almost Frozen To Death On The Side Of The Road In Long Island, NY, Back In January And Has Nursed Her Back To The Health Ever Since

Image credits: nihilisticbackslide

#51 We Were Walking Our Dogs In The Park, And This Little Guy Creeped Up To Us. He Was Emaciated, Matted, And Had A Wound On His Foreleg. We Took Him To The Vet, And Now He’s Staying With Us

Image credits: randokomando

#52 Pla-Buak Was Hit By A Car On The Road. We Took Him To The Hospital And Found Out He Was Stray. So We Paid For The Treatment And Adopted Him

Image credits: LaiSaLong

#53 Hank’s Photo Was Enough For Me To Apply For His Adoption. He Is Doing Much Better

Image credits: CicilaOG

#54 Before And After Of My Baby Rubi

One morning the shelter's staff found a dog who had just given birth (with no puppies to be found) had been left in their outside kennel overnight. I cannot imagine what this poor angel had been through, but I know for sure that she will never go through it again!

Image credits: AdventurousRaisin873

#55 My Dog Was Pregnant And In A Shelter. This Is Her Before And After I Adopted Her. She’s A Happy Girl Now

Image credits: HolidayAd4875

#56 In 2022, A Hoarding Case Was Discovered In Which Dilly’s Owner Was Found To Have 165 Puppies On His Property. Dilly Was About 6 Weeks At The Time. Now She Has A Family And Is Loved

Image credits: eboss25

#57 Before And After From Milly

This dog was left to guard an abandoned sand quarry. I noticed her when it was -40°C. When I first tried to touch her, she wanted to bite me. Now I can cuddle her everywhere, anytime.

Image credits: ElectricalTravel1671

#58 My Dog Artemis Before And After I Found Her At An Abandoned House

Image credits: phatjuulclouds

#59 Rescued And Happy

Image credits: LAdogmom

#60 From The Saddest Rescue To The Happiest Girl

Image credits: Feralix

#61 My Sister Asked Me To Help Her Catch A Dog That Had Been Wandering Around Her Work For A Few Weeks. It Took A Couple Tries, But We Got Her. Gracie, After One Week Of Love And Patience

Image credits: PhantomAnalSnakes

#62 The Greatest Boy, Scooby-Doo, When I Found Him On The Street And Now

Image credits: masacracion

#63 Meet Athena. I Work As A Vet Tech, And A Rescuer Brought In This Gorgeous Girl. I Just Knew I Had To Adopt Her. Day 1 And Today (Her First Car Ride)

Image credits: LieutenantSauron

#64 1-Year Retrospective. I Found Him Abandoned In The Street, Almost Dying

It was a difficult moment to decide to bring him with me. He was infested with ticks and worms, as well as fungus in his fur and many wounds. There were several months of care. I spent 2 weeks hydrating him and forced-feeding with a syringe. After that, he needed hospitalization for a few weeks because he wasn't eating or drinking water. In the hospital, he was hydrated intravenously and fed through a tube.

Image credits: Deep_Performance452

#65 Further Progress For Papi, With New Starter Pictures. From Adoption Last Month To Today

Image credits: robkahil

#66 Chicago Canine Rescue Success Story. Gotti Is Living His Best Life With His New Adoptive Dad

Image credits: ninjaturtlebomb

#67 The Best 3 Years Of Our Lives With Winnie

This boy was the shell of a dog three years ago in the shelter. After we brought him home, we cried for days, wondering if we could ever help him to live a normal life. He wouldn’t even go near my partner for days. He jumped at everything, he would shake on a leash, everything you could imagine. Someone messed him up badly. 3 years later, and you wouldn’t recognize him.

Image credits: Kristennoelle3

#68 What A Loving Home Does To A Dog. Sky Was Rescued Five Years Ago

Image credits: R5blanco

#69 I Rescued Maggie Two Months Ago. She Made Great Progress

Image credits: The_Velvet_Bulldozer

#70 My 20-Year-Old Boy

He was a homeless dog. The dogcatcher saved him from a road that he had been stuck on. He had a fresh coat of tar on it. He is a long-haired dog, so they had to give him a bad haircut to remove all the tar. No one wanted him because of his age, and the pound labeled him as a hospice case. Turns out he wasn’t really that sick. He just needed almost all his teeth removed. That was 4 years ago, and he is still living the life.

