10 Best Healthy and Natural Weight Loss Supplements

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So, you’ve hit the gym and tried out every diet there is under the sun… yet you can’t seem to lose any weight. Sound familiar?

Yeah… weight loss can be extremely frustrating. But does that mean you should give up? Absolutely not.

Sometimes, all you need is a little extra kick in your metabolism and the fat will come sliding off. And this is exactly what weight loss supplements are for.

But how do they work? Well, it depends on the specific supplement and the constituent ingredients. Generally speaking, though, weight loss supplements work either by reducing appetite, reducing the absorption of nutrients or increasing fat burning.

After a lot of research, I’ve compiled the 10 best healthy and natural weight loss supplements based on testing, ratings and customer reviews. I’ve also included some bonus tips that will help you get the best out of these supplements, so be sure to stick around till the end, okay?

Great – let’s get into it.

1. Transparent Labs Fat Burner

When it comes to quality and trust, there are very few brands in the health industry that measure up to Transparent Labs. So, it’s no surprise they have one of the most powerful fat burners available in the market.

The Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries fat burner is the ultimate thermogenic weight loss supplement that promises rapid fat loss.

So, how does it work?

Well, there are two basic mechanisms behind its operation. Firstly, it contains thermogenic ingredients that increase the rate at which the body consumes energy. Secondly, it contains other ingredients that help to reduce hunger cravings, resulting in lower food consumption. And that’s just cool.

What’s it made of?

Although there are up to nine ingredients in the product, the primary ones are forskolin, L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, Cayenne Pepper, caffeine and the popular Green Tea Extract.

Forskolin is an extract from a plant in the mint family and it is highly effective for weight loss. It works by raising the level of a compound called cAMP within the cells and this stimulates the burning of fat.((NCBI: The effects of forskolin and rolipram on cAMP, cGMP and free fatty acid levels in diet induced obesity.))

The addition of L-Tyrosine is incredibly helpful as it enables the body to destroy fat and produce energy without making you feel jittery. ((NCB: L-Tyrosine to alleviate the effects of stress?)) This is something you will rarely find in other powerful fat burners.

But that’s not all – green tea increases the activity of norepinephrine – a hormone that helps to torch fat… especially the stubborn belly fat. ((Source: Green tea catechins, caffeine and body-weight regulation)) It also plays a role in hunger management.

Isn’t that just amazing?

Check out Transparent Labs Fat Burner here!

2. Phen24

Phen24 is another wonderful fat burner that you should definitely consider. It is specially formulated to increase your basal metabolic rate. In short, it helps you burn more energy for long spells during the day.

Besides helping you burn fat, the pills also help to reduce your food cravings and improve sleep. So if you tend to have trouble sleeping and you’re also looking to lose weight, then Phen24 will be an absolute lifesaver to you.

The unique thing about this supplement is that it normally comes in two bottles. One of the bottles contains the day pills while the other contains the night pills.

So, what’s in it?

Well, it depends. The day pills contain Guarana extract, Zinc citrate, and Manganese. Here’s why that’s so cool – guarana extract suppresses the genes that produce fat cells.((NCBI: Modulatory Effects of Guarana (Paullinia cupana) on Adipogenesis.)) And in addition, it contains caffeine which can boost your metabolism by up to 11 percent, leading to fat loss.((NCBI: Normal caffeine consumption: influence on thermogenesis and daily energy expenditure in lean and postobese human volunteers.))

But that’s not all – manganese also helps to nourish your brain and nerves, while zinc citrate helps to boost your immune system.((NCBI: Zinc in Human Health: Effect of Zinc on Immune Cells))

The night pills mainly consist of Biotin, Pyridoxine HCl and Griffonia Extract. Biotin is great for keeping the blood sugar level in check, while Griffonia extract is a sleep-inducing agent. Pyridoxine HCl helps the body’s metabolism and ensures good condition of the arteries.

As expected, the night pills contain no stimulants, so you can safely hit the bed, snooze off and wake up feeling better and leaner. Talk about losing weight in your sleep! It doesn’t get much cooler than that.

Check out Phen24 here!

3. LeanBean Fat Burner

Okay, time for a ladies special. If you’re a woman trying to lose weight, then look no further than LeanBean fat burner. There’s a good reason why this supplement has been a top choice among fitness models and female bodybuilders – it really works.

So, what makes it so special? Well, for starters, this supplement is formulated to adapt to the unique metabolism of women. That means you get the absolute best results.

Here’s how it works – it suppresses appetite while simultaneously helping to torch fat. And as you could imagine, this combination results in faster weight loss.

There are up to 12 natural ingredients in the supplement, including acai berry – which helps to cut down the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood – Green coffee (which helps to control the level of insulin) and Chromium Picolinate.((NCBI: Effects of Açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) berry preparation on metabolic parameters in a healthy overweight population: a pilot study.))

Interestingly, unlike many fat burners, LeanBean uses Tumeric (a great appetite suppressant) instead of Caffeine, which makes it a great choice for non-caffeine folks.

Check out LeanBean Fat Burner here!

4. PhenQ

PhenQ is one of the more recent natural weight loss supplements that is dominating the market… and this isn’t surprising at all. Why’s that? Let’s just say it’s a utility pill that meets several needs simultaneously.

Besides the fact that it can help you lose weight, it has also been shown to increase muscle mass and energy levels. And that certainly comes in handy.

So, what’s it made of?

PhenQ contains several powerful ingredients, but it also contains a secret ingredient that the manufacturers refer to as LACYS RESET® — which helps to burn fat while gaining muscle mass.

But that’s not all – it also contains Capsimax powder, which helps to increase the rate of body metabolism, allowing for even more calories to be torched in the process.

Other key ingredients in the product include Nopal and Chromium Picolinate (which are great for controlling blood sugar levels), L-Carnitine Furmarate and Caffeine.

And as you could expect, all the above ingredients occur naturally, which makes PhenQ completely safe to use.

Check out PhenQ here!

5. Performance Lab SPORT Fat Burner

Sometimes even the most hardworking athletes have a hard time preserving the physique they’ve worked so hard to get. In this case, a natural thermogenic supplement can be really helpful. And this is where Performance Lab SPORT fat burner comes in.

The major ingredient in this product is Cayenne Pepper (from red pepper), which is known for its extreme thermogenic powers in breaking down fat and releasing energy.((NCBI: Effects of red-pepper diet on the energy metabolism in men.))

But that’s not all – it also contains Forskolin – a powerful natural compound that helps the body to torch fat.((Healthline: Does Forskolin Actually Work? An Evidence-Based Review)) So, if you want to keep the fat off for good and stay in great shape, then this supplement might be all you need.

Check out Performance Lab SPORT Fat Burner here!

6. Phen375

Phen375 is another fat burner that promises rapid weight loss. It is a pretty popular weight loss solution among fitness enthusiasts, especially those who engage in bulking or strength training.

Just like most standard fat burners, it works by suppressing your appetite, increasing your body’s metabolism and raising your energy levels.

The major ingredients of Phen375 are Cayenne pepper, a thermogenic agent that heats the body to burn fat and Chromium Picolinate, an agent which works synergistically with Cayenne pepper to prolong the fat burning process.((NCBI: A double-blind, randomized pilot trial of chromium picolinate for binge eating disorder: results of the Binge Eating and Chromium (BEACh) study.))

What’s more? Phen375 features Citrus Aurantium, a plant that helps to increase energy levels and initiate fat burning. Talk about fat destruction from all angles.

Check out Phen375 here!

7. Hourglass Fit Fat Burner

Here’s another ladies special. If you’re looking to drop some unwanted pounds and get your beach body back, then the Hourglass Fit Fat Burner may be all you need.

The great thing about this supplement is that it was custom made to specifically fit the unique physiology of women. That means it should work more efficiently without putting you at risk.

Interestingly, even though this supplement is still relatively new in the market, its popularity is the roof. And that could only mean one thing – it works.

Okay, so, what’s in it?

Well, the primary ingredients are Vitamin D3, Capsimax, Glucomannan, and Guarana.((NCBI: Improved cognitive performance and mental fatigue following a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement with added guaraná (Paullinia cupana))) Vitamin D3 helps your bone and heart, while glucomannan and Guarana help you to torch that body fat you despise so much.((NCBI: Experiences with three different fiber supplements in weight reduction.))

Okay, having said all that, you probably shouldn’t take this product if you’re on intermittent fasting. If you feel you must, then please speak to your doctor first.

Check out Hourglass Fit Fat Burner here!

8. CrazyMass Cutting Stack

If you’re looking for a companion supplement to accelerate your weight loss efforts, CrazyMass Cutting Stack is one of the best solutions out there.

As the name suggests, this product is designed to help you cut down fat quickly… usually in less than two months. And as a bonus, it helps you to build muscle too. No wonder it’s so popular among bodybuilders and professional athletes.

The unique thing here is that unlike other fat burners that just contain a single product, the CrazyMass Cutting Stack contains multiple products, each with its own unique functionality.

How does that help you? Well, it simply means you get to lose weight faster since you’re attacking the problem from multiple angles.

What’s in the stack?

In every stack, you get Testosteroxn (for building muscle and strength), P-VAR (for cutting fat and preserving muscle), Winnidrol (for promoting strength and lean muscle mass), and Clentrimix (for torching fat).