Image credits: livebyheart

#71 Last Year I Posted My Foster Dog, Ty. I’m Happy To Share That Right After My Post He Became An Official Member Of My Family. Today Is The First Anniversary Of When I Brought Him Home

Image credits: raspberrysupreme

#72 We Spotted This Baby At A Shelter In The Virgin Islands. We Brought 13 Dogs Over To Florida On The First Trip, And She Was One Of Them. Talk About A Glow-Up, Inside And Out

Image credits: gkpetrescue

#73 While He Hasn’t Been Adopted Yet, Rhyno Is Being Cared For. He Is Now Quite A Beauty But Still Extremely Timid. He Is A Sweet Boy And We Continue To Hope He Will Come Around

Image credits: biddee

#74 I Saw The Picture Of Him Last Week And Had To Help. He Has Only Been With Me For A Week But Has Already Crawled Into My Heart

Image credits: ZenJen87

#75 I Adopted 1 Year Ago Today. Toothless Now Loves His Life

Image credits: Fantagrap3

#76 This Is Cosmo And He Was A Stray In Detroit. We Have Had Him For 3 Months Now. I Didn’t Realize How Skinny He Was When We Rescued Him

Image credits: Marilyn989

#77 This Is Luna. Her Owners Abandoned Her. She’s Overweight And Elderly, But 8 Hours Later, She Already Looks Happier

Image credits: TheDonQuixote

#78 This Is Odin, My Unplanned 3rd Dog

I found him in the middle of the road on my way home from work a few years ago. Took him to the vet the very next day. Asked around the neighborhood for anyone missing a puppy and posted on the local pet lost/found Facebook page. Never found the owners… I decided to just keep him.

Image credits: tidbitsz

#79 Bodhi’s Before And After. He’s Thriving And Is About 52 Lbs And Holding Steady. He’s Been Great Around Other Dogs, Gained Some Confidence, And Does Great Around People

Image credits: dnewma04

#80 Scooby When We Rescued Him And Now

Poor thing, was just skin and bones! His body was covered in wounds, and he lost some teeth trying to chew the chain they used to restrain him, but now he only gets good food and a lot of pets!

Image credits: BubblyField1218

#81 I Had To Say Goodbye To Jasper, But This October Would’ve Marked 8 Years Since His Adoption/Rescue

The first picture is what he looked like when a coworker found him on the street and took him to the vet. He didn’t have a chip, so I decided to adopt him.
The second picture is what he looked like when I picked him up from the vet.
The rest of the pictures were taken when he was happy and healthy!
I think he may have been abused because of how frightened of people he was at first, especially men, but he eventually started feeling safe around me and my friends/family.

Image credits: reddit.com

#82 Anka Before vs. 6 Months At Home

Image credits: olivejew0322

#83 First Day At The Shelter vs. Last Day At The Shelter

Belle was found severely dehydrated and emaciated, suffering from painful eye ulcers, extremely anemic, and covered in open wounds. Earlier this week, after spending the last two months with one of our fantastic fosters, Belle is now happy and healthy because she went home with her forever family.

Image credits: MARLeague

#84 Saved By A Friend And Adopted By Our Family

This little sweetheart just wants all the cuddles and attention. My friend saved her as she was darting through traffic. Her original family relinquished ownership, and she has been loved ever since.

Image credits: Melodic-Sprinkles4

#85 Went To Adopt A Puppy, But Her Mum Stole Our Hearts. Before vs. After

This is Sunny. She was found in the woods with her 5 puppies. Underweight, dull fur, and the saddest eyes I've seen. When we first met her, she gave everything to her babies. Every treat we tried feeding her, she gave it to them. When we took her for a walk, she just lied down after 2 minutes and took a nap. She clearly didn't get any rest in a long time. Shelter suspected that she had been mistreated and physically abused. Now, 7 months later, she can finally enjoy her life. She had a glow up, her fur is shining, and her eyes have life in them again.