All of these ingredients combine to help you burn fat and build stronger muscles.

Check out CrazyMass Cutting Stack here!

9. Evlution Leanmode

Another weight loss supplement that has been trending for a while is Evlution Leanmode. And you’d be amazed by the huge amount of positive reviews you’d find for this product online.

So, what makes it so special? Its powerful ingredients, of course. To mention a few, Evlution Leanmode contains Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Garcinia Cambogia and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).

And all of these ingredients have been scientifically proven to be effective in reducing fat cells and boosting the body’s metabolism.((NCBI: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, linear dose, crossover study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a green coffee bean extract in overweight subjects.)) ((Source: How Garcinia Cambogia Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat)) So, with a proper diet, there’s no limit to how much weight you can lose with this supplement.

Check out Evlution Leanmode here!

10. Hunter Burn

If you don’t mind paying extra for a premium fat burner that promises “real” results, then Hunter Burn would make a great choice. The plethora of positive reviews from satisfied users is sufficient proof of this.

So, what’s in it? Well, it’s got a bunch of powerful ingredients including glucomannan, white kidney bean, cayenne pepper, L-theanine, and vitamin d, to mention a few.

L-Theanine helps to boost your mood and reduce the build-up of fat.((NCBI: L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on mental state.)) White Kidney Bean prevents the body from absorbing too many calories, thereby preventing weight gain.((NCBI: Effect of a purified amylase inhibitor on carbohydrate tolerance in normal subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus.))

Not a fan of caffeine? No problem. It will interest you to know that Hunter Burn is void of caffeine, which makes it perfect for you.

Hunter Burn is a bit pricey, though. But if you’ve got some spare change to invest, it is definitely worth every cent you spend on it.

Check out Hunter Burn here!

Bonus Tips

Okay, weight loss supplements are great. But as good as they may be, you shouldn’t base your entire weight-loss efforts on them. Here’s how to really get the pounds off.

1. Watch What You Eat

So, here’s the deal – you are what you eat. And as good as weight loss supplements are, they’re not magic pills. So, if you’re serious about dropping those unwanted pounds, then you really need to pay attention to what goes into your mouth each day.

For starters, you need to stay away from high-calorie foods and switch to clean foods, instead. Maintaining a proper balance between nutrition and supplementation is one of the keys to rapid weight loss.

2. Don’t Ignore Exercise

Okay, you may not want to hear this, but if you want to lose fat and keep it off for good, then you might want to get used to working out. Besides helping you lose weight, working out regularly helps your heart, lungs, and muscles to stay in excellent condition.((Research Gate: Benefits, need and importance of daily exercise))

So, where do you start? Well, just like pretty much everything else in life, always start off easy. And it’s simple… really. Just go for a daily walk around the neighborhood. Ditch the elevator and take the stairs at work. Lift a basket instead of pushing a cart on your next grocery trip. Just stay active.

Once your body gains a little fitness, you might want to consider signing up for a fitness class. And if you find yourself being easily out of breath when working out, then you should consider investing in a pre-workout supplement. ((Source: Pre Workout Supplements)) Trust me… it helps.

3. Sleep More

As bogus as it may sound, you can actually lose weight by sleeping. How’s that even possible, right? Well, here’s the thing:

Prolonged physical and mental activities cause stress, which results from the increased release of cortisol aka., the stress hormone. Increased cortisol production consequently causes weight gain.((NCBI: Cortisol, obesity and the metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study of obese subjects and review of the literature))

So, how does sleep help? Well, sleep hinders cortisol production thereby reducing the feelings of stress. That’s why you feel so good after a long night’s rest. And the reduced production of cortisol consequently reduces weight gain.

4. If All Else Fails, THere’s Always Surgery

In the case of life-threatening obesity, weight loss supplements may not quite cut it. So, at this point, you might want to consider weight-loss surgery, aka., bariatric surgery.((ASMBS: Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery))

But as you could imagine, bariatric surgeries can be pretty expensive. But if you’ve got a decent health insurance cover, you might be able to save some cost. Even government-issued insurance programs like Medicaid may cover bariatric surgery in some US states.((Bariatric Journal: Does Medicaid Cover Bariatric Surgery?)) So, with a little research, you just might find an affordable option that works for you.

Bottom Line

So here’s the bottom line – weight loss supplements work… you just need to find the right one. And luckily for you, you’ve got this list.

Just remember that weight-loss supplements aren’t magic pills. To get the best out of them, you need to pay proper attention to healthy eating and physical activity.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick a weight-loss supplement that resonates with you and give your fitness journey a much-needed boost. In no time, you’ll look in the mirror and be excited at what you see. You’ve got this!

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