Image credits: firebreatheelve

#86 Winston Spent Nearly A Decade Surviving In An Industrial Area With A Broken Body. Nowadays, He Spends His Time Luxuriating In His Bed, Sunbathing, And Cuddling With His Little Sister Tilly

Image credits: Crook-lock

#87 Multiple Weekly Baths And Hundreds Of Dollars Later We Have A Very Healthy Jack! He Has Turned Into Such A Warm, Loving Puppy

Image credits: Cardano-Adventurer

#88 Dachshund/Chihuahua Before vs. Rescued

Amara was approximately 4 months old Chiweenie who was dumped on my daughter's front porch on September 2nd, 2021, in bad shape. I rescued her and took her to my vet for immediate care. She was diagnosed with Demodectic Mange and Sarcoptic Mange. She also had an eye infection. She has come a long way and has been such a great dog.

Image credits: Kemistys

#89 Roxie When We First Rescued Her 7 Months Ago And Now

Image credits: YorkshireWitch

#90 Lucky Was Rehomed At 9 Years Old. He Had Half His Teeth Removed, Received Lots Of Love, And Six Months Later He Looked Six Years Younger

Image credits: teleportedwater

#91 Stella’s Before And After

Image credits: reddit.com

#92 Lucky, The Dog, Is Finally Lucky. He Was Adopted By My Aunt, Looking Like Skin And Bones But With A Positive Personality. With Love, Healthy Food, And A Safe Home, Look At Happy Lucky Now

Image credits: ASummerInParis

#93 1 Month Update On My Sweet Pup. She Loves Her Friends And Is So Much Healthier And Happier

Image credits: UnhappyManager9513

#94 Two Years Ago, We Rescued Two Sisters, Howl And Ponyo

They were in such bad shape. Born under an abandoned car in the middle of a hot NC summer. They were covered in mange, fleas, and ticks, their paws were so swollen. We were scared to touch them for fear that their skin would break open.

They started as fosters for us. We already had two other shelter dogs at home (another Husky with no tail and an aging chow), but of course, we had to adopt them.

Image credits: SpartanMonkey

#95 Our Foster Dog’s Shelter Picture vs. The Day After We Got Him

Image credits: Lions–teeth

#96 I Rescued This Dog From An Abusive Shelter. $700 In Veterinary Bills Later, Love And Warmth, He Is Back To Health

Image credits: TaurusThomas

#97 Juno Was One Of 90 Dogs Rescued From A Hoarder’s House. Now She Runs In Our House

Image credits: Maverick__Mike

#98 Six Days Since I Found This Little Guy. He’d Been Attacked By A Dog And Lost Part Of His Front Paw And Part Of His Ear, He Was Also Absolutely Terrified Of People. Now He Gives People Kisses

Image credits: NeverTheRani

#99 The Police Took Him And His Two Brothers From The Original Owner. Both Brothers Ended Up Passing At The Shelter. I Think We Must’ve Got Him Just In Time. Before vs. After

Image credits: Mrman2307

#100 Before And After I Adopted My Buddy

Image credits: MonkeyButtMinkeyBitt

#101 Before And Almost 3 Years Now

Image credits: a-random-passerby

#102 The Day We Adopted Strider And 5 Months Later

Image credits: bruxbuddies

#103 Jasper The Severely Emaciated Dog

Hi everyone! This was the severely emaciated and mange-ridden little boy, Jasper. After a lot of love and nurturing, he was nursed back to health. Unfortunately I could not be a "foster fail" as my one resident male dog just would not get on board with the new addition, but he did get lots of love and care while living here. I’m happy to report that Jasper is now living his best life and has more than doubled on weight!

Image credits: ZenJen87

#104 I Didn’t Realize How Much Progress My Ex-Stray Had Made Until I Put These Pictures Together. Only Two Months After Adoption

Image credits: tcreeps

#105 My Bonded Pair Luna And Buddy

Image credits: nursesensie

#106 When She Was Found By Animal Control Two Years Ago And Now

Image credits: g0kln

#107 Ariel Has Been With Me For 2 Years. She Was Abandoned After Being Hit By A Car

Image credits: Vast_Matter_8244

#108 We Just Celebrated The Fourth Year With Hazel. Four Years Of Rehabilitation After She Spent Her First Year In The Woods, And She’s A Completely Different Dog Now

Image credits: kittyandmarley

#109 From Feral To A Happy Cutie

Image credits: Prosperous_Petiole

#110 Poppy Before vs. After

We picked up Poppy at the end of July. She had a small litter of puppies when she was less than a year old. All her babies were adopted, and she was left at the shelter. 

She was so shy and reserved and got scared at the smallest thing. Most of the time she would hide in her kennel. Now she’s a sassy cuddle bug that has come into her own so beautifully. She is such a great addition, and we are so happy to have her.

Image credits: pm_me_anus_photos

#111 The Difference Six Months And Two New Best Friends Forever Can Make

Image credits: kaaaaatttttt

#112 In October, I Drove 31 Hours To Adopt This Senior, Deaf, And Blind Boy From A Shelter

He had been there 6 months, had heartworms, and the shelter didn't realize he was deaf. When I told them he was deaf, they said he was just pretending to ignore me.

It took weeks to convince him he could sleep on the 8 different beds scattered around the house for him. He would pull out any little rug or towel and sleep on that, sleep next to the bed, or take it all apart and sleep just on the blanket on the floor. Eventually, he got it. He has no chill when asking for pets. His only method is to plop his giant, heavy head on your body and hope you notice him.
He doesn't cuddle, he doesn't lean into you, he doesn't give kisses, and he doesn't get on the furniture even though I've tried. The one picture of him half on the bed is the closest we've gotten. He hasn't exactly figured out how to play, and if you try to give him a toy, he will take it gently, drop it, and then go sit in the corner with his back to you. It takes a lot of time and small exposure to build his confidence with things.

Image credits: TheMapesHotel

#113 Before And After One Year Of Adoption

Image credits: asperaAdAstra

#114 I Adopted Callie 2.5 Years Ago. When I Adopted Her, She And Her Three Puppies Were Covered In Mange. There Was No Life In Her Eyes, But Now She Is Such A Happy Girl

Image credits: Result_Kind

#115 Found Her Hopelessly Wandering At A Park And Malnourished. She Is Now 25 Lbs Heavier, And She Brings Me So Much Joy

Image credits: neighborhoodman323

#116 Confiscated For Being Left Outside 24/7 With No Food Or Water, Gizmo Is In Her Forever Home Now

Gizmo was confiscated by someone who left her outside 24/7 without adequate food or water. We picked her up from the local shelter about 1.5 months ago. She’s now living her best life as an indoor dog (with an awesome backyard anytime she wants to go out). 24/7 access to water, food, and lots of treats every day. And I work from home, so I’m almost always with her. She has two dog brothers, which she adores. She only loves me and is only slightly warming up to my family. Three days ago, she let us put the harness on her without panicking and willingly chose to go outside to walk with me without a panic attack! This was a huge win from a month ago. I love her and can’t wait to see her blossom more.

Image credits: alana_r_dray

#117 Before And After. She Loves Me Like No One Else

Image credits: Lovely_Anna93

#118 Before And After Adoption Picture Of Some Guy’s Dog. Of Course, It’s Happier. Now Dog Gets To Drive

Image credits: Totalbiscuit

#119 He Was Found On The Streets Of San Antonio And Almost Put Down Before A Rescue Organization Stepped In And Took Him To A Vet. We Are So Lucky That We Got A Chance To Take Care Of Bailey

Image credits: EchoExperimenter

#120 Our Sweet Boy Before We Got Him From The Shelter, And Now He’s A Real Couch Potato

Image credits: iknitthings

#121 Frodo Before Rescue, And 2 Years Later

Image credits: sonic_geezer

#122 Dustydoll Before vs. After

DustyDoll is a stray pup that I spent 4 days trying to rescue during the North Texas freeze that just passed. I walked ~12 miles over the course of those 4 days, following her through the frozen woods and pastures to find where she was living, and started putting food out for her at the closest area I saw her frequently.

These pictures are from the first time she got near me after 3 days of lying on the frozen ground. The moment I got her in the truck, she let me pet her, and a picture from this evening shows her settling into her new life.

Image credits: 187penguin

#123 Anka Has Been Home For Just About A Month. The First Photo Was Taken At The Shelter In October, And The Second After Her First Bath

Image credits: olivejew0322

#124 Worried Dog Before And Now A Happy Dog

Image credits: HyperSuperMegaDuper

#125 My Dog Died Of Cancer On Monday. I Rescued Her As A Stray In September 2022. Here Is A Before And After One Year

Image credits: Training_Mud3388

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